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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Champaign County Board For Care and Treatment of Persons with a Developmental Disability met May 20

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Champaign County Board For Care and Treatment of Persons with a Developmental Disability met May 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

MEMBERS PRESENT: Gail Kennedy, Deb Ruesch, Anne Robin, Georgiana Schuster, Sue Suter

STAFF PRESENT: Kim Bowdry, Lynn Canfield, Mark Driscoll, Stephanie Howard- Gallo, Shandra Summerville, Chris Wilson

OTHERS PRESENT: Danielle Matthews, Scott Burner, Vicki Tolf, Patty Walters, Heather Levingston, Laura Bennett, DSC; Becca Obuchowski, Hannah Sheets, Community Choices; Katie Harmon, Regional Planning Commission (RPC); Amy Slagell, CU Able; Jermaine Raymer, Imelda Liong, Sherry Longcor, PACE


Ms. Ruesch, CCDDB President, called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.


Roll call was taken and a quorum was present.


The agenda was in the packet for review. The agenda was approved.






Ms. Canfield reviewed the budget process. She also provided an update on staff activities and board operation during COVID19.


Minutes from April 22, 2020 were included in the Board packet.

MOTION: Dr. Robin moved to approve the CCDDB minutes from April 22, 2020. Dr. Kennedy seconded the motion. A voice vote was taken and the motion was passed.


The Expenditure Lists were included in the Board packet. Upon request, staff provided a mini- grant budget update.

MOTION: Ms. Suter moved to approve the Expenditure Lists. Ms. Schuster seconded the motion. A voice vote was taken and the motion was passed.


Staff Recommendations for PY2021 Funding:

A Decision Memorandum with staff recommendations for PY2021 funding was included in the packet, as well as a spreadsheet. For consideration by the Champaign County Developmental Disabilities Board (CCDDB), the memorandum presented staff recommendations for funding for the Program Year (PY) 2021 contract year (July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.) Decision authority rests with the CCDDB and their sole discretion and judgment concerning the most appropriate use of available dollars based on assessment of community needs, best value, alignment with decision support criteria, pricing and affordability, and reasonable distribution of funds across service type and intensity.

The staff recommendations are based on decision support criteria and other factors outlined in this memorandum. For additional information, please refer to the application Program Summaries presented at the April 2020 CCDDB Meeting.

Nineteen applications proposing I/DD supports and services were submitted for consideration by the CCDDB. These requests total $4,421,693 and have been evaluated by the CCDDB and staff. The two most closely aligned with the CCMHB priority for Very Young Children and their Families were also reviewed by members of the CCMHB.

Agencies identified the priority area per application, as follows:


3 organizations, 3 applications, totaling $782,496 (PY20 = $883,051) Work

2 organizations, 3 applications, totaling $623,370 (PY20 = $600,270) Non-Work

2 organizations, 6 applications, totaling $2,016,024 (PY20 = $1,965,009) Young Children (CCMHB focus)

2 organizations, 2 applications, totaling $700,603 (PY20 = $691,152) Self-Advocacy

4 organizations, 4 applications, totaling $193,200 (PY20 =$223,915) Housing

1 organization, 1 application, totaling $89,000 (PY20 = $81,000)

The CCMHB will allocate $696,137 for I/DD services. CCMHB decisions have been coordinated with the CCDDB decisions and will be finalized at a CCMHB meeting.

Priority: Linkage 3 applications from 3 organizations, totaling $782,496

CCRPC-Community Services – Decision Support PCP $311,488

- Proposes slight decrease from PY20.

- Supports conflict-free case management and person-centered planning, transition from high school to adult life, and identification of desired supports (for future system planning).

- Provider has significant role in the state’s system for assessment, planning, referral, monitoring. The only local provider under contract with the state to perform this role, uses same Discovery and Personal Plan tool as required for state waiver funded Independent Service Coordination services.

