Champaign County Board Environment and Land Use Committee met Oct. 10.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
Committee Members
County Staff: John Hall (Zoning Administrator), Susan Monte (Planner), Rita Kincheloe (Recording Secretary)
Others Present: Giraldo Rosales (County Board Chair), Darlene Kloeppel (County Executive)
I. Call to Order
Committee Chair Esry called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
II. Roll Call
A verbal roll call was taken and a quorum was declared present.
III. Approval of Agenda
MOTION by Mr. Thorsland to approve the agenda, seconded by Mr. Goss. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
IV. Approval of Minutes
A. June 6, 2019 – Closed Session
MOTION by Mr. Goss to approve the minutes of the June 6, 2019 ELUC Closed Session Meeting; seconded by Mr. Thorsland. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
B. August 8, 2019
MOTION by Ms. Eisenmann to approve the minutes of the August 8, 2019 ELUC meeting; second by Ms. Fortado. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
County Staff: John Hall (Zoning Administrator), Susan Monte (Planner), Rita Kincheloe (Recording Secretary)
Others Present: Giraldo Rosales (County Board Chair), Darlene Kloeppel (County Executive)
I. Call to Order
Committee Chair Esry called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
II. Roll Call
A verbal roll call was taken and a quorum was declared present.
III. Approval of Agenda
MOTION by Mr. Thorsland to approve the agenda, seconded by Mr. Goss. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
IV. Approval of Minutes
A. June 6, 2019 – Closed Session
MOTION by Mr. Goss to approve the minutes of the June 6, 2019 ELUC Closed Session Meeting; seconded by Mr. Thorsland. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously. B. August 8, 2019
MOTION by Ms. Eisenmann to approve the minutes of the August 8, 2019 ELUC meeting; second by Ms. Fortado. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
V. Public Participation
Barton Pitts, of Nexamp, spoke regarding item IX. E. Zoning Case 903-S-18, requesting approval of the decommissioning and reclamation plan for a solar farm project.
Cathy Strick, who lives at 2006 Juniper Dr., Mahomet, spoke regarding noxious weed removal in unincorporated Mahomet and asked that the commons area adjacent to her property be maintained by the county.
VI. Communications
There were no communications.
VII. New Business: for Information Only
A. October Events: Residential Electronics Collection and IEPA Sponsored One Day HHW Collection
Ms. Monte provided a reminder that there were two events this month and that there were still openings for both.
VIII. New Business: Items to be Approved by ELUC
A. Recreation & Entertainment License: Illini BMX, Champaign County Fairgrounds, 1302 North Coler Avenue, Urbana for September 28, October 5, 12, 18, 26, 2019
There was a rainout on September 28, and they have added a date of November 2. Mr. Hall will coordinate with the clerk to make sure the license reflects this change.
MOTION by Mr. Thorsland to approve; second by Mr. Patterson. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
B. Direction Regarding Proposed Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment for Adult Use Cannabis Zoning Regulations Pursuant to Public Act 101-0027
Mr. Hall gave brief overview. This is a draft amendment, a simple amendment that will specify which zoning districts these uses are allowed in. They must meet the state requirements. If the County Board wants to prohibit some of these uses, it could be a simple resolution. If you like what is before you, after you take action tonight, a public hearing could be held at the Zoning Board of Appeals, which has been docketed for December 12, and could be back to this committee as early as the January meeting.
Discussion followed: Mr. Goss asked if we have an inventory of parcels that might be included. Mr. Hall stated I-2 is the most limited area in the county, B-4 is more widespread and B-5 is possibly more limited than I-2. Mr. Thorsland stated that there are 75 parcels throughout the state, so there would probably not be that many licenses for Champaign County. He is in favor of what has been proposed here. Ms. Eisenmann would like to see us opt-out of CRT and ban recreational businesses. She has concerns about putting it in small towns and how it would be monitored. It will already be available in big cities and will not be doing any favors by allowing it in small areas.
MOTION by Mr. Thorsland to approve the Proposed Amendment (B1 and B2, pages 24 and 25); second by Mr. Patterson.
Discussion on the Motion: Mr. Goss will not support the motion. Mr. Hall added that if the consensus of the committee is to opt-out, we should come back in November with a draft resolution. Mr. Thorsland commented that the vote may be a tie, but if it passes it will go to the ZBA for public comments. We should start with what we have here and let public comments dictate if we opt-out. Mr. Esry stated that if it is a tie at committee, it goes to County Board with no recommendation. If at full committee strength in November, it could be discussed again. Ms. Fortado stated that if it is not legal in some areas, it can cause more problems. Ms. Eisenmann stated concerns that business will be all around small towns and is sending a mixed message. Ms. Fortado stated folks in the area will be/are using the product. Mr. Esry asked if a motion to postpone is in order. Mr. Thorsland withdrew the original motion.
MOTION by Mr. Thorsland to postpone until the November ELUC meeting; second by Mr. Patterson. Discussion followed on postponing the motion. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED by a vote of 4 to 2.
IX. New Business: Items to be Recommended to the County Board
Mr. Hall explained that items A – C are related; A and B are rezoning requests to allow a subdivision and C is for an event center that they do out of their house. The event center has been approved by the ZB as special use.
