
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Champaign County Mental Health Board met May 24

Champaign County Mental Health Board met May 24.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

This meeting was held at the Brookens Administrative Center, Urbana, IL and remotely. 5:45 p.m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Matt Hausman, Daphne Maurer, Elaine Palencia, Molly McLay, Joseph Omo-Osagie, Jon Paul Youakim, Jane Sprandel, Jen Straub

STAFF PRESENT: Kim Bowdry, Leon Bryson, Lynn Canfield, Stephanie Howard Gallo, Shandra Summerville

OTHERS PRESENT: Claudia Lennhoff, Champaign County Healthcare Consumers (CCHCC); Patty Walters, DSC; Gail Raney, Dave Kellerhals, Rosecrance; Brenda Eakins, GROW; Laurie Britt, RPC; Joan Dixon, Family Service; Jim Hamilton, Promise Healthcare; Nelson Novak, Terrapin Station Sober Living (TSSL); Melissa Courtwright, CU at Home; Kelly Russell, CU Early; Josh Gavel, Uniting Pride


Dr. Jon Paul Youakim called the meeting to order at 5:47 p.m. Daphne Maurer requested to attend remotely due to illness. In compliance with the CCMHB By-Laws a motion was requested by Dr. Youakim to allow her remote attendance.

MOTION: Dr. Youakim moved to allow remote attendance for Daphne Maurer for this meeting due to illness. Mr. Omo-Osagie seconded the motion. All CCMHB members voted aye and the motion passed.


Roll call was taken and a quorum was present.


Claudia Lennhoff from Champaign County Healthcare Consumers (CCHCC) shared information on services offered at CCHCC.


The agenda was presented for review. The agenda was approved unanimously by a roll call vote. PRESIDENT’S COMMENTS:

Dr. Youakim thanked staff and the agencies for their work during a difficult year.




Meeting minutes from the April 19, 2023 regular meeting and the April 26, 2023 study session were included in the Board packet.

MOTION: Ms. Sprandel moved to approve the CCMHB minutes from the meetings on April 19, 2023 and April 26, 2023. Dr. Youakim seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken. The motion passed.


The Vendor Invoice List was included in the Board packet for consideration. Dr. Youakim requested a breakdown on the Visa bill charges. Director Canfield stated she would send that info by email.

MOTION: Ms. Sprandel moved to accept the Vendor Invoice List as presented in the Board packet. Ms. Straub seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.


CCMHB PY24 Funding Requests:

A chart of funding requests was included in the packet.

Staff Recommendations for PY2024 Funding:

A Decision Memorandum was included in the packet with staff recommendations for funding through the CCMHB, and I/DD Special Initiative Funds for the Program Year (PY) 2024 (July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024). Initial recommendations were reviewed during a May 17 study session. Some have been modified as a result of that discussion or in consideration of actions taken by applicants. Decision authority rests with the CCMHB and their discretion concerning the most appropriate use of available dollars based on assessment of community needs, best value, alignment with criteria, affordability, and distribution across categories of need and service intensity.

Some recommendations are contingent on completion of contract negotiations, application revisions, resolution of compliance issues, and hiring of program staff. Awards may be adjusted by the cost of a staff vacancy and amended when that vacancy is filled. Award recipients may be required to revise program or financial forms to align with CCMHB planning, budget, and policy specifications. They may be asked for more information prior to contract execution, to reach terms agreeable to both parties. If requirements are not met prior to completion of the contract, a later contract start date will be established and the award reduced commensurate with the shorter term. Failure to submit required information shall result in cancellation of the contract award.

MOTION: Dr. Youakim moved to authorize the Executive Director to conduct contract negotiations as specified in the memorandum. Ms. Sprandel Seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Recommendations are based on revenue estimates not finalized until the Champaign County Board approves budgets in November or December of 2023. For this reason, all PY2024 CCMHB contract maximums will be subject to reductions necessary to compensate for any CCMHB revenue shortfall. These reductions will be documented by contract amendment at the discretion of the CCMHB Executive Director, with every effort made to maintain the viability and integrity of prioritized contracts. All PY2024 contracts will include the following provision:

Obligations of the Board will cease immediately without penalty or further payment being required if, in any fiscal year, the tax that is levied, collected, and paid into the “Community Mental Health Fund” is judged by the CCMHB Executive Director not to be sufficient for payment as delineated in the terms and conditions under this Contract.

MOTION: Ms. Palencia moved to authorize the Executive Director to implement contract maximum reductions as described in the memorandum. Ms. McLay seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

A provision which was added in PY21, PY22, and PY23 allowed for realignment or redirection in response to the public health emergency. It was exercised more often in PY21. Any contract may be redirected through the standard contract amendment process, making this language redundant. It will be removed from the standard contracts.

A provision was added to PY23 contracts to clarify that specific terms of an agency’s contract may supersede a provision of the funding guidelines, if the exception is deemed to be in the best interest of the CCMHB and Champaign County. This remains relevant:

The CCMHB Requirements and Guidelines for Allocation of Funds are incorporated into this contract by reference, except this contract will control should there be an inconsistent/contrary provision in the aforesaid Requirements and Guidelines. If the contract and funding guidelines are not in agreement, the contract shall prevail. For example, if the Provider will incur higher cost for an audit, review, or compilation than allowed per the Funding Requirements and Guidelines, the greater amount may be agreed to through the original budget submitted with an application or by a subsequent formal written request.

