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Thursday, February 13, 2025

City of Danville City Council met August 6

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City of Danville City Council met Aug. 6.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

#1. THE REGULAR MEETING of the City Council of the City of Danville was called to order at 6:02 p.m. by Mayor Rickey Williams, Jr. at the Robert E. Jones Municipal Building, 17 W. Main Street, Danville, Illinois.

THE ROLL CALL was answered by Mayor Rickey Williams, Jr., Vice Mayor Steve Nichols, Aldermen Brenda Brown, R.J. Davis, Dan Duncheon, Steve Foster, Sharon McMahon, Michael O'Kane, Sherry Pickering, Tom Stone, Rick Strebing, and Aaron Troglia with one vacancy in Ward 1. Aldermen Bob Iverson and Mike Puhr were absent. A quorum was present.

Staff Members Present: City Clerk Lisa Monson, City Comptroller Shelley Scott, Corporation Counsel Dave Wesner, Human Relations Sandra Finch, Information Technology Administrator Agnel DSilva,

tor Adam Aull, Interim Fire Chief Don McMasters, Interim Police Chief Chris Yates, Public Transportation Director Lisa Beith, and Senior Planner Tyson Terhune. There were also 71 audience members and 5 news media in attendance.

#2.INVOCATION was given by Rev. Timothy Shaw, Pastor, Second Baptist Church, followed by 

#3.THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Alderman O'Kane.

#4. THE MINUTES of the regular meeting held, July 16, 2019, having been published and distributed, were presented. Alderman Strebing moved for approval as presented, seconded by Alderman Stone. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered.

#5. THE AGENDA for the evening was presented. Mayor Williams removed Item 13-G, Ordinance: Amending Chapter 96 of City Code Pertaining to Intoxicating Liquor-Gaming. Alderman McMahon moved for approval as amended, seconded by Alderman Pickering. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered.

[Alderman Davis left the meeting at 6:15 p.m. during the next item.]


#6-A.Proclamations - None 

#6-B.Board/Committee Appointments Mayor Williams reported a Ward 1 Aldermanic appointment will be made within the next month.

#6-C. Reports of Boards, Agencies, Commissions #6-D.Items of Information Mayor Williams announced the National Night Out event is currently taking place at all three fire stations until 8:30 p.m.

#6-D-1) Esri Special Achievement in GIS Award, Adam Aull Mayor Williams announced Adam Aull, GIS Coordinator, accepted the 2019 Special Achievement in GIS (SAG) Award during the Esri User Conference in San Diego this year. The awards were presented to selected institutions from across the globe acknowledging their pioneering use of geospatial technology to solve some of the world's most pressing issues. Danville is one of 172 organizations worldwide (89 domestically) honored. The City is being recognized for its work in developing a portal for City staff to quickly and efficiently access data. The applications and dashboards have brought together decision makers and workers to gain a high return on investment. By utilizing the Esri server and online platforms, better decision making creates a more sustainable city and staff is now able to identify problem areas, resources, and other information in minutes rather than days or weeks. Mr. Aull received the SAG award in 2014 for the development of a code enforcement application and workflow implementing ArcGIS Server, ArcGIS Online and Python programming. Receiving the award twice is an extraordinarily rare occurrence. Mayor Williams presented the award to Mr. Aull and spoke a few words. He stated the GIS work in the City is specifically designed to help the staff, the elected officials, and the public to gain a better understanding of what is happening in our City through data and data analysis. The applications being created are providing that portal and those tools to better evaluate the situations that are plaguing the City and how do we fix those. The security camera application is one of the tools that we can employ to help fight some of the crime in our city. Another tool is the citizen reporter application he is working on which includes how to get information from the public easily and effectively to the correct employees to solve those problems. He is hoping it will be ready in about six months because it is being built in house. Mr. Aull invited anyone interested in his work to visit his office at the Public Works facility. Mayor Williams announced the “OurDanville" app PublicStuff, which is software that allows the public to submit complaints, has been temporarily suspended due to the City not getting support from the company.