- One outcome relates clearly to consumer, two to program performance and other systems.

- Special provisions: retain PY2020 provisions as appropriate; work directly with other case management programs toward the best interests of people served and document these collaborative efforts in quarterly service activity report comments section.

DSC – Service Coordination $435,858

- 3% increase in funding from PY20 to support increases in staff salaries.

- A longstanding program, formerly funded by state grants, with experienced staff.

- Consumer outcomes are measurable and relevant; use of CQL Personal Outcome Measures.

- Risk of conflict of interest with regard to assessment, service planning, referral and advocacy, and service monitoring. Many other valued service activities are identified.

- Special provisions: retain PY2020 provisions as appropriate; for CCDDB contract files, share copies of template individual service plan and assessment forms (if any are used beyond ISC forms); collaborate with CCRPC ISC when enrolling new people into the program, taking into consideration length of time on PUNS; ensure that increased funding goes to Direct Support Professional salaries (QIDPs are DSPs).

Rosecrance Central Illinois – Coordination of Services: DD/MI $35,150

- Request is the same as PY20 funding level.

- Clarity about what is to be purchased; includes consumer outcomes of value.

- Improves access to behavioral health services and benefits.

- Changes in Medicaid, other insurance, and health care delivery systems may alleviate or increase the need for this service. Program has secured benefits for clients and then no longer charged them to this contract, making room for new clients.

- As a unique program with one primary, highly specialized staff person, staff absence or turnover can interrupt services or necessitate coverage by supervisor.

- Special provisions: retain PY2020 provisions as appropriate; collaborate with ISC when enrolling new people into the program, with consideration for length of time on PUNS; if case management services are provided through this and another funded program, document justification for use of more than one similar program or how the person chooses between them, freeing up space for others to access this valuable support.

Priority: Work 3 applications from 2 organizations, totaling $623,370

Community Choices Inc. – Customized Employment $182,000

- Request is for 54% increase over initial PY20 award, to support increase in rent, 2 new Employment Specialists, and salary increases.

- PY20 funding was increased mid-year in response to agency proposal to serve clients experiencing a loss of services upon UCP’s departure from Champaign County.

- New in PY2021 is an Increased Support Model Development; agency plans to research, connect with other providers, and develop a program design to ensure more people with I/DD can work inclusively in our community.

- Well-defined consumer outcomes which are measurable.

- Revisions: identify private pay fees in program plan narrative.

- Special provisions: retain PY2020 provisions as appropriate; collaborate with ISC when enrolling new people into the program, with consideration for length of time on PUNS; ensure Direct Support Professional salaries are increased; for CCDDB contract files, share Discovery process tools and copies of interagency agreements.

DSC – Community Employment $361,370

- Request is the same as PY20 funding level.

- Application proposes additional volunteer and paid short-term job experiences.

- TPC and SC targets increased for this contract year.

- Outcomes relate to process, with two of three depending on program performance.

- Agency will use $24,896 as a match for the Donated Funds Initiative (DFI Title XX), beginning July 1, 2020.

- Special provisions: retain PY2020 provisions as appropriate; collaborate with ISC when enrolling new people into the program, with consideration for length of time on PUNS.

DSC/Community Choices – Employment First $80,000

- Request is the same as PY20 funding level.

- Features a continued collaboration toward transforming employment services.

- Outcomes are tied to program performance and to businesses, their employees, individuals and their families, and service providers.

- Proposes a Customized Employment presentation by Griffin and Hammis, open to others.

- Special provisions: retain PY2020 provisions as appropriate; for CCDDB contract files, share a list of all LEAP certified businesses and detail on jobs resulting from LEAP training.

Priority: Non-Work 6 applications from 2 organizations, totaling $2,016,024

DSC – Clinical Services

- Request is the same as PY20 funding level.

- Outcomes relate to process, align with responsible behavioral health supports, but do not measure positive changes in individuals’ wellness.