MOTION: Ms. Straub moved to include in all contracts the provision referencing specific exceptions to Funding Requirements and Guidelines, as described in the memorandum. Ms. Sprandel Seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Staff Recommendations for Agency Allocations

CCRPC-Community Services – Youth Assessment Center

• Request: $76,350, 18% of total program revenue

• Priority: Safety and Crisis Stabilization (or Thriving Children…)

• Required prior to contract: revise utilization measures in Plan Narrative.

• Special Provisions (to address during contract year): collaboration with Coalition and other partners from youth-focused systems; use Champaign County Quarter Cent for Public Safety Fund’s definition of recidivism; board staff input from justice partners regarding the program; excess revenue based on Q4 report; if a two-year term, excess revenue cannot be spent in 2nd year, and an updated Agency Plan for PY25 submitted prior to June 2024.

• Recommendation: fund at requested annual level; offer a two-year term.

MOTION: Ms. Palencia moved to approve CCMHB funding of $76,350 per year and offer a two-year term, as recommended for CCRPC – Community Services – Youth Assessment Center, subject to the caveats as presented in the memorandum. Dr. Maurer seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

CRIS Healthy Aging - Improving Family Caregiver MH

• NEW Program Request: $125,000, 45% of total program revenue

• Priority: Closing the Gaps in Access and Care

• Required prior to contract and during the term: revise financial forms for consistency and accuracy; consider revising program plan to focus on paid and unpaid caregivers of people who have I/DD (with and without dementia) to present to the CCDDB and CCMHB for funding through I/DD Special Initiatives.

• Special Provisions (to address during the contract year): partner with other organizations serving this population; use technical assistance from CLC Coordinator to strengthen strategies; provide letter of engagement with CPA firm for annual audit; mid year progress report to the Board due to affordability; defer for consideration for I/DD Special Initiatives funding, pending revisions. Because the fund is under joint authority of the CCMHB and CCDDB, approval by both is required. On May 17, 2023, the CCDDB approved a motion to defer for later consideration.

MOTION: Mr. Hausman moved to deny CCMHB funding as recommended for CRIS Healthy Aging - Improving Family Caregiver MH, deferring for later consideration of funding through the I/DD Special Initiatives fund, with programmatic revisions to focus on I/DD and pending approval by CCDDB. Dr. Youakim seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously

C-U at Home – Shelter Case Management Program

• Request is for $403,564, 75% of total program revenue

• Priority: Crisis Stabilization

• Required prior to contract and during the term: select PY24 priority and rework targets/scope of services and budget forms; revise forms for adjusted award amount; letter of engagement with CPA firm for PY23 audit.

• Special Provisions (to address during the contract year): partner with other organizations serving this population, to avoid duplication of effort and to maximize positive outcomes for those served and identify effective strategies and service gaps; participate in CSPH and CIT Steering Committee; coordination of Mental Health First Aid and technical assistance from CLC Coordinator; demonstrate efforts to secure other funding.

• Recommendation: fund at the PY23 award level of $256,700.

MOTION: Dr. Youakim moved to approve CCMHB funding of $256,700 as recommended for C-U at Home – Shelter Case Management Program, subject to the caveats as presented in the memorandum. Ms. Sprandel seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

CU Early - CU Early

• A NEW Request: $77,184, 16% of total program revenue

• Priority: Thriving Children, Youth, and Families

• Required prior to contract: develop utilization targets for TPC, SC, CSE.

• Special Provisions (to address during the contract year): collaborate with providers of similar services; report on other funding sought; report # of children with delays qualifying as I/DD; technical assistance from CLC Coordinator; mid-year progress report to the Board; at the end of the contract term, program-specific audited financial statements will be provided (from combined audit).

• Recommendation: fund at requested level, commit $4,043 for DD.

MOTION: Ms. McLay moved to approve CCMHB funding of $77,184 as recommended for CU Early - CU Early, subject to the caveats as presented in the memorandum. Ms Sprandel seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Champaign County Children’s Advocacy Center - Children’s Advocacy

• Request: $63,911, 20% of total program revenue

• Priority: Healing from Interpersonal Violence

• Required prior to contract: identify utilization targets and PY24 priority.

• Special Provisions (to address during the contract year): if a two-year term, excess revenue from the 1st year cannot be spent in the 2nd year, and PY25 Agency Plan updated prior to June 2024; excess revenue to be returned will be based on Q4 financial reports; avoid use of this funding to serve non-residents and demonstrate revenue specific to them which could not be used to offset the cost of service to Champaign County residents; and, prior to September 30, 2023, update CLC Actions to reflect training received. • Recommendation: fund at requested annual level; offer two-year term.

MOTION: Ms. Palencia moved to approve CCMHB funding of $63,911 per year and offer a two-year term, as recommended for Champaign County Children’s Advocacy Center - Children’s Advocacy, subject to the caveats as presented in the memorandum. Ms. McLay seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Champaign County Christian Health Center - Mental Health Care at CCCHC

• Request: $33,000, 100% of total program revenue

• Priority: Innovative Practices (not PY24)/ Closing Gaps in Access and Care

• Required prior to contract: add utilization target and PY24 priority; provide letter of engagement with CPA firm for PY23 audit or review.

• Special Provisions (to address during the contract year): cultural competence assessment no later than September 30, 2023; if a two-year term, excess revenue from the 1st year cannot be spent in the 2nd year of the contract term, and updated Agency Plan for PY25 should be completed prior to June 2024; possible support through the Board’s new Evaluation Capacity Building project.