#6-D-2) Casino Update 

Mayor Williams presented history on the casino process from the beginning of the process such as the date of when the Aldermen met, the July 2nd City Council presentation, and read the steering committee members. On both occasions, the Aldermen were asked if they had questions or concerns or if anything needed to be added or changed about the process and at that time no one expressed anything but support. Neither the committee, the timeline, nor the process have changed. He then spoke of the current status. Applications were due to the committee by July 31st and he is very excited we have received applicants so no matter where it goes, no matter who the developer or operator is this will be a victory for our community. Projected revenue estimates received thus far anticipate the City will receive in the full first year of operation 2022 a little more than $6 million dollars in revenue and then by 2026 we expect it to increase to a little more than $7 million dollars a year. That is just the tax portion. No matter where the casino goes, that is something we should celebrate. His hope is during those timeframes the City will not have to ask you for more money. We should do everything we can to live within our means and if we are going to be receiving additional revenue, then that means hopefully at that time we wouldn't have to ask you for any kind of increase for example your public safety pension fee tax. There have been a couple of entities, including the Campbell group that have requested additional time; therefore, he has decided to increase the application process to Wednesday, August 21, 2019 so every entity that wants to apply or if anyone should want to reapply or alter their application they may do so. A lot of discussion has been made about location and he wants everyone to know sincerely from his heart that he has no preference where the casino is location is located. It does not matter to him as long as the people he serves and works for get the best bang for the buck. That is all that matters to him. However, he has to address one thing. There has been much chatter about town about downtown. In a wonderful world wouldn't we all like to have it here, but his question is where. He read some information from the City publication "Re-envisioning Danville, Downtown Riverfront Conceptual Plan" (approved by Council on 07/05/2016) from page 40 regarding flood zone in the riverfront area and flooding being a serious issue for use of the downtown riverfront area and Ellsworth Park which has contributed to the lack of permanent development in both of the areas. He also referenced language on page 44 regarding flood management by protecting the natural systems within the 100-year floodplain and use it as a buffer to protect the rest of the area from flooding and to also build a flood-resistant trail system. He feels consideration needs to be given to the study and research that was done from the University of Illinois students as the project moves forward.


• Vince Koers of Danville voiced concern of the casino process and feels it is important this process avoids the appearances of impropriety to avoid the opportunity of the Illinois Gaming Board (IGB) to turn down what proposal we give to them because of some appearance of impropriety. Individuals with input to the site selection options and the subject of influence by land owners and others should not be making a final selection decision as was originally set up. Unelected ad-hoc steering committee working committee decisions should be advisory to the Council and the Council should examine and review all presentations that have been made to the ad-hoc committee and reach their own decisions about the site selection and managing groups to be selected. The Council should seek what is in the best long term interest of the Danville community continuing the present Sol pathway can result in the cancellation of a Danville casino and the loss of the opportunity if the presentation is not blessed by the IGB as the IGB has the authority. Mayor Williams responded neither Mr. Cocagne nor Vermilion Development are on the selection committee nor do they have a say in who will be chosen as the operator. The eight on the Committee will be making a recommendation to the Council and the Council will decide whether or not to accept the recommendation and the applications in their entirety will be made available to the entire Council for their review.

• Lynn McClinden of Danville voiced concern of the casino site selection site being presented on July 2nd as being final. Mayor Williams responded we recommended a site, but we did inform everyone they could write for a different site if they choose to. Mr. McClinden stated that introduces a certain important level of ambiguity for this process since then and because of that ambiguity there has been the possibility that certain potential developers simply did not respond with final packets because they felt like their preferred site was excluded. He remembers at the end of his comment a month ago at the Council meeting he suggested to revisit the site selection and he was sorry ever since that was never pursued until tonight when Alderman Foster is recommending it. He also stated procedures in a matter such as this are quite important legally and for public confidence. He is very confused as to the basic fundamental status of the steering committee and is wondering if it is a steering committee of the Council and open to the Open Meetings Act. Mayor Williams responded the committee is a recommending body appointed by the Mayor through an administrative process and he had the consent of the Council in the process during the meetings when he asked if there were any questions or concerns or if there was anything we needed to change both on 06/20/19 and on 07/02/19 and until recently after a certain group showed up on the scene he had not heard of any type of concerns or issues whatsoever. 

