Champaign County Board Committee of the Whole met Jan. 14.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
MINUTES – Approved with Additions on February 11, 2020
Members Present: Brad Clemmons, John Clifford, Lorraine Cowart, Connie Dillard-Myers, Jodi Eisenmann Aaron Esry, Stephanie Fortado, Stan Harper, Kyle Patterson, Jon Rector, Chris Stohr, Steve Summers, Leah Taylor, James Tinsley, Jodi Wolken, Charles Young, Giraldo Rosales
Members Absent: Mike Ingram, Jim McGuire, Eric Thorsland, Jim Goss
Others Present: Darlene Kloeppel (County Executive), Tami Ogden (Deputy Director of Finance), Isak Griffiths (Deputy Director of Administration), Megan Robison (Recording Secretary), Jeff Blue (County Engineer), George Danos (Auditor), Lori Hansen (Court Administrator), Hon. Thomas J. Difanis (Presiding Circuit Court Judge), Pat Fitzgerald (Attorney, Meyer Capel), Brian Moody (Executive Director, Tuscola Chamber of Economic Development)
I. Call to Order
Chair Rosales called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
II. Roll Call
A verbal roll call was taken, and a quorum was declared present.
III. Approval of Agenda/Addenda
MOTION by Mr. Young to approve the agenda; seconded by Ms. Dillard-Myers. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
IV. Approval of Minutes
A. December 10, 2019
MOTION by Mr. Rector to approve the minutes of December 10, 2019, with corrections; seconded by Mr. Harper. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
V. Public Participation
Ed Mandel spoke about the Treasurer’s job. He inquired why the County Board did not step in earlier in the year and why the Treasurer did not step down earlier if she was unable to complete the required work.
Ms. Cowart entered the meeting at 6:35 p.m.
VI. Communications
Mr. Rector mentioned the sub-committee to end veteran’s homelessness that he attends. He wanted everyone to know about the great work that they do for Champaign County.
Mr. Young asked for prayers for the people and their families that were involved in a crash on Interstate 74 last week.
VII. Policy, Personnel, & Appointments
A. County Executive
1. Monthly HR Report – December 2019
Received and placed on file
2. Recommendation to the Finance Committee for approval of the creation of a new position titled Structural Engineer and classification of the new position in Grade Range L
MOTION by Mr. Rector to forward the creation of a new position titled Structural Engineer to the Finance Committee; seconded by Mr. Clemmons. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
3. Appointments/Reappointments (persons to be appointed distributed at the meeting) a. List of appointments expiring in 2020
Information only
b. Penfield Public Water District Applicant:
• Carl Withers
MOTION by Mr. Harper to recommend County Board approval of a resolution appointing Carl Withers to the Penfield Public Water District; seconded by Ms. Taylor. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
B. County Clerk
1. December 2019 Report
Received and placed on file
2. Semi-Annual Report July-December 2019
Received and placed on file
3. Resolution approving change of hours for the Champaign County Clerk’s Office
MOTION by Ms. Taylor to recommend County Board approval of a resolution approving change of hours for the Champaign County Clerk’s Office; seconded by Mr. Summers. Discussion followed regarding past/future office closures and the reason for closures. The Board asked for information regarding the hours and training practices of all County Offices. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED by hand vote of 11-6.
4. Resolution authorizing general primary election judge numbers
MOTION by Ms. Taylor to recommend County Board approval of a resolution authorizing general primary election judge numbers; seconded by Mr. Stohr. Discussion followed with Mr. Ammons about where cuts were going to be made, the savings that would occur due to these cuts and when the polling locations would be sent to the County Board.
MOTION by Mr. Clemmons to amend the resolution to add “2020 primary” language to the resolution; seconded by Ms. Fortado. Upon vote, the MOTION to amend CARRIED unanimously.
Upon vote, the MOTION with amendment CARRIED unanimously. C. Other Business
1. Resignation of County Treasurer
Information only – Mr. Rosales explained the appointment process of a new Treasurer and discussion followed with additional questions about the process.
