City of Champaign Board of Fire and Police Commissioners met November 27.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
Members Present: Members Absent:
Anthony Bruno, Chair Lekevie Johnson, Vice Chair
Kim Nystrom, Secretary
Staff Present:
Amanda Farthing, Assistant HR Director
Karen Hampton, HR Specialist
Gary Ludwig, Fire Chief
Dorval Norwood, Deputy Fire Chief
Lisa Raymond, Administrative Assistant
Call to Order
Chair Bruno called the meeting to order at 4:19 p.m., and noted that a quorum was present.
Approval of Minutes
Chair Bruno asked if there were any additions or corrections to the amended minutes from September 25, 2017. A copy of the amended minutes is attached to the agenda, Hearing no objections or modifications, the minutes were approved.
Chair Bruno asked if there were any additions or corrections to the regular meeting minutes from October 23, 2017, Hearing none, the minutes were approved.
There was no correspondence for the Board to review.
Old Business
The Board has not yet elected officers for the next year and have agreed to wait to return to this until there is a full Board,
New Business
The Board reviewed the 2018 Board of Fire and Police Commissioners Meeting Calendar, Chair Bruno motioned that the calendar be adopted, and Secretary Nystrom seconded the motion. There was no discussion. The motion passed 2-0.
Recommendations for Hire, Promotion, Removal, and for Class A or B Commissions
The Board reviewed a memorandum from the Police Department recommending the promotion of Police Sergeant Thomas Petrilli to Lieutenant and Police Officer John Lieb to Sergeant and issue Class A commissions. Chair Bruno made a motion to approve the promotions, and Secretary Nystrom seconded the motion. There was no discussion. The motion passed 2-0.
The Board reviewed a recommendation from the Fire Department to promote the following and issue Class A commissions: Engineer James Childers to Lieutenant, Firefighter Mark Doerfler to Engineer, and Firefighter Mike Ashby to Engineer, Chair Bruno motioned to approve the recommendations, and Secretary Nystrom seconded the motion. There was no discussion. The motion passed 2-0.
The Board reviewed a recommendation from the Fire Department to hire Grant Gula and Matthew Wiemelt as Probationary Firefighters and issue Class B commissions. Chair Bruno made a motion to approve the recommendation, and Secretary Nystrom seconded the motion. There was no discussion, The motion passed 2-0. Chair Bruno noted that Mr. Gula was in the audience with his father, and it is a good day for their family.
Agenda Preparation
The next regularly scheduled meeting for the Board will be December 18, 2017.
Audience Participation
There was no audience participation.
With no further business for the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 4:24 p.m.