
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Champaign County Board Committee of the Whole met April 11

Champaign County Board Committee of the Whole met April 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Members Present: Lorraine Cowart, Stephanie Fortado, Jim Goss, Elly Hanauer-Friedman, Mike Ingram, Jennifer Locke, Jenny Lokshin, Brett Peugh, Emily Rodriguez, Jilmala Rogers, Tom ‘Ed’ Sexton, Chris Stohr, Jennifer Straub, Leah Taylor, Eric Thorsland, Bethany Vanichtheeranont, Jeff Wilson,

Members Absent: Samantha Carter, Aaron Esry, Stan Harper, Diane Michaels, Kyle Patterson

Others Present: Steve Summers (County Executive), Tami Ogden (Director of Finance), Dustin Heuerman (Sheriff), Megan Robison (Recording Secretary)

Agenda Items

I. Call to Order

Ms. Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.

II. Roll Call

Roll call was taken, and a quorum was declared present.

III. Approval of Agenda/Addenda

MOTION by Ms. Straub to approve the agenda; seconded by Ms. Vanichtheeranont.

MOTION by Mr. Stohr to move item 

VIII. D. 1 to the beginning of the finance section.; seconded by Ms.Fortado. Upon vote, the MOTION to amend CARRIED unanimously.Upon vote, the MOTION to approve the agenda with amendment CARRIED unanimously.

IV. Approval of Minutes

A. March 14, 2023 – Regular Meeting

MOTION by Ms. Vanichtheeranont to approve the minutes of March 14, 2023; seconded by Ms. Locke. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

V. Public Participation

Laura Clark, AFSCME Local 900 President, introduced herself and explained some of her goals in this position. She asked the County Board to consider the employees as they make decisions and keep the communication lines open with the union.

Mr. Patterson entered the meeting at 6:40 p.m.

VI. Communications

Mr. Ingram shared the details of the CU Prom Giveaway.

Ms. Taylor mentioned the invitation to the drug court ceremony and encouraged everyone that is available to attend. She also mentioned the Boneyard Arts Festival and what a great experience that is. Ms. Rodriguez recognized the comments that Mr. Wilson made about the statements made in a previous meeting about the County Jail possibly not being ADA complaint. She recommended he talk with Dana Brenner and the Facilities Committee and reaching out to the Build Programs, Not Jails group.

Ms. Vanichtheeranont gave the details of the upcoming show at Central High School, The Little Mermaid. She encouraged everyone to attend to help these students raise money to go to nationals.

Mr. Stohr mentioned the upcoming hazardous waste collection event. All of the timeslots are filled but he encouraged anyone with waste to contact the City of Urbana and the City of Champaign to find other options for disposal.

Mr. Wilson mentioned the IL Broadband Lab’s public listening session that will be taking place this week.

VII. Justice and Social Services

A. Monthly Reports – All reports are available on each department’s webpage through the department reports page at: http://www.co.champaign.il.us/CountyBoard/Reports.php

• Probation & Court Services – February 2023

• Animal Control – February & March 2023

• Emergency Management Agency – March 2023

Received and placed on file

B. Rosecrance Re-Entry Program

1. Financial Report – February 2023

Information only

2. Program information/update

Misty Bell, Mental Health Clinician, and his supervisor Karen Cohen-Heath, Criminal Justice Supervisor, gave a presentation of their Re-Entry Program updates. Mr. Bell gave some background on the program, what he does in his position, benefits of the program and program updates. He ended by showing the trends from 2018-2022, the identified needs and successful linkages.

Mr. Wilson mentioned that the trends show the program was more successful a couple years ago compared to now. Mr. Bell explained that it doesn’t mean these people weren’t successful, but that they didn’t complete 100% of their goals and some of that was because many programs were not able to assist in the way they could pre-Covid.

Ms. Hanauer-Friedman asked how inmates are connected with the Re-Entry Program. Mr. Bell explained that they used to receive a list of inmates being paroled to Champaign County but according to HIPAA laws they can no longer receive that list. Most of these people come in by word of mouth.

C. Sheriff

1. Annual Report

Sheriff Heuerman gave his 2022 annual report to the County Board. He shared a presentation that gave some background about the Sheriff’s Office, their patrol areas, statistical information, and information about the Emergency Management Agency. He wrapped up his presentation by showing some of the ways they got outin the community and made positive contacts.Mr. Wilson asked what keeps the Sheriff awake at night regarding the corrections division. Sheriff Heuerman stated that making sure they are providing the best environment for both inmates and the correctional officers is what keeps him up. He has a Jail Superintendent that is solely dedicated to overseeing the jail.