• Recommendation: fund at requested annual level; offer two-year term.

MOTION: Ms. Sprandel moved to approve CCMHB funding of $33,000 per year and offer a two-year term, as recommended for Champaign County Christian Health Center - Mental Health Care at CCCHC, subject to the caveats as presented in this memorandum. Dr. Maurer seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Champaign County Health Care Consumers – CHW Outreach and Benefit Enrollment

• Request: $91,054, 86% of total program revenue

• Priority: Innovative Practices/Access

• Required prior to contract: select PY24 priority; revise forms as needed, with adjusted award amount; letter of engagement with CPA firm for PY23 audit.

• Special Provisions (to address during contract year): engagement in Rantoul and with Rantoul Service Providers Group; if a two-year term, excess revenue from the 1st year cannot be spent in the 2nd year of the contract term, and updated Agency Plan for PY25 should be completed prior to June 2024; by September 30, 2023, technical assistance from CLC Coordinator, to update actions.

• Recommendation: fund at $86,501, 95% of request; offer two-year term.

MOTION: Dr. Youakim moved to approve CCMHB funding of $86,501 per year and offer a two-year term, as recommended for Champaign County Health Care Consumers – CHW Outreach and Benefit Enrollment, subject to the caveats as presented in this memorandum. Ms. McLay seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Champaign County Health Care Consumers – Justice Involved CHW Services & Benefits

• Request: $94,892, 86% of total program revenue

• Priority: Behavioral Health (PY23 category)

• Required prior to contract: select PY24 priority; revise forms as needed, with adjusted award amount; letter of engagement with CPA firm for PY23 audit.

• Special Provisions (to address during contract year): engagement in Rantoul and with Rantoul Service Providers Group; if a two-year term, excess revenue from the 1st year cannot be spent in the 2nd year of the contract term, and updated Agency Plan for PY25 should be completed prior to June 2024; by September 30, 2023, technical assistance from CLC Coordinator, to update actions.

• Recommendation: fund at $90,147, 95% of request; offer two-year term.

Ms. McLay moved to approve CCMHB funding of $90,147 per year and offer a two year term, as recommended for Champaign County Health Care Consumers – Justice Involved CHW Services & Benefits, subject to the caveats as presented in this memorandum. Mr. Hausman seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Community Service Center of Northern Champaign County - Resource Connection

• Request: $75,069, 26% of total program revenue

• Priority: Closing the Gaps in Access and Care

• Required prior to contract: personnel form revisions; revise financial forms for lower award amount; add utilization targets; provide letter of engagement with CPA firm for PY23 audit.

• Special Provisions (to address during the contract year): participation in Rantoul Service Providers Group, CSPH for Point in Time survey; technical assistance from CLC Coordinator; if a 2-year term, excess revenue from 1st year cannot be spent in 2nd year, and PY25 Agency Plan should be completed prior to June 2024.

• Recommendation: fund at PY23 level; offer two-year term.

MOTION: Dr. Maurer moved to approve CCMHB funding of $68,609 per year and offer a two-year term, as recommended for Community Service Center of Northern Champaign County - Resource Connection, subject to the caveats as presented in this memorandum. Mr. Hausman seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Crisis Nursery - Beyond Blue - Champaign County

• Request: $100,000, 53% of total program revenue

• Priority: Thriving Children, Youth, and Families

• Required prior to contract: letter of engagement with CPA firm for PY23 audit; revise forms for lower award amount.

• Special Provisions (to address during the contract year): minimum 50% of new TPCs from outside CU; collaboration with providers of similar services to avoid duplication, maximize positive outcomes for those served, and identify most useful strategies; demonstrate efforts to secure other funding; if a 2-year term, any 1st year excess revenue cannot be spent in the 2nd year, and the PY25 Agency Plan should be completed prior to June 2024.

• Recommendation: fund at PY23 level; offer two-year term.

MOTION: Ms. Sprandel moved to approve CCMHB funding of $90,000 per year and offer a two-year term, as recommended for Crisis Nursery - Beyond Blue - Champaign County, subject to the caveats as presented in this memorandum. Ms. McLay seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

DSC - Family Development

• Request: $656,174, 68% of total program revenue

• Priority: Collaboration with CCDDB (Young Children and Families)

• Required prior to contract: letter of engagement with CPA firm for PY23 audit.

• Special Provisions (to address during the contract year): agency-wide CLC assessment and consultation with CLC on engagement strategies; inform families of PUNS and ISC role; online service claims reporting; collaboration with providers of similar services to avoid duplication, maximize positive outcomes for those served, and identify most useful strategies; provide CCMHB staff with monthly personnel change reports; if a 2-year term, any 1st year excess revenue cannot be spent in the 2nd year, and the PY25 Agency Plan should be completed prior to June 2024.

• Recommendation: fund with MHB I/DD set-aside; offer a two-year term.

MOTION: Mr. Hausman moved to approve CCMHB funding of $656,174 per year for a two-year term, as recommended for DSC - Family Development, subject to the caveats as presented in this memorandum. Ms. Palencia seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Don Moyer Boys and Girls Club - CU Change

• Request: $100,000, 85% of total program revenue

• Priority: Thriving Children, Youth, and Families

• Required prior to contract: revise Program Plan Narrative to include definitions of each category and possible changes to targets, e.g. lower CSE; revise financial forms to be consistent and for lower award amount; letter of engagement with CPA firm for PY23 audit.