- Improves access to behavioral health services and benefits and collaborates with other providers toward a system of care approach.

- Program has buffered vulnerable people from changes in the health care delivery and payment systems and helped meet behavioral health needs in spite of low provider capacity.

- Revisions: private pay should be listed in Client Fees section of program plan narrative.

- Special provisions: retain PY2020 provisions as appropriate; document efforts to make use of community alternatives, including tele-psychiatry, Promise Healthcare, and other providers who will bill insurance/other payers to create capacity for others in this program.

DSC – Community First $847,659

- 3% increase in funding request from PY20, supports salary increases.

- Outcomes are relevant and measurable, relating to quality of life with input from participants; connect to consumer choice.

- Focus is transformation from shelter-based services to meaningful community life. For those with significant support needs, who often have state funding for Community Day Services, large group settings are still the norm, partially due to delays in state system transformation.

- In order for a person to participate as a TPC, there should be a Person Centered Plan, developed with ISC, and clarifying specific service needs/preferences to be addressed.

- Because the state rate for Community Day Services (for NTPCs) is understood to be inadequate, a higher per person cost is associated with this program, with performance benchmarks for each quarter: a six month minimum of 17,000 total service hours and subsequent quarterly minimum of 8,500 total service hours associated with qualifying TPCs; a minimum of 60% (10,200 and 5,100) of those service hours in direct contact with TPCs; and a minimum of 50% (5,100 and 2,550) of these direct contact service hours delivered in community settings. If these benchmarks are not met during a quarter, the following quarter’s payments will be pro- rated. Fourth quarter data will inform the final payment.

- Special provisions: retain PY2020 provisions as appropriate; ensure that the increased funding goes to Direct Support Professional salaries; collaborate with ISC when enrolling new people into the program, giving consideration to length of time on PUNS; to guarantee services to the identified TPC group (who do not have state funding for any services) and given the pandemic experience, which abruptly ended day programming in segregated settings with large groups of participants, providers and families and individuals have had to find new ways to stay connected and promote independence and wellness – some of these practices should be made permanent or advanced further, dedicating this contract to integrated and individualized non- work supports.

DSC – Community Living (formerly Apartment Services) $456,040

- 3% increase in funding request from PY20, supports salary increases.

- Outcomes relate to consumers/quality of life and are measurable.

- A longstanding program formerly supported by state grants.

- Special provisions: retain PY2020 provisions as appropriate; ensure Direct Support Professional salaries are increased (Budget Narrative indicates the need for a 3% increase “due to staff shortage, hiring crisis for social service agencies and scheduled minimum wage increases”); collaborate with ISC when enrolling new people into the program, with consideration for length of time on PUNS.

DSC – Connections $85,000

- Request is equal to PY20 funding level.

- Outcomes relate to program performance, rather than consumer satisfaction.

- For people participating in this program while also in other funded programs, interests and preferences addressed by the program should be demonstrated in the Person Centered Plan.

- Special provisions: retain PY2020 provisions as appropriate; allow artists from other local agencies to participate in community art shows; collaborate with ISC when enrolling new people into the program, with consideration for length of time on PUNS.

DSC – Individual and Family Support $429,058

- Request is for 3% increase over PY20 award, to support salary increases.

- Outcome for consumer satisfaction with services is more relevant than program participation; ideally outcomes based on consumer choice, connection to community, and pursuit of individual interests would also be identified and surveyed.

- Revisions: differentiate between this program and Community First, esp target population.

- Special provisions: retain PY2020 special provisions as appropriate; ensure Direct Support Professional salaries are increased; collaborate with ISC when enrolling new people into the program, with consideration for length of time on PUNS; collaborate with ISC, Illinois Respite Coalition, and Envision Unlimited for state-funded Respite when appropriate; require proof of scholarship denial before providing specific assistance.

Persons Assuming Control of Their Environment (PACE) –

Consumer Control in Personal Support $24,267

- Request is for 2% increase over PY20 award.

