
Chambana Sun

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Champaign County Board met October 24


Champaign County Board met Oct. 24.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The County Board of Champaign County, Illinois met at a Regular Meeting, Thursday, October 24, 2019 at 6:30 P.M. in the Lyle Shields Meeting Room, Brookens Administrative Center, 1776 East Washington Street, Urbana, Illinois with County Executive Kloeppel presiding and Cory Sutton as Clerk of the meeting.


Roll call showed the following board members present: Cowart, Esry, Fortado, Goss, Harper, Ingram, McGuire, Patterson, Summers, Thorsland, Eisenmann, Stohr, Dillard- Myers, Young, Clemmons, Clifford, Taylor, Tinsley, and Rosales – 19; absent: Vachaspati, Wolken, and Rector. Thereupon, the County Executive Kloeppel declared a quorum present and the Board competent to conduct business.


County Executive Kloeppel read a poem by Janette Stroken. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.


The Clerk read the Notice of the Meeting, said Notice having been published in The News Gazette on October 3, October 10, October 17, 2019.


Board Member Goss offered a motion to approve the Agenda/Addendum with County Executive Kloeppel changes, removing item 13.1 for discussion only, adding 5c and 5d under New Business; seconded by Board Member Clifford. Approved by unanimous voice vote.


County Executive Kloeppel asked for a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2019-287 appointing Connie Dillard Myers as County Board Member in District 10 to replace Tanisha King-Taylor for unexpired term ending November 30, 2020. Motioned by County Board Chair Rosales and Seconded by County Board Member Cowart.

County Board Member Taylor spoke to Chair Rosales disregarding recommendation of District 10 Precinct Committeemen and expressed her non-support of this appointment.

County Board Member Young spoke to his support of the appointment of Connie Dillard-Myers.

County Board Member Thorsland, spoke to the concern of the Precinct Committeemen. Spoke about County Board member Connie Dillard-Myers and the amount of scrutiny she will receive due to the way the appointment process was handled.

Approved by voice vote. Champaign County Clerk Aaron Ammons swore in County Board Member Connie Dillard-Myers.


Standing Committees:

A. Highway& Transportation Committee Meeting– 

Friday, November 8, 2019 @9:00 AM

1605 E. Main Street, Urbana

B. County Facilities Committee Meeting 

Tuesday, November 5, 2019 @ 6:30 PM 

Lyle Shields MeetingRoom

C. Environment & LandUse Committee Meeting 

Thursday, November 7, 2019 @ 6:30 PM 

Lyle Shields MeetingRoom

Committee of the Whole:

A. Justice & Social Services; Policy, Personnel, & Appointments; Finance 

Tuesday, November 12, 2019 @ 6:30 PM

Lyle Shields MeetingRoom

County Board:

A. RegularMeeting

Thursday, November 21, 2019 @6:30 PM 

Lyle Shields Meeting Room


Paul Sailor- addressed Board of Review appointment and his willingness to stay to help BOR.

James Kilgore- Spoke against building new jail cells since 2011. Spoke to 9 recommendations that Community Justice Task Force made, and only 2 have been carried out by CountyBoard.

Mary King- Requested Chair Rosales go with Precinct Committeeman recommendation for appointment of the County Board vacancy.

Benjamin Beaupre- Champaign County re-entry council member, “Build Programs not Jails”, told of safety concerns in the current jail.

Dottie Vura-Weis- spoke about jail consolidation and passed around hand out. Ron Koester- spoke about jail consolidation

Brad Dibbe-spoke about jail consolidation

Maryam Ar-Raheem- spoke about appointment of new County Board member.

Allan Axelrod-spoke about jail consolidation Danielle Chynoweth-spoke about jail consolidation Eilias Decker-spoke about jail consolidation

Ben Joselyn- spoke about jailconsolidation


Board member Esry offered a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as a whole, comprising 19 Resolutions; Board Member Thorsland seconded. Motion approved by unanimous roll call vote.

Yeas: Cowart, Esry, Fortado, Goss, Harper, Ingram, McGuire, Patterson, Summers, Thorsland, Eisenmann, Stohr, Dillard-Meyers, Young, Clemmons, Clifford, Taylor, Tinsley, and Rosales - 19

Nays: None


Board Member Summers spoke about the Board not being able to honor the request of State Rep Ammons to speak about recent legislation.

Board Member McGuire requested Board of Review appointment be brought to the next COW meeting.

Board Member Patterson spoke about Cunningham Township Supervisor office Coat Drive, 205 W Green St, Board Member Ingram adds that he will pick them up if people are unable to get them to the location.