• Special Provisions (to address during the contract year): collaborate with other youth centers, Coalition, Youth Assessment Center, and SOFFT/LAN; technical assistance from CLC Coordinator; support through Evaluation Capacity Building Project; TPCs should have a self- and family-directed and approved, written treatment plan (those without may be counted as NTPCs).

• Recommendation: fund at a lower amount than requested.

MOTION: Ms. Palencia moved to approve CCMHB funding of $75,000 as recommended for Don Moyer Boys and Girls Club - CU Change, subject to the caveats as presented in this memorandum. Ms. Sprandel seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Don Moyer Boys and Girls Club - CUNC

• Request: $132,322, 20% of total program revenue

• Priority: SOC (PY23 category)

• Required prior to contract: revise financial forms to resolve any errors and for adjusted award amount; select PY24 priority; adjust Program Plan Narrative targets if necessary; letter of engagement with CPA firm for PY23 audit.

• Special Provisions (to address during the contract year): collaborate with other providers, Coalition, and CIT Steering Committee.

• Recommendation: fund at PY23 level.

MOTION: Ms. Sprandel moved to approve CCMHB funding of $110,000 as recommended for Don Moyer Boys and Girls Club - CUNC, subject to the caveats as presented in the memorandum. Ms. McLay seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Don Moyer Boys and Girls Club - Community Coalition Summer Youth Initiatives • Request: $107,000, 100% of total program revenue

• Priority: Thriving Children, Youth, and Families

• Required prior to contract: update financial forms and revise as needed; revise Program Plan Narrative to clarify sections, add a simple outcome measure and tool for all program options (e.g., very brief survey), identify numeric utilization targets; provide letter of engagement with CPA firm for PY23 audit.

• Special Provisions (to address during the contract year): accelerated payment schedule; provide subcontracts for all programs involved; collect brief survey feedback from youth and report with other Q1 reports, with no other quarters required; presentation to the CCMHB in fall 2023.

• Recommendation: fund at lower amount than requested.

MOTION: Ms. McLay moved to approve CCMHB funding of $90,000 as recommended for Don Moyer Boys and Girls Club - Community Coalition Summer Youth Initiatives, subject to the caveats as presented in the memorandum. Ms. Palencia seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Don Moyer Boys and Girls Club - Youth and Family Services

• Request: $160,000, 100% of total program revenue

• Priority: SOC (PY23 category)

• Required prior to contract: select PY24 priority category; adjust Program Plan Narrative targets and financial forms as needed; provide letter of engagement with CPA firm for PY23 audit.

• Special Provisions (to address during the contract year): participate in relevant collaborations (e.g., Rantoul Service Providers, Coalition, and SOFFT/LAN); demonstrate efforts to secure other sources of funding.

• Recommendation: fund as requested.

MOTION: Dr. Youakim moved to approve CCMHB funding of $160,000 as recommended for Don Moyer Boys and Girls Club - Youth and Family Services, subject to the caveats as presented in this memorandum. Ms. Sprandel seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

ECIRMAC (The Refugee Center) - Family Support & Strengthening

• Request: $71,300, 6% of total program revenue

• Priority: Thriving Children, Youth, and Families

• Required prior to contract: settle questions from PY22 audit and submit letter of engagement with CPA firm for PY23 audit with anticipated completion date on or before deadline of December 31, 2023; revise Program Plan Narrative to align Utilization categories with standard definitions and to track unduplicated clients without losing detail on # activities and attendees at each; revise financial forms.

• Special Provisions (to address during the contract year): collaborate with similar providers to maximize impact for people served and avoid duplication of effort; participate in Rantoul Service Providers Group meetings and engage in the Rantoul area; if a 2-year term, any 1st year excess revenue cannot be spent in the 2nd year, and the PY25 Agency Plan should be completed prior to June 2024.

• Recommendation: fund at PY23 level; offer a two-year term.

MOTION: Ms. Sprandel moved to approve CCMHB funding of $62,000 per year for a two-year term as recommended for ECIRMAC (The Refugee Center) - Family Support & Strengthening, subject to the caveats as presented in the memorandum. Ms. McLay seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Family Service of Champaign County – Counseling

• Request: $30,000, 40.3% of total program revenue

• Priority: Closing the Gaps in Access and Care

• Required prior to contract: letter of engagement with CPA firm for PY23 audit.

• Special Provisions (to address during the contract year): pursue funding for this program through other County units; board staff input from Problem Solving Court partners; if a two-year term, excess revenue cannot be spent in 2nd year, and an updated Agency Plan for PY25 submitted prior to June 2024.

• Recommendation: fund at requested level (as PY23); offer two-year term.

MOTION: Ms. McLay moved to approve CCMHB funding of $30,000 per year and offer a two-year term, as recommended for Family Service of Champaign County –Counseling, subject to the caveats as presented in this memorandum. Ms. Sprandel seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Family Service of Champaign County – Disability Benefits for the Family • A NEW Request: $72,619, 100% of total program revenue

• Priority: Closing the Gaps in Access and Care

• Required prior to contract: correct any errors in Personnel form; prorate the contract maximum to account for vacancies and amend to increase as vacancies are filled; letter of engagement with CPA firm for PY23 audit.

• Special Provisions (to address during the contract year): collaborate with similar providers to avoid duplication of effort, maximize positive outcomes for people served, and identify most effective strategies; track # of qualifying I/DD cases; prorate contract maximum for any vacancies and amend the amount as they are filled; mid-year progress report.