D. Chair’s Report
1. Vacancies appointed by County Executive
Information only
E. Designation of Items to be Placed on the Consent Agenda VII. A. 2b, B. 4
VIII. Justice and Social Services
A. Monthly Reports – All reports are available on each department’s webpage through the department reports page at:
• Probation & Court Services – November 2019
• Public Defender – November & December 2019
• Emergency Management Agency – November & December 2019 • Veteran’s Assistance Commission – 2019 Annual Report
Received and placed on file
B. Rosecrance Re-Entry Financial Report - October 2019
Information only
C. Other Business
D. Chair’s Report
Mr. Patterson stated that the Sheriff’s Office has filled the new position of Data Analyst.
E. Designation of Items to be Placed on the Consent Agenda
IX. Finance
A. Budget Amendments/Transfers
1. Budget Amendment 19-00065
Fund 080 General Corporate / Dept 036 Public Defender
Increased appropriations: $8,888
Increased revenue: $1,608
Reason: 080-036-511.02 the State’s COLA increase effective 7/2019 created an annual salary increase of $3,216 ($1,608 needed for July-Dec) 080-036-511.03 Increase is needed due to vacation payouts.
MOTION by Mr. Esry to recommend County Board approval of a resolution authorizing budget amendment 19-00065; seconded by Mr. Summers. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
2. Budget Amendment 19-00067
Fund 080 General Corporate/ Dept 020 Auditor
Increased appropriations: $28,348
Increased revenue: $0
Reason: Long term employee retired and compensation was required for her accumulated benefit time. There was also a training overlap of her retirement with the new employee.
MOTION by Mr. Clemmons to recommend County Board approval of a resolution authorizing budget amendment 19-00067; seconded by Mr. Patterson. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
3. Budget Amendment 19-00068
Fund 080 General Corporate / Dept 041 States Attorney
Increased appropriations: $8,000
Increased revenue: $0
Reason: An increase in spending authority to pay for expert witnesses.
MOTION by Mr. Patterson to recommend County Board approval of a resolution authorizing budget amendment 19-00068; seconded by Mr. Esry. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
4. Budget Amendment 20-00004
Fund 080 General Corporate / Dept 012 Tornado Sirens
Increased appropriations: $3,440
Increased revenue: $0
Reason: Upgrades were not completed in FY2019 as originally planned. Remaining work will be done in FY2020. Revenue reimbursement has been received and was posted to FY2019; however, appropriation for FY2020 is required to pay for the remaining work to be completed.
MOTION by Ms. Taylor to recommend County Board approval of a resolution authorizing budget amendment 20-00004; seconded by Mr. Summers. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
5. Budget Amendment 19-00069
Fund 080 General Corporate / Dept 026 County Treasurer
Increased appropriations: $13,485
Increased revenue: $0
Reason: Hired temporary staff to fill in for the Chief Deputy Treasurer
MOTION by Mr. Summers to recommend County Board approval of a resolution authorizing budget amendment 19-00069; seconded by Mr. Stohr. Discussion followed regarding the memo that was provided by the Treasurer. Upon vote, the MOTION FAILED by hand vote of 8-9.
MOTION by Mr. Rosales to reconsider item number IX. A. 5; seconded by Mr. Clemmons. Mr. Rector requested a roll call vote. Upon vote, the MOTION to reconsider CARRIED by roll call vote of 11-6.
MOTION by Mr. Summers to recommend County Board approval of a resolution authorizing budget amendment 19-00069; seconded by Mr. Stohr. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED by hand vote of 10-6 (one member stepped out before the vote).
6. Budget Amendment 19-00070
Fund 619 Tax Sale Automation Fund / Dept 026 County Treasurer
Increased appropriations: $11,811
Increased revenue: $0
Reason: Hired experienced temporary staff to assist with property tax billing and collections
MOTION by Mr. Patterson to recommend County Board approval of a resolution authorizing budget amendment 19-00070; seconded by Mr. Rosales. Discussion followed regarding a better way to have spent the money. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED by hand vote of 10-7.
7. Budget Amendment 19-00062
Fund 080 General Corporate / Dept 031 Circuit Court Increased appropriations: $31,100
Increased revenue: $0
Reason: Amendment needed to cover unexpected expenditures.