Rick Todd of Danville, 30-year resident, voiced support of a casino location in Downtown Danville riverfront area as it would create jobs and housing, encourage development in enterprise zone and TIF District and would make people want to socialize downtown. Mayor Williams responded regarding the acquisition of land as much of the land we own is in the flood plain so there would have to be a lot done to remedy that and he also spoke of the process of an upcoming project, which he cannot speak specifics about the project as he signed non-disclosure, with 66 parcels needed and still need to acquire 9 parcels which requires 17 acres of land which is less than what is needed for the casino, which we have less than 90 days for the casino process, and we have been working on this since December. The project is going to transform a whole neighborhood and part of the center of the city. As far as the TIF District, the money would go to the area where the casino is built is; however how is it going to impact other taxing bodies in the City such as the school district and DACC. City Council

Jerry Connolly of Danville serves on the casino steering committee, is excited the casino is coming to Danville, is happy to serve on the Committee, and announced to contact him with any questions or concerns in regards to the casino. 

Sam Cole of Bismarck and Professional Engineer, feels a casino site on Lynch Road seems logical from an engineering perspective as the riverfront area west of the Palmer Arena is only 1.3 to 1.5 acres at the top with the whole site being 9 acres with steep slopes and by the flood plain. 

Kim Campbell of Danville, is excited Danville has the opportunity to put a casino in Danville and feels the location should be reconsidered to make the best and optimum decision. She spoke concern of a letter from Vicki Haugen to Council members with regards to how things were being handled and facts stated were fiction as they have no lawsuits pending against them. She stated the letter also mentioned forward thinking attitude about someone else in the community and land that they are putting into the casino. She thinks that Mrs. Haugen having defined feelings and emotional attitude towards a positive effort for one group versus a negative effort for another group is concerning. Mrs. Campbell feels there should be an independent consultant to make a good, compelling and financially feasible case with regards to the casino process. She mentioned Mrs. Haugen's letter also stated the City did not have a dime to contribute to making a good recommendation. Mrs. Campbell stated Mr. Cocagne is not working for free and she would like to know his economic benefit either before, during, or after the licensing occurs because he will get paid some way. She feels putting a casino downtown will revitalize the downtown area and will benefit the many versus benefitting the few and less than a 40-acre site is feasible. 

Laura Williams of Danville, a lifelong resident and 25-year employee of DACC, supports a casino in the east end of Danville. The college and the VA as well as other businesses on the east end are excited for the growth and opportunity that may be coming to the east end. The east end of Danville has hospitality issues as far as restaurants and places to enjoy and do things as a family. The City has spent thousands of dollars have been spent on the East Main Corridor Project because of the need to revitalize the east end of Danville and the east end deserves a chance for growth and to thrive and flourish. 

Amy Lamb of Danville, represents Downtown Danville Inc. (DDI), supports a casino in the downtown area will cause some businesses to consider expansion, vacant building owners would feel encouraged, and upstairs living downtown would become a viable option. She also feels the DDI, Fischer Theatre, and Palmer Arena could work together to be sure quality entertainment would be provided at all three venues and there are existing restaurants and hotels between the Gilbert Street and Main Street exits and the downtown site and ample space for downtown expansion. Entry level job opportunities downtown would be much more accessible for people without reliable transportation. The Lynch Road location would have to provide 24-hour regular transportation back and forth and if they do not, maintaining a workforce could become quite difficult. DDI supports a variety of activities downtown including many free events and should be a hub of activity where everyone is welcome. If they downtown area is not chosen, DDI would like an explanation as to why the Lynch Road location is better for the future of Danville including why it does not make sense to find a creative solution to work around the acreage issue and would like to see a committee developed including members of DDI who agree to a strategic plan and insight with how tax dollars generated from the casino would be infused into downtown. 