• Recommendation: do not fund due to affordability; the agency is encouraged to submit this program proposal next year.

Dr. Youakim moved to deny CCMHB funding as recommended for Family Service of Champaign County – Disability Benefits for the Family. Mr. Hausman seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Family Service of Champaign County – Self-Help Center

• Request: $28,930, 92% of total program revenue

• Priority: Innovative… (older priority category)

• Required prior to contract: select PY24 priority category; revise financial forms or budget narrative to match; letter of engagement with CPA firm for PY23 audit.

• Special Provisions (to address during the contract year): if a two-year term, excess revenue cannot be spent in 2nd year, updated Agency Plan for PY25 submitted prior to June 2024, and second year has $500 more for conference.

• Recommendation: fund at previous levels, with PY24 a non-conference year.

Dr. Youakim moved to approve CCMHB funding of $28,430 for PY24 and $28,930 for PY25 and offer a two-year term, as recommended for Family Service of Champaign County – Self-Help Center, subject to the caveats as presented in the memorandum. Ms. Palencia seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Family Service of Champaign County – Senior Counseling & Advocacy

• Request: $178,386, 32.7% of total program revenue

• Priority: Innovation (older priority category)

• Required prior to contract: select PY24 priority category; revise financial forms or budget narrative to match; letter of engagement with CPA firm for PY23 audit.

• Special Provisions (to address during the contract year): if a two-year term, excess revenue cannot be spent in 2nd year, and an updated Agency Plan for PY25 submitted prior to June 2024.

• Recommendation: fund as requested; offer a two-year term.

MOTION: Ms. Palencia moved to approve CCMHB funding of $178,386 per year and offer a two-year term as recommended for Family Service of Champaign County – Senior Counseling & Advocacy, subject to the caveats as presented. Ms. Sprandel seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Immigrant Services of CU - Immigrant Mental Health Program

• A NEW Request: $119,705, 77% of total program revenue

• Priority: Closing the Gaps in Access and Care

• Required prior to contract: complete transition to accrual accounting; revise financial forms.

• Special Provisions (to address during the contract year): prior to September 30, 2023, develop written financial and standard operating procedures; collaborate with similar providers to avoid duplication of effort, maximize positive outcomes for people served, and identify effective strategies; participate in Rantoul Service Providers Group; technical assistance from CLC Coordinator; develop outcomes and targets, possibly with Evaluation Capacity Building project; provide letter of engagement with CPA firm for annual audit; mid-year progress report.

• Recommendation: fund at adjusted amount.

MOTION: Dr. Youakim moved to approve CCMHB funding of $90,000 as recommended for Immigrant Services CU - Immigrant Mental Health Program, subject to the caveats as presented. Ms. McLay seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Mahomet Area Youth Club - Bulldogs Learning and Succeeding Together (BLAST)

• Request: $12,000, 86% of total program revenue

• Priority: SOC (PY23 priority)

• Required prior to contract: select PY24 priority; revise utilization measures (redefine CSE and use Other); settle questions from PY22 audit and submit letter of engagement with CPA firm for PY23 audit with anticipated completion date on or before the deadline of December 31, 2023.

• Special Provisions (to address during the contract year): technical assistance from CLC Coordinator; collaborate with Coalition, other youth centers, and SOFFT/LAN; if a two year term, excess revenue cannot be spent in 2nd year, and an updated Agency Plan for PY25 submitted prior to June 2024.

• Recommendation: deny funding at this time.

MOTION: Mr. Hausman moved to deny CCMHB funding for Mahomet Area Youth Club - Bulldogs Learning and Succeeding Together (BLAST). Ms. Sprandel seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Mahomet Area Youth Club - MAYC Members Matter!

• Request: $27,405, 16% of total program revenue

• Priority: SOC (PY23 priority)

• Required prior to contract: select PY24 priority; clarify use of utilization categories; settle questions from PY22 audit and submit letter of engagement with CPA firm for PY23 audit with anticipated completion date on or before the deadline of December 31, 2023.

• Special Provisions (to address during the contract year): technical assistance from CLC Coordinator; collaborate with Coalition, other youth centers, and SOFFT/LAN; if a two year term, excess revenue cannot be spent in 2nd year, and an updated Agency Plan for PY25 submitted prior to June 2024.

• Recommendation: deny funding at this time.

MOTION: Dr. Youakim moved to deny CCMHB funding for Mahomet Area Youth Club - MAYC Members Matter. Mr. Omo-Osagie seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Promise Healthcare – Mental Health Services

• Request: $352,035, 19.8% of total program revenue

• Priority: Closing the Gaps in Access and Care

• Required prior to contract: revise financial forms and program plan if impacted by lower award amount.

• NOTE: payments will be held from July 1 until submission of approved 2022 audit report and resolution of any relevant findings, or September 30, 2023, whichever is earlier; letter of engagement for 2023 audit should be submitted as soon as possible.

• Special Provisions (to address during the contract year): additional details on financial statements for calendar year Jan 1-Dec 31; report on efforts to secure other funding; collaborate with Rantoul Service Providers Group and CC Christian Health Center; contract maximum will be prorated for vacancies at July 1 and amended to increase as these are filled; if a two-year term, excess revenue cannot be spent in 2nd year, and an updated Agency Plan for PY25 submitted prior to June 2024.

• Recommendation: fund at level lower than requested; offer a two-year term.