- Recruits and trains personal support workers (PSWs); the program has successfully matched three PSWs with people with I/DD seeking support after three quarters of PY20. Given this, the impact of the program remains uncertain.

- Outcomes are measurable, associated with agency performance rather than clients.

- Revisions: rework several sections of application; change definitions for NTPCs, as attendees at CSEs should not be counted as NTPCs unless they have completed PSW orientation.

- Special provisions: retain PY2020 provisions as appropriate; program staff should continue to work closely with ISC, Illinois Respite Coalition, and Envision Unlimited on behalf of those seeking PSWs for HBS and/or state-funded Respite workers.

- Staff recommendation is for Fee for Service contract as in PY20.

Priority: Young Children (CCMHB focus and Collaboration)

2 applications from 2 organizations, totaling $691,152

CC Head Start/Early Head Start – Social Emotional Development Svs $21,466 (recommendation for the balance of funding from CCMHB)

- Request is for $121,081, an 8.1% increase over the combined CCMHB and CCDDB PY2020 awards of $112,004.

- Serves children who are enrolled in HS/EHS and for whom a need has been identified through observation or scheduled screenings. Collaborates with other funded programs toward system of care approach.

- Consumer outcomes relate to changes in children’s behavior and skills.

- Revisions: submit application forms to CCMHB.

- Special provisions: retain PY2020 provisions, as appropriate; share copies of MOUs.

- Staff recommendation is for partial funding of $21,466 for Champaign County Head Start/Early Head Start – Social Emotional Development Svs as presented in this memorandum. By agreement, the Champaign County Mental Health Board will provide partial funding of $99,615 for this program.

DSC – Family Development $0 (recommendation for full funding from CCMHB)

- Request is for $596,522, a 3% increase over PY20 award, to increase salaries.

- Services for children birth to 5 with assessed risk; developmental screenings, various therapies, uses Early Intervention funding when children are eligible. Collaborates with other funded programs toward system of care approach.

- Consumer Outcomes of value to families and children.

- Revisions: budgets should be adjusted so that CCMHB budget is balanced.

- Special provisions: retain PY2020 provisions as appropriate.

- Staff recommendation is to deny funding of $596,522 for DSC 

– Family Development as presented in this memorandum. By agreement, the Champaign County Mental Health Board will provide funding of $596,522 for this program.

Priority: Self-Advocacy 4 applications from 4 organizations, totaling $223,915

CU Able – Community Outreach $17,200

- Request for same amount as PY20 contract.

- Significant outreach to families, who may be unsupported otherwise, through Facebook page

- Some outcomes relate to program performance, relevant for a support network.

- Collaborates with other support networks and service providers.

- Year-end report regarding social media participation and members’ service preferences will support CCDDB planning.

- Special provisions: retain PY2020 provisions as appropriate; rather than develop a resource directory of funded services and supports, partner with others on verification of existing online resource directories.

CU Autism Network – Community Outreach Programs - New $15,000 


- Program proposes to promote inclusion and education, improving access to the community by providing materials for management and staff of local businesses, schools, and peers to provide the ASD community more Autism sensory friendly, non-discriminatory environments to utilize.

- The organization has a long history in community.

- Revisions: financial forms and CLC Plan, with technical assistance from CCDDB staff.

- Special provisions: inform those with potential eligibility of PUNS and encourage enrollment; collaborate with similar organizations.

Champaign County Down Syndrome Network – CC Down Syndrome Network $15,000

- Funding at this level for several years, for a parent/professional volunteer run support network with long history in the community and popular annual event.

- Collaborates with other support networks and service providers.

- Program serves significant number of rural families.

- A financial review by independent CPA firm will be due for PY20 and PY21 contracts.

- Special provisions: retain PY2020 provisions as appropriate; coordinate with CCRPC- ISC; use CLC technical support available from CCDDB staff.