Ed Butler of Danville thanked Mayor Williams, Aldermen Davis and O'Kane, and Chief Yates for their support with the summer basketball at Garfield Park as it was a success as well as with the peace marches. He also thanked everyone for the prayers for Bobo Smalls as it is going to be hard to find someone to step into his shoes. He also thanked Jerry Hawker and his family for providing a pony for rides during the summer. Alderman Sherry Pickering and her husband, Jack, received a very special thank you from Mr. Butler for their monetary donation and great supporters of the marches. He stated people still need encouragement and people need reminded if you “See Something, Say Something". 

Pam Howell of Danville, lifelong resident, voiced support of a Downtown casino location as she feels people will spend money downtown and if the casino is located off of Lynch those individuals will not come downtown or to other businesses in the City and feels all Aldermen should make the casino decision and should not be made by someone not elected as the aldermen are elected to make hard decisions. All applications and sites should be reviewed by all of the aldermen. She also feels it is very strange to say to a business you have to locate to a particular site and would like to see former Mayor Eisenhauer consulted regarding a casino being located in Danville. Mayor Williams responded some of the Aldermen have spoken to Mayor Eisenhauer and he stated the intention of that property was never to build a casino. 

Gloria Bolden of Danville spoke concern of parking and safety of children if a casino is located in downtown Danville. 

Jerry Hawker of Danville, representing the Danville Area Landlords Association, feels the casino location decision should be up to the entire Council. He owns property in the outskirts of the downtown area and mentioned the property south of Madison Street over on Logan Avenue is going to be torn down for the project Mayor Williams mentioned and it is going to be a great thing. Also, individuals who own property near the project area will have the ability to get top notch tenants so the landlords will be spending money on the properties. He feels the steering committee that was appointed is one sided. 

Craig Campbell of Danville stated the Council has a tough job ahead of them and feels their proposal will show financially that the idea of putting a casino in a TIF district and all of those other things will be the best financial decision and the spillover into all of the other entities will do fine so he suggested more time for a deadline than Mayor Williams recommended as he would like to do a full blown analysis of the downtown. He is suggesting 45 days maybe into the first or second week of September or at least the end of August. His gaming expert says 20 acres is not needed and the casino does not need to be next to the highway. He mentioned Dubuque, lowa built their casino downtown and they have had three renditions with it being built up on the river bank and now they are building on the top of the river bank. 

Vince O'Brien of Danville feels it is not going to hurt his business if the casino is located on the east end of Danville and asked if there was a $100.00 video gaming terminal fee being proposed and Mayor Williams responded “no”. 

Ken Gentrup, past member of the DDI board and owner of eight parcels in downtown Danville would like to see a casino in downtown Danville. He has visited other cities with casinos and many are located in the downtown area. 

Michael Gregory of Danville voiced support for a casino location as close to Indiana as possible to get Indiana tax revenue. Alderman Pickering stated she spoke to Mayor Eisenhauer and he feels the casino should be located on 1-74 and the price of infrastructure that would have to be done in the City would be very costly. 

Kerry Barrett of Danville stated the interstate area has been ignored for years so he supports the casino to be located near the interstate.

Brandon Pliscus of Danville voiced concern of a Danville casino causing poverty and an increase to the crime level due to gambling addictions.

Dr. Stephen Nacco, President of Danville Area Community College, endorses a casino in the east end of Danville. His east coast experience with Atlantic City and other cities, the casinos are located near interstates and any idea of developing in downtown Danville depends on the revenue you generate from the casino and you are not going to generate by carrying it in the middle of the city.

After audience comments, Alderman Duncheon stated he would support a downtown casino as he lives downtown, but the important part is the $6 million dollar a year in tax benefits, so he feels a casino anywhere in Danville would be wonderful. He then asked Mr. Campbell a few questions addressing the U of I Riverfront Conceptual Study, engineering hurdles, dollars in the downtown TIF district, State Statues regarding developing land including the David S. Palmer Arena, and whether their Sol included deliverables. Lengthy discussion ensued from Mr. Campbell, Alderman Duncheon, and Mayor Williams.