Ms. Sprandel moved to approve CCMHB funding of $330,000 per year for a two year term as recommended for Promise Healthcare- Mental Health Services, subject to the caveats as presented. Dr. Maurer seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Promise Healthcare – PHC Wellness

• Request: $107,078, 30% of total program revenue

• Priority: Closing the Gaps in Access and Care

• Required prior to contract: revise errors (if any) in program or financial forms.

• NOTE: payments will be held from July 1 until submission of approved 2022 audit report and resolution of any relevant findings, or September 30, 2023, whichever is earlier; letter of engagement for 2023 audit should be submitted as soon as possible.

• Special Provisions (to address during the contract year): additional details on financial statements for calendar year Jan 1-Dec 31; collaborate with Rantoul Service Providers Group, CC Christian Health Center, CC Health Care Consumers, and similar providers to maximize positive outcomes for people served; report on efforts to secure other funding for the program; contract maximum will be prorated for vacancies at July 1 and amended to increase as these are filled; if a two-year term, excess revenue cannot be spent in 2nd year, and an updated Agency Plan for PY25 submitted prior to June 2024.

• Recommendation: fund at the requested level; offer a two-year term.

MOTION: Dr. Youakim moved to approve CCMHB funding of $107,078 per year for a two-year term as recommended for Promise Healthcare – PHC Wellness, subject to the caveats as presented in the memorandum. Ms. Palencia seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Rape, Advocacy, Counseling & Education Services - Sexual Trauma Therapy Services

• A New Request: $149,284, 30% of total program revenue

• Priority: Healing from Interpersonal Violence

• Required prior to contract: add specific utilization targets; revise financial forms to adjust for award amount.

• Special Provisions (to address during the contract year): avoid use of this funding to serve non-residents and demonstrate revenue specific to them which could not be used to offset the cost of service to Champaign County residents; if a 2-year term, excess revenue cannot be spent in 2nd year, and submit Agency Plan for PY25 prior to June 2024; mid year progress report to the Board.

• Recommendation: fund at lower level than requested; offer two-year term.

MOTION: Ms. McLay moved to approve CCMHB funding of $140,000 per year and offer a two-year term as recommended for Rape, Advocacy, Counseling & Education Services - Sexual Trauma Therapy Services, subject to the caveats as presented. Ms. Sprandel seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Rape, Advocacy, Counseling & Education Services - Sexual Violence Prevention Education

• Request: $82,996, 30% of total program revenue

• Priority: Healing from Interpersonal Violence

• Required prior to contract: letter of engagement with CPA firm for PY23 audit; revise financial forms to adjust for award amount.

• Special Provisions (to address during the contract year): collaborate with SOFFT/LAN; avoid use of this funding to serve non-residents and demonstrate revenue specific to them which could not be used to offset the cost of service to Champaign County residents; if a two-year term, excess revenue cannot be spent in 2nd year, and submit Agency Plan for PY25 prior to June 2024.

• Recommendation: fund at level lower than requested; offer two-year term.

MOTION: Dr. Youakim moved to approve CCMHB funding of $75,000 per year and offer a two-year term as recommended for Rape, Advocacy, Counseling & Education Services - Sexual Violence Prevention Education, subject to the caveats as presented in the memorandum. Ms. Sprandel seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Rosecrance Central Illinois – Benefits Case Management

• Request: $80,595, 14% of total program revenue

• Priority: Closing the Gaps in Access and Care

• Required prior to contract: letter of engagement with CPA firm for PY23 audit.

• Special Provisions (to address during the contract year): collaborate with providers of similar services, especially those using SOAR; continue to maximize other sources of funding.

• Recommendation: fund as requested.

MOTION: Ms. Palencia moved to approve CCMHB funding of $80,595 as recommended for Rosecrance Central Illinois – Benefits Case Management, subject to the caveats as presented. Dr. Maurer seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Rosecrance Central Illinois – Child & Family Services

• Request: $83,500, 72% of total program revenue

• Priority: Thriving Children, Youth, and Families

• Required prior to contract: correct error in outcome(s); revise financial forms for adjusted award; provide letter of engagement with CPA firm for PY23 audit.

• Special Provisions (to address during the contract year): collaborate with providers of similar services and SOFFT/LANS Council; continue to maximize other sources of funding.

• Recommendation: fund at lower level than requested.

MOTION: Dr. Youakim moved to approve CCMHB funding of $73,500 as recommended for Rosecrance Central Illinois – Child & Family Services, subject to the caveats as presented in the memorandum. Ms. Sprandel seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Rosecrance Central Illinois – Criminal Justice PSC

• Request: $330,000, 69% of total program revenue

• Priority: Safety and Crisis Stabilization

• Required prior to contract: letter of engagement with CPA firm for PY23 audit; revise financial forms for adjusted award amount.

• Special Provisions (to address during the contract year): input from justice system partners to CCMHB staff; continue efforts to maximize other funding; collaborate with First Followers; as feasible and with CCSO, report on # screened at jail, # referred for assessment, and # found eligible for services.

• Recommendation: fund at PY23 level.

MOTION: Ms. Sprandel moved to approve CCMHB funding of $320,000 as recommended for Rosecrance Central Illinois – Criminal Justice PSC, subject to the caveats as presented in the memorandum. Dr. Youakim seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Rosecrance Central Illinois – Crisis Co-Response Team (CCRT)

• Request: $207,948, 43% of total program revenue

• Priority: Safety and Crisis Stabilization

• Required prior to contract: letter of engagement with CPA firm for PY23 audit.