MOTION by Mr. Esry to recommend County Board approval of a resolution authorizing budget amendment 19-00062; seconded by Ms. Taylor. Discussion followed regarding possibly budgeting more for this fund in the future. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
8. Budget Amendment 19-00064
Fund 092 Law Library / Dept 074 Law Library
Increased appropriations: $5,000
Increased revenue: $0
Reason: Requesting a transfer of funds from fund balance to cover invoices.
MOTION by Mr. Clifford to recommend County Board approval of a resolution authorizing budget amendment 19-00064; seconded by Ms. Cowart. Discussion followed. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
9. Budget Transfer 19-00015
Fund 093 Foreclosure Mediation Fnd / Dept 031 Circuit Court
Total amount: $989
Reason: Transferring funds due to the closing of more cases than originally anticipated.
MOTION by Mr. Summers to recommend County Board approval of a resolution authorizing budget transfer 19-00015; seconded by Mr. Patterson. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
10. Budget Transfer 19-00014
Fund 083 County Highway / Dept 060 Highway
Total amount: $47,500
Reason: Transfer needed for additional fuel expense for hauling material for FY20. Additional funds needed for equipment maintenance.
MOTION by Mr. Clemmons to recommend County Board approval of a resolution authorizing budget transfer 19-00014; seconded by Mr. Clifford. Discussion followed. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
B. Auditor
1. Monthly Report – November 2019 – Reports are available on the Auditor’s webpage at:
Received and placed on file
C. County Executive
1. County Financial Update
Information only
2. Highway Department Structural Engineer Position
a. Approval of the creation of a new position titled Structural Engineer and classification of the
new position in Grade Range L
MOTION by Mr. Patterson to recommend County Board approval of the creation of a new position titled Structural Engineer; seconded by Mr. Stohr. Discussion followed. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
b. Budget Amendment 20-00001
Fund 085 County Motor Fuel Tax / Dep 060 Highway
Increased appropriations: $90,000
Increased revenue: $0
Reason: Increase in engineering expense for Structural Engineer position. Classified in grade range L - 2020 wage range of $70,033.60 to $105,060.80
MOTION by Mr. Rector to recommend County Board approval of a resolution authorizing budget amendment 20-00001; seconded by Ms. Cowart. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
c. Budget Amendment 20-00002
Fund 083 County Highway / Dept 060 Highway
Increased appropriations: $90,000
Increased revenue: $90,000
Reason: Increase for creation of Structural Engineer position classified in grade range L (2020 wage range of $70,033.60 to $105,060.80)
MOTION by Ms. Cowart to recommend County Board approval of a resolution authorizing budget amendment 20-00002; seconded by Mr. Clemons. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
3. Douglas County Enterprise Zone Participation Proposal a. Ordinance establishing the enterprise zone
MOTION by Mr. Esry to recommend County Board approval of an ordinance establishing the enterprise zone; seconded by Ms. Taylor. Presentation by Mr. Fitzgerald and Mr. Moody regarding the proposal from BayWa and the Douglas County Enterprise Zone. They explained that a binding vote is not necessary, and they are only seeking an advisory vote.
MOTION by Mr. Tinsley to table item IX. C. 3a; seconded by Mr. Stohr. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED. A straw poll was taken to determine if the Board would like to continue this discussion in the future. The straw poll showed 13 members were in favor of continuing discussion with 4 members not in favor.
b. Intergovernmental Agreement between all Douglas County Enterprise Zone Designating Units of Government
MOTION by Mr. Rector to table item IX. C. 3b; seconded by Mr. Patterson. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
4. Establish a Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Program in the County of Champaign, designating a PACE area, providing for property assessments and approving related matters
Information only – Ms. Kloeppel explained the program and why Champaign County would need to be involved.
D. Other Business None
E. Chair’s Report None
F. Designation of Items to be Placed on the Consent Agenda
IX. A. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, C. 2a, b, c
X. Other Business
XI. Adjournment
Chair Rosales adjourned the meeting at 8:56 p.m.