#8-A. Discussion on Casino SOI (Solicitation of Interest) and Review of Process Mayor Williams stated he did not recommend nor does he support the changes regarding the casino process so he turned the floor over the Alderman Foster. Alderman Foster stated he received several positive comments by phone or e-mail of placing the casino location downtown and voiced concern of hearing good arguments as to why we should put it on the east end. He always thought in the back of his mind when properties were purchased west of the Palmer Arena there would eventually be a riverboat in the area. He was very disappointed when he heard the casino site selection was in the Eastgate area as he isn't sure he would have ever voted to clear the land if he knew a riverboat was not planned to be located west of the Palmer Arena. Alderman Foster stated Mayor Williams knew he was upset by the location early on and he also did not realize anyone could pick any other site or bid on any other site. He received a copy of the sol that was sent to the seven people who indicated an interest and at the back of the Sol is a map which is one site. It talks about the site being on Eastgate and nowhere in the SOI is it worded there could be other sites. The first time he heard it could be on other sites was when an Alderman asked the Mayor a question and the Mayor responded the proposal could be submitted with an alternate site. He feels there should be an extension for everyone to look at other locations as there was assumption the casino could only be located at one site. Alderman Foster asked Mayor Williams how many proposals were received on July 31st and Mayor Williams responded there were two proposals received. Mayor Williams hopes by extending the deadline there will be more entities that have not submitted previously that do wish to submit and that is why he compromised with a deadline of August 21, 2019. Alderman Foster would also like for Council to approve of the proposal eliminations which eliminates any bias and he would like to see an extension of no less to the end of the month of August, but he does appreciate the Mayor being willing to give an extension at all. He also feels the Council should have an active role in the oversight of several things with one being the committee itself. He also feels the Council should have oversight, whether it be in closed session, or financial information redacted from the proposals, as the proposals should be given to the Council to review. He also feels the Council should make the decision on who is eliminated and each company that submits a proposal should be given an opportunity to give a presentation. We should respect each other's opinions and care about each other and we have years yet together to get a lot of other things done beyond a casino. This Council has to make its own decisions, but they have to do their job and what is best for the public. Alderman Foster asked Corporation Counsel to advise the best way to proceed with the resolutions as there are no hard copies in the agenda packets. Mayor Williams stated he has already offered to extend the deadline to August 21st; not to August 31st which gives more time for additional applicants or for those who have applied more time to revise their applications. He also asked that it be noted he has stated all applications are eligible for review by all of the Aldermen. Aldermen Brown and Troglia would like to see the deadline for applications extended to August 31st.

#8-A-1) Resolution: Revising Selection Process and Casino Steering Committee Duties

 Alderman Foster moved for City Council to have final authority to approve any entity for selection of casino operating partner, seconded by Alderman Troglia. Alderman Duncheon stated the Aldermen have accessibility to the casino proposals and if zoning comes up that will have to go through the City Council so there is no need for a resolution. Alderman Pickering stated the Alderman have a right to call the steering committee members with any questions or concerns. Alderman O'Kane voiced concern of voting on several different proposals as it might be difficult to get eight votes and we cannot put things off. After all questions were addressed, the roll call vote being: 

Ayes: Aldermen Troglia, Foster, Brown 

Nays: Aldermen Pickering, O'Kane, Strebing, McMahon, Duncheon, Nichols, Stone 

Absent: Aldermen Davis, Iverson, Puhr 

Motion failed 3 to 7 with 3 absent and one vacancy.

