Village of Vermilion Finance & Personnel Committee met May 13.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
Agenda Item 1 - Call to Order and Roll Call
Committee Chairman Steve Fourez called the Finance & Personnel meeting to order at 5:00 PM. Upon the call of the roll, the following members were present; Steve Fourez, Wes Bieritz, Breannah Haton, Becky Stark, and Bruce Stark. Robert Boyd and Adam Hart were absent and excused. Also, in attend- ance; Larry Baughn - County Board Chairman, Darren Duncan - Vermilion County Treasurer; Jacqueline Lacy – State’s Attorney, Bill Donahue -Risk Consultant, Jennifer Jenkins- County Board.
Agenda Item 2 - Adoption/Amendments to the Agenda
Bieritz motioned, second by Becky Stark to approve the agenda. Motion passed by acclamation.
Agenda Item 3 - Approval of Minutes – April 8th, 2019
Becky Stark motioned, second by Bruce Stark to approve the minutes. Motion passed by acclamation.
Agenda Item 4 - Audience Comments
Agenda Item 5 - Financial Update
Fourez directed the committee to look at the narrative distributed within the agenda documents.
Bieritz asked why the IMRF fund and the FICA fund are always so low at this point. Also, the Mental Health fund is also low. Chairman Baughn explained that once the tax bills go out and revenue starts coming in then these funds will increase. Duncan confirmed that the tax bills will go out this Wednesday, May 15th. There is a total of 3 distributions to these funds throughout the year.
Agenda Item 6 – Ordinance: Amendment to the Combined Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordi- nance for the State’s Attorney - $10,000
Bruce Stark moved, second by Bieritz, to discuss.
Ms. Lacy explained that this $10,000 is for another attorney for the State’s Attorney’s office due to ex- cessive cases. She was originally going to ask for the sum of around $100,000 in an attempt to hire an attorney with substantial experience however, after further investigation with her office manager and the Financial Resources Director, it was determined that she already had enough funds within her salary line due to turnover, etc. Around $90,000. Ms. Lacy wanted everyone informed as once this person is hired this additional salary will be included within her salary line for next budget year.
Upon the call of the roll the following members voted yes, to wit: Steve Fourez, Wes Bieritz, Breannah Haton, Becky Stark, and Bruce Stark. 5 yes, 2 absent
Agenda Item 7 – Ordinance: Amendment to the Combined Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordi- nance for Animal Regulation- $500 line item transfer
Becky Stark moved, second by Bieritz, to discuss.
Baughn explained that Animal Regulation had some needs within the office furniture/equipment line and so this money was moved from the materials line to this line for them to move forward with their purchase.
Upon the call of the roll the following members voted yes, to wit: Steve Fourez, Wes Bieritz, Breannah Haton, Becky Stark, and Bruce Stark. 5 yes, 2 absent
Agenda Item 8 – Ordinance: Amendment to the Combined Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordi- nance for Animal Regulation- $5000
Baughn explained that this amendment is for the unexpected repair of vehicles that came up this year. Most of this request was for the repair of the transport van. There will also be a few other repairs that come up throughout the rest of this fiscal year.
Upon the call of the roll the following members voted yes, to wit: Steve Fourez, Wes Bieritz, Breannah Haton, Becky Stark, and Bruce Stark. 5 yes, 2 absent
Agenda Item 9 – Ordinance: Amendment to the Combined Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordi- nance for Animal Regulation- $85,000
Bieritz moved, second by Bruce Stark, to discuss.
Baughn explained that this is to move the Health Insurance money to the appropriate department. It is housekeeping to ensure that there is a record of where the funds are appropriated.
Upon the call of the roll the following members voted yes, to wit: Steve Fourez, Wes Bieritz, Breannah Haton, Becky Stark, and Bruce Stark. 5 yes, 2 absent
Agenda Item 10 – Ordinance: Amendment to the Combined Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordi- nance for Building and Grounds -$26,000 – line item transfer
Becky Stark moved, second by Bruce Stark, to discuss.
Baughn explained that once again this is for the transfer of funds to the appropriate fund.
Upon the call of the roll the following members voted yes, to wit: Steve Fourez, Wes Bieritz, Breannah Haton, Becky Stark, and Bruce Stark. 5 yes, 2 absent
Agenda Item 11 – Ordinance: Personnel Policy Change regarding “Vaping” and Smoking
Bieritz moved, second by Becky Stark, to discuss.
Fourez directed the committee members to their personnel document within the agenda distribution. Baughn added that it was just to elaborate on the smoking policy to add the vaping. Chewing tobacco is not part of this change.
Upon the call of the roll the following members voted yes, to wit: Steve Fourez, Wes Bieritz, Breannah Haton, Becky Stark, and Bruce Stark. 5 yes, 2 absent
Agenda Item 12 – Executive Session
Agenda Item 13 - Items of Information
Baughn advised that budget meetings will start to be set up next week. Also the Solar Farm Ordinance will be presented to the Executive/Legislation Committee on May 23rd.
Agenda Item 14 – Adjournment
Chairman Fourez adjourned the meeting at 5:28 PM.