Ms. Rogers asked for details about the video visits. Sheriff Heuerman explained the contract was signed before he took office, and they will be going out to RFP this year for a new contract. Board members continued to discuss the contract and the cost that inmates pay in other counties for this same service. Ms. Rodriguez mentioned an interest in subsidizing the cost for these video calls. Ms. Fortado asked the Sheriff to see if the Champaign County inmates, that are housed in Kankakee, if there is a way we could subsidize the cost for video calls there since they are more expensive than what we charge.

Ms. Taylor left the meeting at 8:15 p.m.

D. Other Business


E. Chair’s Report


F. Designation of Items to be Placed on the Consent Agenda


VIII. Finance

A. Circuit Court

1. Memo from Judge Rosenbaum regarding Petit Juror Pay

Judge Rosenbaum introduced himself and explained how jury duty works in Champaign County. In 1965, the pay for jurors was set at $10 per day. In the packet, he provided the pay from other counties and some cost estimates.

Mr. Ingram mentioned with inflation, the $10 per day would now be $90 in 2023. He thanked the judge for his statistics and would like to continue this discussion. Mr. Goss wanted to go on the record saying we need to change this pay. Ms. Fortado suggested that everyone think about this, and they would bring it back to discuss in the budget process.

MOTION by Mr. Patterson to suspend the rules to allow the financial forecast presentation to happen immediately; seconded by Mr. Ingram. A vote was not taken but no spoke in opposition.

E. County Executive

1. Financial Forecast Presentation

Ms. Ogden began her presentation by explaining this is the beginning step of the budget process that will  conclude in November. She gave the FY2022 unaudited figures showing a revenue to expenditure deficit of  $1.4 million. She explained the Personal Property Replacement Tax and how difficult it can be to budget for this revenue stream. She reminded everyone that this forecast provides a framework for their financial planning.

Before starting the forecast, Ms. Ogden explained that she does a lot of research to see what the economists are saying. Currently, there is a lot of uncertainty, so she has prepared this forecast on the conservative side. She listed many of the challenges that the County is facing during this budget cycle. She displayed her projections for the General Fund, Public Safety Sales Tax Fund and Capital Asset Replacement Fund and explained that her preliminary figures show the Public Safety Sales Tax Fund supporting the General Fund in future years.

A. Budget Amendments/Transfers

1. Budget Amendment BUA 2023/03/475Fund 2075 Regional Planning Commission / Dept 100 Regional Planning Commission 

Increased Appropriations: $1,960,800

Increased Revenue: $1,960,800

Reason: Appropriation required to accommodate separate supplemental LIHEAP grant funding.

MOTION by Mr. Goss to recommend County Board approval of a resolution approving budget amendment BUA 2023/03/475; seconded by Mr. Ingram. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

2. Budget Amendment BUA 2023/03/453

Fund 630 Circuit Clerk Operation & Administration / Dept 030 Circuit Clerk 

Increased Appropriations: $24,000Increased Revenue: $24,000

Reason: Appropriation required to purchase Socrata Program as required by the Administrative Offices of Illinois Courts.

MOTION by Mr. Lokshin to recommend County Board approval of a resolution approving budget amendment BUA 2023/03/453; seconded by Ms. Hanauer-Friedman. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

3. Budget Amendments for Distribution of Back Taxes

a. Budget Amendment BUA 2023/03/494

Fund 1080 General Corporate / Dept 018 C-U Public Health District 

Increased Appropriations: $1,240

Increased Revenue: $0

Reason: Appropriation required to cover back taxes that were distributed after the close of FY2022.

b. Budget Amendment BUA 2023/03/497Fund 1080 General Corporate / Dept 017 Cooperative Extension Services Increased Appropriations: $735Increased Revenue: $0Reason: Appropriation required to cover back taxes that were distributed after the close of FY2022.

OMNIBUS MOTION by Mr. Ingram to recommend County Board approval of resolutions approving budget amendments BUA 2023/03/494 and BUA 2023/03/497; seconded by Mr. Thorsland. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

4. Budget Transfer BUA 2023/03/500

Fund 1080 General Corporate / Dept 075 General County & 016 Administrative Services Amount: $5,000

Reason: Transfer required to pay a social media intern for the remainder of FY2023.

