The American Libraries Journal interviewed Youth Services Librarian Neal Schlein about his upcoming Escape Room program. | File photo
The American Libraries Journal interviewed Youth Services Librarian Neal Schlein about his upcoming Escape Room program. | File photo
The Mahomet Public Library District Board of Trustees met June 13 to brainstorm fundraising event ideas and discuss basic fund-raising philosophy.
Here's the meeting's agenda, as provided by the board:
Members Present: Jeanne Campion, Chris Forman, Jim Matthews Karin Vermillion Members Not Present: Charity Bundren, Mary Giles, Mary Watson Also present: Lynn Schmit, Kate Smith Approval of Minutes Karin Vermillion moved to approve the minutes from the May 9, 2016 meeting. Chris Forman seconded; the motion passed. Treasurer's Report Jeanne Campion moved to approve the financial report for May 2016. Karin seconded the motion. Roll call vote; all trustees voted in favor of the motion. Jeanne moved to approve the check register for May 2016. Karin seconded the motion. Roll call vote; all trustees voted in favor of the motion. Librarian’s Report Lynn Schmit submitted the Librarian’s report before the meeting. She added the information that Stocks had presented a strong solution to the library’s study seating needs and she shared some pictures with the board, reminding them that the Friends of the Library were contributing $2,000 to the cost. All members agreed the proposed furniture was a very useful option for library patrons. Jeanne noted that this shows patrons that the library is listening to what they want, since the public survey revealed that patrons wanted more seating.
Lynn also noted that she would be attending a luncheon meeting on women in philanthropy the next day, with an eye toward learning more that would help with library fundraising.
Lynn reported that the American Libraries Journal (a publication of the American Library Association) interviewed Youth Services Librarian Neal Schlein about his upcoming Escape Room program. Audience Comments – No Audience
Committee Reports – No Reports
Unfinished Business – No Unfinished Business New Business
A. Prevailing Wage Karin moved to adopt Prevailing Wage Ordinance 2015-4. Chris seconded. Roll call vote; all trustees voted in favor of the motion.
B. Two Trustees to Perform Secretary’s Audit Karin and Chris volunteered to perform the annual audit of all board minutes for the past fiscal year. Jim Matthews volunteered to review the closed session minutes.
C. Acceptance of Ehlers Investment Partners Report The board agreed to accept the May report and place it on file. Board Advocacy and Fundraising The board spent some time brainstorming fundraising event ideas and discussing basic philosophy about how to raise funds. Trustees agreed to share the resulting lists with absent members and revisit the topic in July, with the intent of selecting a specific event at the July or August meetings. Trustee Comments Karin commented that her daughter attended the summer program for grades 3-6 and loved it. Adjournment Jeanne moved to adjourn the meeting; Chris seconded. The motion passed; the meeting was adjourned at 7:00pm. Respectfully Submitted by Kate Smith, Business Manager