Board Member Young spoke about NAACP event and thanked all that have purchased tickets.

Board Member Thorsland spoke about elected officials being able to speak at meetings and request that County Board accommodate elected official schedules no matter the party. Also spoke about wearing political attire to public meetings may violate ethics and needs to be addressed by the Board as there may be precedent set.


Board Chair Rosales offered a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular County Board Meeting of September 19, 2019; seconded by Board Member Summers. Board Member Esry offered correction of a missing Board Member name (name was corrected). Motion approved by unanimous voice vote with correction (correction was made post meeting)

County Executive Kloeppel requested omnibus vote for approval of the minutes of the Legislative Budget Hearing on Aug 26 and Aug 27, 2019, motioned by Board Member Goss, second by Board Member Cowart. Motion approved by unanimous voice vote.


County Executive Kloeppel noted Summary of Action at the Facilities Committee taken October 7, 2019 Meeting placed on file.

A. County Facilities

1. 2019 Reifsteck Reid Jail Consolidation Plan (discussion only)

County Executive opened up discussion only for Jail Consolidation Plan. County Board Member Harper, Chairman of Facilities Committee, and County Board Member Summers, Vice Chair of Facilities Committee, spoke about previous plans and discussion of safety and jail population. Board Member Summers spoke that there is not support for a $47M project and reiterates that all proposals are still in discussion.

Update of the previous Master Plan was done to be in compliance with current requirements/standards for jails in the state. Architect provided list of recommendations for housing, segregation needs, cost, etc., and detailed out the cost estimate of $42M - $52M for facility update.

County Board Member Tinsley joined discussion, asked how did the report factor in special needs housing capacity. County Board Member Tinsley rejected the idea county jail should be a resource for mental health. County Board Member Stohr joined discussion, requested a larger-sized plan be made available.

County Executive Kloeppel invited Sheriff to address the Board. Sheriff said he 100% agrees that the criminal justice system is broken, and it is a nationwide issue. Laid out 3 points: 1. Safe and Secure facility; 2. Working with States Attorney and Judiciary to expand alternatives of incarceration for non-violent offenders; and 3. Community alternatives to incarceration. Spoke to efficiencies of the needed updates to maintain current inmates.

County Board Member Ingram joined discussion, asked Sheriff regarding population of female inmates. Sheriff referred to Jail Administrator Voges who then confirmed between 8-10 female inmates on average. County Board Member Ingram continued to suggest JDC facility being used to assist in the jail program. Administrator Voges laid out questions and requirements for the possibility of JDC being used as female housing. County Board Member McGuire inquired about mental health housing, and what the cost of delay is. County Board Member Harper closed discussion to ask someone on the Facilities Committee if there are anyquestions.

Summary of Action taken at the Environment and Land Use Committee Meeting on October 10, 2019 placed on file.

County Board Member Esry moved to adopt Resolution 2019-297 approving intergovernmental agreement establishing the East Central Illinois Land Bank Authority. Seconded by County Board Member Thorsland. County Board Esry discussed details of joining the Land Bank. County Board Member Stohr raised issues ofLegacyLandfillsandcontaminationofwater. Voicevote—motioncarried.

County Board Member Esry moved to adopt Resolution 2019-306 approving decommissioning the site reclamation plan for the Sidney, IL project 1 PV Community Solar Farm. Seconded by Board Chair Rosales. Board member Esry discussed detail of the ELUC committee meeting. Roll call vote—motion carried.

Yeas: Clifford, Cowart, Esry, Eisenmann, Fortado, Goss, Harper, Ingram, McGuire, Stohr, Summers, Taylor, Thorsland, Tinsley, Young, Clemmons, Dillard-Myers, Rosales - 18. 

Nays: none.


Summary of Action Taken October 15, 2019 at the Committee of the Whole placed on file.

1. Board Member Young moved to adopt Resolution No. 2019-286 appointing Philip Fiscella to the Champaign Urbana Mass Transit District Board. Seconded by County Board Member Rosales. Voice vote-motion carried.

2. Board Member Young offered Adoption of Resolution No. 2019-288 appointing Kenneth Schmidt to the Raup Drainage District. Seconded County Board Member Ingram. Voice vote—motion carried.

3. Board Member Young Adoption of Resolution No. 2019-289 appointing Andy Hughes to the Union Drainage District #1 Philo and Urbana. Seconded County Board Member Ingram. Voice vote—motion carried.