• Special Provisions (to address during the contract year): input from justice system partners to CCMHB staff; response to RPD using CIT forms; maximize other funding; participate in CIT Steering Committee.

• Recommendation: fund as requested.

MOTION: Dr. Maurer moved to approve CCMHB funding of $207,948 as recommended for Rosecrance Central Illinois – Crisis Co-Response Team (CCRT), subject to the caveats as presented in the memorandum. Mr. Hausman seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Rosecrance Central Illinois – Recovery Home

• Request: $100,000, 24% of total program revenue

• Priority: Closing the Gaps in Access and Care

• Required prior to contract: letter of engagement with CPA firm for PY23 audit.

• Special Provisions (to address during the contract year): input from Problem Solving Court partners; maximize other funding; report each quarter the # of clients who were Champaign County residents prior.

• Recommendation: fund at requested level.

MOTION: Ms. Sprandel moved to approve CCMHB funding of $100,000 as recommended for Rosecrance Central Illinois – Recovery Home, subject to the caveats as presented in the memorandum. Ms. Straub seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Rosecrance Central Illinois – Specialty Courts

• Request: $178,000, 99.6% of total program revenue

• Priority: Safety and Crisis Stabilization

• Required prior to contract: letter of engagement with CPA firm for PY23 audit;

• Special Provisions (to address during the contract year): input from Problem Solving Court partners; continue to pursue other funding for this program, including through other County units.

• Recommendation: fund as requested.

MOTION: Dr. Youakim moved to approve CCMHB funding of $178,000 as recommended for Rosecrance Central Illinois – Specialty Courts, subject to the caveats as presented in the memorandum. Ms. McLay seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Terrapin Station Sober Living NFP - Recovery Home

• Request: $79,677, 82% of total program revenue

• Priority: Innovative… (an older priority category)

• Required prior to contract: in Program Plan Narrative select a PY24 priority and establish definitions and targets for utilization measures (esp move to TPC); provide letter of engagement with CPA firm for PY23 audit or review.

• Special Provisions (to address during the contract year): develop consumer outcomes, possibly with new Evaluation Capacity Building project; provide copy of agency board policy and staffing backup plan (i.e., referrals to other provider); collaborate with Drug Court partners and similar providers, esp of homeless services and MH/SUD care.

• Recommendation: fund as requested.

MOTION: Ms. Straub moved to approve CCMHB funding of $79,677 as recommended for Terrapin Station Sober Living NFP – Recovery Home, subject to the caveats as presented in the memorandum. Ms. Palencia seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

The UP Center of Champaign County - Children, Youth & Families Program

• Request: $190,056, 58% of total program revenue

• Priority: SOC (PY23 category)

• Required prior to contract: select PY24 priority; revise financial forms to correct errors; letter of engagement with CPA firm for PY23 audit.

• Special Provisions (to address during the contract year): continue to pursue other sources of funding for the program; attend SOFFT/LAN meetings.

• Recommendation: fund as requested.

MOTION: Dr. Youakim moved to approve CCMHB funding of $190,056 as recommended for The UP Center of Champaign County - Children, Youth & Families Program, subject to the caveats as presented in the memorandum. Ms. McClay seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

The Well Experience – Well Family Care Program

• Request: $256,656, 51% of total program revenue. When adjusted by error in expense form, the total request is $220,656

• Priority: Thriving Children, Youth, and Families

• Required prior to contract: revise financial forms; in Program Plan Narrative, elaborate on database or assessment tools used to collect outcome and other data; provide PY22 audit and resolve any findings; submit a letter of engagement for PY23 audit and assurance of completion prior to 12/31/23 deadline.

• Special provisions: collaborate with Coalition, youth centers, other similar providers, and SOFFT/LAN; develop outcomes with support from the Evaluation Capacity Building Project.

• Recommendation: defer a decision until approved PY22 audit is submitted and reviewed and any issues resolved, and in the event of increased CCMHB revenue projection for PY24.

MOTION: Mr. Hausman moved to defer a decision, until additional information and funds are available, on CCMHB funding as recommended for The Well Experience – Well Family Care Program. Dr. Mauer seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Urbana Neighborhood Connections Center - Community Study Center

• Request: $25,500, 15% of total program revenue

• Priority: Thriving Children, Youth, and Families

• Required prior to contract: revise financial forms; in Program Plan Narrative, identify numeric utilization targets; provide PY22 audit and resolve any findings; letter of engagement for PY23 audit with assurance of completion prior to 12/31/23 deadline.

• Special provisions: complete eligibility questionnaire (2021 version); collaborate with Coalition, youth centers, and SOFFT/LAN; work with Evaluation Capacity Building Project on Social Emotional outcome.

• Recommendation: defer a decision until approved PY22 audit is submitted and reviewed and any issues resolved, and in the event of increased CCMHB revenue projection for PY24.

MOTION: Dr. Youakim moved to defer a decision, until additional information and funds are available, on CCMHB funding as recommended for Urbana Neighborhood Connections Center- Community Study Center. Dr. Maurer seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

WIN Recovery – Community Support ReEntry Houses

• Request: $123,198, 44% of total program revenue

• Priority: Crisis Stabilization (PY23)

• Required prior to contract: revise Program Plan Narrative (include numeric utilization targets, PY24 priority, and any other updates related to PY24); provide PY22 audit and resolve any findings; submit a letter of engagement for PY23 audit and assurance of completion prior to 12/31/23 deadline.