Community Choices Inc. – Self-Determination Support $146,000

- Request includes a 5.8% increase over PY20 contract to support salary increases and higher Occupancy expenses from moving to larger office.

- Outcomes are well defined, relevant, and measurable.

- One new component of the program, Scaffolded Supports, provides supports to people in their community, participating in half-day small group social opportunities, attending park district classes, or a community cooking class.

- Program serves large portion of rural residents.

- Special provisions: retain PY2020 provisions as appropriate; ensure that Direct Support Professional salaries are increased; for CCDDB contract files, share sample PCP documents and copies of interagency agreements.

Priority: Housing 1 application from 1 organization, totaling $89,000

Community Choices Inc. – Community Living $89,000

- Request includes a 10% increase over PY20 contract to support salary increases and other increased costs.

- Consumer outcomes for each program component are well-developed and measurable; uses CQL Personal Outcome Measures.

- Includes a 4-phased model of transitional support for independent community living as well as 8-session classes on related topics.

- Special provisions: retain PY2020 provisions as appropriate; collaborate with ISC when enrolling new people into the program, with consideration for length of time on PUNS; ensure that Direct Support Professional salaries are increased; for CCDDB contract files, share copies of interagency agreements.

MOTION: Ms. Ruesch moved to approve CCDDB funding as recommended for Priority: Linkage subject to the caveats as presented in the memorandum. Dr. Robin seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

MOTION: Dr. Kennedy moved to approve CCDDB funding as recommended for Priority: Work subject to the caveats as presented in the memorandum. Ms. Schuster seconded. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. Ms. Danielle Mathews from DSC provided additional information regarding match funds.

MOTION: Ms. Ruesch moved to approve CCDDB funding as recommended for Priority: Non-Work subject to the caveats as presented in the memorandum. Ms. Suter seconded. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

MOTION: Ms. Ruesch moved to approve CCDDB funding as recommended for Priority: Young Children (CCMHB focus and Collaboration) subject to the caveats as presented in the memorandum and subject to approval by the CCMHB. Dr. Robin seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

MOTION: Dr. Kennedy moved to approve CCDDB funding as recommended for Priority: Self-Advocacy subject to the caveats as presented in the memorandum. Dr. Robin seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

MOTION: Ms. Ruesch moved to approve CCDDB funding as recommended for Priority: Housing subject to the caveats as presented in the memorandum. Dr. Kennedy seconded. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

MOTION: Dr. Robin moved to authorize the executive director to conduct Contract Negotiations as specified in the memorandum. Ms. Schuster seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

MOTION: Ms. Ruesch moved to authorize the executive director to implement contract maximum reductions as described in the Special Notification Concerning PY2021 Awards section of the memorandum. Dr. Kennedy seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

MOTION: Ms. Ruesch moved to authorize the executive director to include in all new PY2021 contracts the COVID-19 Special Provision described in the Special Notifications Concerning PY2021 Awards section of the memorandum. Dr. Robin seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

MOTION: Ms. Ruesch moved to revise/correct the amount on the top of page 25 from $691,152 to $717,603. Dr. Kennedy seconded. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Board Direction:

No comments.

Successes and Agency Information:

Patty Walters from DSC and Becca Obuchowski from Community Choices provided an update on recent successes.

OLD BUSINESS: Mini Grant Update:

A Briefing Memorandum was included in the packet.

Agency 3rd Quarter Program Reports:

Reports were included in the packet.

3rd Quarter I/DD Hours of Direct Service Data:

Reports were included in the packet.

Meeting Schedules:

CCDDB and CCMHB meeting schedules were included in the packet for information only.


A list of commonly used acronyms was included in the packet.

CCMHB Input:

The CCMHB will meet later in the day.




Ms. Suter announced an upcoming Expo meeting and provided a brief update on the future Expo.


The meeting adjourned at 9:00 a.m.




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