
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Mahomet Public Library District Board of Trustees fills vacant trustee position

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Mahomet Public Library District Board of Trustees met Monday, Nov. 14.

Here are the minutes as provided by Mahomet Public Library District:


Members Present: Jeanne Campion, Chris Forman, Karin Vermillion, Mary Watson Members Not Present: Charity Bundren, Jim Matthews Also present: Lynn Schmit, Kate Smith 

Closed Session for the purpose of selection of a person to fill a public office 

The trustees decided to not go into closed session for this discussion. Vote on selection of a person to fill a public office 

Chris Forman moved to appoint Brian Paragi to fill the vacant trustee position until the April 2017 election. Mary Watson seconded. Roll call vote; all trustees voted in favor of the motion. 

Approval of Minutes Mary Watson moved to approve the September 12, 2016 minutes. Jeanne Campion seconded; the motion passed.

Karen Vermillion correct the spelling of Sara Dare’s name in the October 10, 2016 minutes. Chris Forman corrected a second typo. Mary moved to approve the minutes as amended. Chris seconded; the motion passed.

Jeanne corrected a task assignment in the November 7, 2016 study session minutes. Mary moved to approve the minutes as amended. Chris seconded; the motion passed. Treasurer's Report Jeanne Campion moved to approve the financial report for October 2016. Chris Forman seconded the motion. Roll call vote; all trustees voted in favor of the motion. 

Jeanne moved to approve the check register for October 2016. Mary Watson seconded the motion. Roll call vote; all trustees voted in favor of the motion.

Jeanne noted for the record that the check to pay the water bill was unusually high. She reported that library staff had worked with Village staff to track the reason for the unusually large bills in July and August and replaced an irrigation sensor. The Village reported that they could not identify any problems with their meters and the following bill was normal. 

This month’s check register includes a check to the Village for three months of bills. Librarian’s Report Lynn Schmit submitted the Librarian’s report before the meeting. She added that she visited former Trustee Mary Giles and had her address for those interested in contacting her.

Jeanne Campion noted for the record that the board appreciates Karen Huber and Judy Pennington’s long service to the library. Lynn Schmit informed the board that the library would host a retirement open house for these staff members in December.

Jeanne also commented that the board appreciated Lynn’s participation on the committee to help select the next school superintendent.

Chris Forman noted that the library had received some good donations this month. He also asked for Lynn’s opinion on the state of the library after the recent turnovers. Lynn reported that the library had been able to hire strong people to replace them. She also confirmed, at Chris’ request, that the staff members training to become cataloguers are being paid for their training time.

Audience Comments – No audience Committee Reports

Policy Committee Karin Vermillion reported that the policy met to review and approve a general policy on reimbursement for travel expenses. There is a new state requirement that such a policy be in place by January 1, 2017. She noted that the specific thresholds and dollar amounts must be established by board resolution. Karin reported that the policy committee was submitting this policy for board approval.

Personnel Committee Lynn Schmit reported on behalf of the personnel committee, whose members were unable to attend the board meeting. She noted that recent changed in requirements for small governmental units meant that the library personnel must now include explanations of the FLMA (Family Medical Leave Act) and VESSA (Victims’ Economic Security and Safety Act).

The committee also reviewed a proposed change to the retirement policy to allow retirees to choose between receiving a cash payout for unused bank time or using that time for service credit with the library’s pension fund, IMRF.

The personnel committee is submitting the proposed policy changes for board approval. Unfinished Business – Murder Mystery Fundraiser Event

A. Decision on Holding a Murder Mystery fundraiser Chris Forman moved to formally approve the plan to hold the murder mystery fundraiser event. Mary Watson seconded; the motion passed.

B. Decision to Contract with CUTC Jeanne Campion moved to hire the Champaign Urbana Theatre Company to perform the murder mystery. Chris seconded; the motion passed.

C. Discuss a Budget for Food and Beverage Lynn Schmit noted that it was too early to discuss this because the committee had not gathered enough pricing information.

D. Discuss Pricing of Tickets Jeanne Campion reported she had learned that the event cannot have a cash bar without paying for additional insurance. She recommended that the admission price include two tickets for free alcoholic drinks and that there be no additional cash bar. Further discussion of ticket pricing was tabled until more food and beverage costs are available. New Business

A. Acceptance of Audit Jeanne Campion moved to accept the 2015-16 audit report. Chris Forman seconded. Roll call vote; all trustees voted in favor of the motion.

B. Approval of Policy on Reimbursement for Travel Expenses There was a roll call vote on the policy as submitted by the policy committee. All trustees voted in favor.

C. Approval of Policy on FLMA and VESSA There was a roll call vote on the policy as submitted by the personnel committee. All trustees voted in favor.

D. TIF Report (Jeanne Campion) Jeanne Campion reported that she attended the annual TIF meeting as the library’s representative and she submitted a copy of the report with the board packet.

E. Decision on a December Meeting The board agreed that a December meeting was essential. Lynn Schmit informed the board that, since it will be finals week at the high school, the room is currently reserved for student use on December 12. Chris Forman reported that he checked and learned that the Middletown Prairie conference room is available that night. After some discussion about the pros and cons of changing the meeting date or the venue, the board agreed that moving the location was the best choice. Mary Watson moved to hold the December 12 meeting at Middletown Prairie at 6pm. Jeanne Campion seconded; the motion passed.

F. Approval of Ehlers Report The board agreed to accept the October 2016 report and place it on file. Trustee Comments and Further Discussion on Fundraiser if Needed The board discussed food and table decorations for the event. Lynn Schmit agreed to add Gary Dalton to the list of people she is contacting about food. She also agreed to contact Meg Loven about table decorations. 

Adjournment Jeanne Campion moved to adjourn the meeting; Chris Forman seconded. The motion passed; the meeting was adjourned at 7:00pm. 

Respectfully Submitted by Kate Smith, Business Manager and Lynn Schmit, Director