• Special Provisions (to address during the contract year): participate in Reentry Council and CSPH; exception to restriction on staff with felony within 5 years; document client residency pre-incarceration; report quarterly on # of people in the home for greater than three months.

• Recommendation: defer a decision until approved PY22 audit is submitted and reviewed and any issues resolved, and in the event of increased CCMHB revenue projection for PY24.

MOTION: Dr. Maurer moved to defer a decision, for WIN Recovery of $123,198 – Community Support ReEntry Houses, subject to the caveats as presented. Ms. Palencia seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Total PY24 Funding Recommended = $4,204,246

Total PY24 Requests Recommended for Deferral (later decision) = $405,354

Total PY24 Requests and Portions of Requests Recommended for Denial = $572,788

Staff Recommendations for Agency Allocations through the I/DD Special Initiatives Fund

In addition to a possible modified proposal from CRIS Healthy Aging, two requests for funding submitted to the CCDDB align with priorities approved by the CCMHB and CCDDB for the I/DD Special Initiatives Fund. Staff and board members reviewed these applications, which total $286,000 and are affordable within the fund’s projected budget. For integrated planning as described in the intergovernmental agreement, these were also discussed by officers of both boards, the Associate Directors, and the Executive Director.

DSC – Individual and Family Support

• Request: $250,000, 99.5% of total program revenue.

• IDDSI Priority: Individual Supports to Underserved People

• Continues a long-standing program, adds a new position for linkage.

• Significant decrease in request related PUNS selections and decreased need.

• One outcome for family satisfaction with the service, using an appropriate assessment tool. Another outcome is a utilization measure.

• Required prior to contract: copies of subcontracts; letter of engagement with CPA; develop tracking form for Intermittent Direct Support workers, including start date and rate of pay, and provide to CCDDB staff.

• Special provisions: prior approval of specific assistance for clients; collaborate with ISC when enrolling new people into the program, with consideration for length of time on PUNS; collaborate with Illinois Respite Coalition, and Envision Unlimited for state funded Respite; work with PACE Consumer Control Program to help families find Personal Support Workers; provide CCRPC Decision Support PCP with list of participants for PCP completion and brochures for distribution; provide CCDDB/CCMHB staff with list of clients enrolled in waiver funded services and monthly personnel change reports; online service claims reporting; collaborate with providers of similar service; training efforts in natural settings; require proof of scholarship denial before providing specific assistance; no dual program enrollment with Community First, without CCDDB/CCMHB approval; contribute information to advance enhancing independence through online technology training and access for staff and clients; contract amount will be prorated for any staff vacancies and amended when filled; and complete agency-wide CLC assessment and consult with CLC coordinator on engagement strategies.

• Recommendation: fund through the I/DD Special Initiatives Fund. Because the fund is under joint authority of the CCMHB and CCDDB, approval by both boards is required. The CCDDB approved on May 17, 2023.

MOTION: Ms. Palencia moved to approve I/DD Special Initiatives funding of $250,000 for DSC- Individual and Family Support subject to the caveats as presented in the memorandum. Ms. McLay seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Persons Assuming Control of Their Environment (PACE) –Consumer Control in Personal Support

• Request: $36,000, 94% of total program revenue) and maintains a PSW registry. 35 Successful PSW matches since the program began.

• Outcomes overlap with utilization measures. Though an outcome directly measuring impact for a person with I/DD can be hard to define, it would be preferred.

• Required prior to contract: letter of engagement with CPA for PY23 audit; revise Program Plan to include utilization targets.

• Special Provisions: continue to work closely with ISC, DSC, Illinois Respite Coalition, and Envision Unlimited on behalf of those seeking PSWs for HBS and/or state-funded Respite workers; provide brochures to ISC for distribution; online service claims reporting, including people with I/DD utilizing PSWs; contribute information to advance enhancing independence through online technology training and access for staff and clients.

• Recommendation: fund through the I/DD Special Initiatives Fund. Because the fund is under joint authority of the CCMHB and CCDDB, approval by both boards is required. The CCDDB approved on May 17, 2023.

MOTION: Dr. Youakim moved to approve I/DD Special Initiatives funding of $36,000 for Persons Assuming Control of Their Environment (PACE) – Consumer Control in Personal Support subject to the caveats as presented in the memorandum. Ms. McLay seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.

Agency Request for Consideration:

A formal request from The WELL Experience to waive the cancellation of PY23 contract was included in the packet for CCMHB consideration. The agency is working with an accountant to complete their FY22 audit and requested more time.

MOTION: Dr. Youakim moved to approve an audit extension deadline to July 1, 2023 without the contract being cancelled. Ms. Sprandel seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously.


Agency PY23 Third Quarter Service Reports:

Third Quarter Service Reports were included in the packet.

211 First Quarter 2023 Report:

The 211 First Quarter 2023 Report was included in the packet for information only.

CCDDB and CCMHB Schedules:

Updated copies of CCDDB and CCMHB meeting schedules were included in the packet.

Acronyms and Glossary:

A list of commonly used acronyms was included for information.

CCDDB Input:

The CCDDB made funding decisions on May 17, 2023.

Staff Reports:

Reports from Kim Bowdry, Leon Bryson, Stephanie Howard-Gallo, Shandra Summerville, and Chris Wilson were included in the Board packet.


Elaine Palencia attended a Community Coalition meeting. Daphne Maurer requested that another Board member volunteer as the Rosecrance liaison, as she has been unable to attend their meetings.




The meeting adjourned at 7:28 p.m.