4. Adoption of Resolution No. 2019-285 appointing Michael Kirby to the Deputy Sheriff Merit Commission. Motioned by County Board Member Young Seconded County Board Member Ingram. Motion Carried by voice vote.

5. Adoption of Resolution No. 2019-283 to update the language of the County Board Rules and Procedures. Motioned by County Board Member Young Seconded by County Board Member Ingram. Roll call vote—motion carried.

Yeas: Cowart, Fortado, Ingram, Patterson, Summers, Thorsland, Eisenmann, Stohr, Dillard-Meyers, Young, Clifford, Tinsley, and Rosales - 13

Nays: Esry, Goss, Harper, McGuire, Clemmons -5

6. Adoption of Resolution No. 2019-284 to include additional travel policy to the County Board Rules and Procedures. Motioned by County Board Member Young Seconded County Board Member Ingram. Roll call vote—motion carried.

Yeas: Cowart, Fortado, Ingram, Patterson, Summers, Thorsland, Stohr, Dillard-Myers, Young, Taylor, Tinsley, and Rosales - 12

Nays: Clifford, Eisenmann, Esry, Goss, Harper, McGuire, Clemmons - 7


1. County Board Member Goss offered a motion Adoption of Resolution No. 2019- 290 authorizing budget amendment 19-00048 Fund 080 General Corporate / Dept 026 County Treasurer Increased appropriations:

$8,159 Increased revenue: $0 Reason: The Treasurer’s office needs a temporary employee to fill in for the Chief Deputy Treasurer who is on leave. The amount of $8,158 is needed to pay the temporary employee for 7 weeks at the same rate of pay. Seconded by Board Member Fortado. Roll call vote—motion was lost.

Yeas: Cowart, Fortado, Ingram, Patterson, Summers, Thorsland, Stohr, Taylor, Tinsley, - 9

Nays: Clifford, Eisenmann, Esry, Goss, Harper, McGuire, Clemmons, Cowart, Young, Dillard-Myers, and Rosales – 11

2. County Board Member Goss offered a motion Adoption of Ordinance No. 2019-308 providing for the issuance of not to exceed

$900,000 General Obligation (Limited Tax) Refunding Debt Certificates, Series 2019, for the purpose of refunding certain outstanding debt certificates of the County, evidencing the rights to payment under an Installment Purchase Agreement, and providing for the proposed sale of said certificates to the purchaser thereof. Seconded by County Board Member Clifford. Roll call vote—motion carried.

Yeas: Cowart, Esry, Fortado, Goss, Harper, Ingram, McGuire, Patterson, Summers, Thorsland, Eisenmann, Stohr, Dillard-Myers, Young, Clemmons, Clifford, Taylor, Tinsley, and Rosales - 19

Nays: None


A. County Board Member Cowart offered a motion Adoption of Resolution No. 2019-300 authorizing payment of claims – October 2019. Seconded by County Board Chair Rosales. Voice vote--motion carried.

B. County Board Member Esry offered a motion for the Approval of Recreation & Entertainment License: Production Medicine Club for a live band and party at the Champaign County Fairgrounds, 1302 North Coler Avenue, Urbana for November 2, 2019. Seconded by Board Member Clifford. Voice vote—motion carried.

C. County Board Member Esry offered a motion Adoption of Resolution No. 2019-314 approving purchases not following the purchase policy. Seconded by County Board Member Clifford. Voice vote--motion carried.

D. Biennial EEO-4 Survey and Result (information only)

County Board Member Fortado discussed women being over-represented at the lowest wages.


Labor Committee Memorandums regarding AFSCME contracts (contracts were available for review)

County Executive Kloeppel called for a motion on items 1-6, County Board Member Summers moved for an omnibus vote for items 1-6, seconded by County Board Member Taylor.

1. Adoption of Resolution No. 2019-309 approving agreement between the Champaign County State’s Attorney and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Council 31, January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2021.

2. Adoption of Resolution No. 2019-310 approving agreement between the Champaign County Circuit Clerk and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Council 31, January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2021

3. Adoption of Resolution No. 2019-311 approving agreement between the Chief Judge of the Sixth Judicial Court and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Council 31, January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2021

4. Adoption of Resolution No. 2019-312 approving agreement between the Champaign County Board and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Council 31 for the General Bargaining Unit, January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2021

5. Adoption of Resolution No. 2019-313 approving agreement between the Champaign County Board and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Council 31 for the Highway Department, January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2021

Discussion opened with County Board Member Harper in regard to budget concerns. County Board Members Patterson and McGuire joined discussion. Voice vote--motion carried.


County Executive Kloeppel recessed the meeting at 9:21 PM.




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