A. Zoning Case 931-AM-19. A request by Bill Cope and Mary Kalantzis to amend the Zoning Map to add the Rural Residential Overlay Zoning District designation to allow for the development of 5 single family residential lots in the CR Conservation Recreation Zoning District in conjunction with related Zoning Case 932-S-19 on a 17.2 acre tract in the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 32, Township 20 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian in Somer Township and commonly known as the residence and property at 4018 North Lincoln Avenue, Urbana.
MOTION by Mr. Goss; second by Mr. Patterson. Mr. Goss asked if there was a water feature on Lot 4 and 4A. Mr. Hill answered that, yes, there was a pond. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
B. Zoning Case 932-S-19. A request by Bill Cope and Mary Kalantzis to amend the Zoning Map to authorize a special use permit for a Rural Residential Development of 5 single family residential lots in the CR Conservation Recreation Zoning District in conjunction with related Zoning Case 931-AM-19 on a 17.2 acre tract in the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 32, Township 20 North, Range 9 East of the Third Principal Meridian in Somer Township and commonly known as the residence and property at 4018 North Lincoln Avenue, Urbana.
MOTION by Mr. Thorsland; second by Mr. Patterson. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
C. Zoning Case 934-AM-19. A request by Bill Cope and Mary Kalantzis to amend the Zoning Map to change the Zoning District designation from the current CR Conservation Recreation Zoning District to the AG-2 Agriculture Zoning District for proposed Outlot A and Proposed Lots 1,2,3,4, and 5 in the Preliminary Plat of Subdivision created by Berns, Clancy and Associates dated July 31, 2019, in order to establish and operate a proposed Event Center as a special use permit authorized by the Zoning Board of Appeals in related Zoning Case 935-S-19 and commonly known as the residence and property at 4018 North Lincoln Avenue, Urbana.
MOTION by Ms. Fortado; second by Mr. Patterson. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
D. Zoning Case 955-FV-19. Request by Brad and Simone Ribbe to authorize a variance from the Champaign County Special Flood Hazard Areas Ordinance for construction and use of a shed in the Special Flood Hazard Area for which the earthen fill extends only 3 feet beyond the foundation before sloping below the Flood Protection Elevation in lieu of the minimum required extension of fill for 10 feet beyond the foundation before sloping below the Flood Protection Elevation on property located at 2176 CR2100N, St. Joseph.
MOTION by Ms. Eisenmann; second by Mr. Thorsland. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
E. Zoning Case 903-S-18. A request by Nexamp,101 Summer Street, 2nd Floor, Boston MA 02110, via Barton Pitts, Director of Business Development Midwest Region, and participating landowners the Mildred Catherine Wolf Trust, Mildred Catherine Wolf, Trustee, and Judith K. Wertz to approve the Decommissioning and Site Reclamation Plan for a Community PV Solar Farm with a nameplate capacity of 2 megawatts (MW), on approximately 11 acres in the AG-1 Agriculture Zoning District. The subject property is a 121.79-acre tract comprised of part of Lot D of the Proprietor’s Survey of Lands Subdivision in Section 11 of Township 18 North, Range 10 East of the Third Principal Meridian in Sidney Township, and commonly known as the field east of the house located at 2232A CR 1000N, Sidney.
MOTION by Mr. Thorsland; second by Mr. Goss. Mr. Hill said we are awaiting comments from the State’s Attorney’s Office and it was explained to the Petitioner that we may need to postpone until November. The Original Motion was amended to add the following: move to approve to full County Board contingent upon approval of the State’s Attorney.
Barton Pitts, of Nexamp, answered a question about the ramifications of waiting until November. They can start the building permit process once approved. Many people are nervous that it won’t get done in time as a tax issue expires at the end of the year.
Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously. Will be kept off the consent agenda.
F. Proposed Fee Increase: Waste Hauler License
MOTION by Mr. Thorsland to approve a $35 flat fee per vehicle per company; second by Mr. Goss. The question was asked if there was feedback from any waste haulers; there was none.
Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.
G. Proposed Intergovernmental Agreement and Bylaws for Proposed East Central Illinois Land Bank Authority
Ms. Kloeppel discussed that fees were dropped because of the Rantoul grant, so the grant satisfies the money needs for now. There is an exit clause. Ms. Fortado stated there is 60 day notice to withdraw. Ms. Kloeppel stated there is interest from surrounding counties and additional municipalities, which will lower the cost. If we are charged a fee, we would get advance notice. We would have 3 positions on their board and they require either a board member or someone representing the board. The make-up of the board would be 3 board members from each county and 2 from each municipality. Vermilion County has a land bank and are looking to expand. The State’s Attorney has signed off on this.
MOTION by Mr. Goss to approve subject to County Board approval; second by Mr. Thorsland. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously. Will be kept off the consent agenda.
X. Other Business
A representative of the BMX event stated that the October 18, 2019 date on the Agenda (VIII A.) was incorrect and that the correct date is October 19, 2019.
XI. Chair’s Report
There was no Chair’s report.
XII. Designation of Items to be Placed on the Consent Agenda IX. A, B, C, D and F.
XIII. Adjournment
There being no further business, Mr. Esry adjourned the meeting at 7:34 p.m.