MOTION by Ms. Vanichtheeranont to recommend County Board approval of a resolution approving budget transfer BUA 2023/03/500; seconded by Ms. Rogers. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

B. Treasurer

1. Monthly Reports through December 2022 and Investment Reports for January-February 2023 are available on the Treasurer’s webpage at: https://www.co.champaign.il.us/treasurer/reports.php

Received and placed on file

2. Resolution Authorizing Disbursement of Funds on Defaulted Contract for Mobile Home Tax Sale, permanent parcel 30-060-0032

MOTION by Ms. Straub to recommend County Board approval of a resolution authorizing disbursement of funds on defaulted contract for mobile home tax sale, permanent parcel 30-060-0032; seconded by Ms. Vanichtheeranont. Ms. Goss asked how often do these happen and what happens to the property when this happens. Ms. Fortado is going to reach out to the Treasurer to get the answer. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED.

C. Auditor

1. Monthly Report – February 2023 – Reports are available on the Auditor’s webpage at: http://www.co.champaign.il.us/auditor/countyboardreports.php

Received and placed on file

F. Other Business


G. Chair’s Report

Ms. Fortado mentioned that she won’t be at the June Committee of the Whole Meeting and that they made the decision to add an additional Legislative Budget Hearing date to the calendar.

H. Designation of Items to be Placed on the Consent Agenda

VIII. A. 1-2, 3a-b, 4

IX. Policy, Personnel, & Appointments

A. County Executive

1. Monthly HR Report – March 2023

Received and placed on file

2. Request for Job Content Evaluation Committee to review a Human Resources Generalist position for the Administrative Services Department

MOTION by Ms. Rogers to send the Human Resources Generalist position to the Job Content Evaluation Committee; seconded by Ms. Rodriguez. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

3. Appointments/Reappointments (italics indicates incumbent)

a. Resolution Appointing Brian Thode to the Broadlands-Longview Fire Protection District, term 5/1/2023-4/30/2026

b. Resolution Appointing Linda Kates to the Eastern-Prairie Fire Protection District, term 5/1/2023-4/30/2026

c. Resolution Appointing Denny Jayne to the Ivesdale Fire Protection District, term 5/1/2023-4/30/2026

d. Resolution Appointing Rodney Loschen to the Ludlow Fire Protection District, term 5/1/2023-4/30/2026

e. Resolution Appointing Todd Jamison to the Pesotum Fire Protection District, term 5/1/2023-4/30/2026

f. Resolution Appointing Kevin Chalmers to the Philo Fire Protection District, term 5/1/2023-4/30/2026

g. Resolution Appointing James Reifsteck to the Sadorus Fire Protection District, term 5/1/2023-4/30/2026

h. Resolution Appointing Eric Stalter to the Sangamon Valley Fire Protection District, term 5/1/2023-4/30/2026

i. Resolution Appointing Howard Marsh to the St. Joseph-Stanton Fire Protection District, term 5/1/2023-4/30/2026

j. Resolution Appointing Kevin Wolken to the Thomasboro Fire Protection District, term 5/1/2023-4/30/2026

k. Resolution Appointing Dale Grimm to the Tolono Fire Protection District, term 5/1/2023-4/30/2026

l. Resolution Appointing Jeff Kurtz to the Windsor Park Fire Protection District, term 5/1/2023-4/30/2026

OMNIBUS MOTION by Mr. Thorsland to recommend County Board approval of resolutions appointing each member to their respective boards; seconded by Ms. Locke. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

m. Resolution Appointing Dalitso Sulamoyo as a liaison on the Central Illinois Land Bank Authority, term ending 11/30/2024

MOTION by Ms. Rogers to recommend County Board approval of a resolution appointing Dalitso Sulamoyo as a liaison on the Central Illinois Lank Bank Authority; seconded by Ms. Lokshin. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

n. Currently vacant appointments – full list and information is available on the County’s website at:http://www.co.champaign.il.us/CountyExecutive/appointments/CurrentVacantOpenings.pdf

Information only

o. Applications for open appointments

Information only

B. County Clerk

1. Monthly Fees Report – March 2023

Received and placed on file

2. Request for Job Content Evaluation Committee to review the Information & Technology Specialist position in the County Clerk’s Office

MOTION by Mr. Thorsland to recommend the Information & Technology Specialist position be sent to the Job Content Evaluation Committee; seconded by Ms. Vanichtheeranont. Mr. Summers noted this job is being sent for review as there has been some change to the position. Ms. Fortado mentioned that more offices are going to be completing this process before the budget is complete. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

C. Other Business


D. Chair’s Report


E. Designation of Items to be Placed on the Consent Agenda

IX. A. 3a-m

X. Other Business


XI. Adjournment

Chair Patterson adjourned the meeting at 9:42 p.m.