#8-A-2) Resolution: Extending SOI Deadline Alderman Pickering moved to extend SOI Deadline dated from July 31, 2019 to August 21, 2019, seconded by Alderman Duncheon. Corporation Counsel Wesner stated the casino timeline could be approved by a cover resolution approving the original timeline (submitted in the original presentation] as well as the amended timeline as the original timeline was built around zoning issues and the deadline to the State of Illinois. Alderman Pickering withdrew her original motion, seconded by Alderman Duncheon. Alderman Pickering moved to approve the casino timeline with an amendment of August 21, 2019 for the submission of application, seconded by Alderman Stone. Alderman Brown amended the motion to approve the casino timeline with an amendment to extend the deadline to August 31, 2019, seconded by Alderman Troglia. Vice Mayor Nichols stated the dates for the selection of operating partner and the solidify community benefits/determine land use approval process will need to be changed from the original timeline. After discussion, it was determined to change the date for the selection of operating partner to September 3rd and solidify community benefits/determine land use approval process to September 10th for the application deadline of date for the selection of operating partner to September 13th and solidify community benefits/determine land use approval process to September 20th for the application deadline of August 31st. After all questions were addressed, the roll call vote being on the application deadline date of August 31, 2019 being: 

Ayes: Aldermen Brown, Nichols, Troglia, Foster 

Nays: Aldermen Duncheon, Stone, Pickering, O'Kane, Strebing, McMahon 

Absent: Aldermen Davis, Iverson, Puhr 

Motion failed 4 to 7 with 3 absent and one vacancy. 

#8-A-2) Resolution: Extending SOI Deadline - RESOLUTION NO. 2019-80 Mayor Williams stated since the amendment failed the roll call vote will be on the original motion which is the date for the selection of operating partner to September 3rd and solidify community benefits/determine land use approval process to September 10th for the application deadline of August 21st. After all questions were addressed, the roll call vote to approve the casino timeline with an amendment of August 21, 2019 for the submission of application being: 

Ayes: Aldermen Duncheon, Nichols, Stone, Troglia, Pickering, O'Kane, Strebing, Foster, McMahon, Brown 

Nays: None 

Absent: Aldermen Davis, Iverson, Puhr 

Motion carried 10 to O with 3 absent and one vacancy.



Mayor Williams presented Payrolls for July 19, 2019, of $526,293.64, for July 26, 2019, of

$73,134.29, and for August 2, 2019, for $538,062.12. Alderman Strebing moved to dispense with the readings and asked for approval as presented, seconded by Alderman Stone. There being no questions, the roll call vote being: 

Ayes: Aldermen Nichols, Stone, Troglia, Pickering, O'Kane, Strebing, Foster, McMahon, Brown, Duncheon 

Nays: None 

Absent: Aldermen Davis, Iverson, Puhr 

Motion carried 10 to O with 3 absent and one vacancy.


Mayor Williams presented the Schedule of Vouchers Payable, having been published, posted, and distributed, for special run of July 22, 2019, of $3,675.80, for run of July 23, 2019, of $360,404.98, and for run of August 6, 2019, of $921,607.75. Alderman Stone moved to dispense with the readings and asked for approval as presented, seconded by Alderman Troglia. There being no questions, the roll call vote being: 

Ayes: Aldermen Stone, Troglia, Pickering, O'Kane, Strebing, Foster, McMahon, Brown, Duncheon, Nichols 

Nays: None 

Absent: Aldermen Davis, Iverson, Puhr 

Motion carried 10 to O with 3 absent and one vacancy.


#12-A. In the absence of Chairman Puhr, Vice Chairman Strebing presented RESOLUTION NO. 2019-81 authorizing Execution and Amendment of Downstate Operating Assistance Grant Agreement, moved to dispense with the reading without recommendation by Committee, seconded by Alderman Pickering. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being: 

Ayes: Aldermen Troglia, Pickering, O'Kane, Strebing, Foster, McMahon, Brown, Duncheon, Nichols, Stone 

Nays: None 

Absent: Aldermen Davis, Iverson, Puhr 

Motion carried 10 to 0 with 3 absent and one vacancy.

#12-B. Items of Information Vice Chairman Strebing announced the next Public Works Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 13, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.


There being no objections to taking Items A to K together, Chairman Foster moved to dispense with the readings and asked for approval as Items C, E, F, H, I, J, and K were recommended by Committee, seconded by Alderman Stone. Those items being: 

#13-A. RESOLUTION NO. 2019-82 approving Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) for Program Year 2018, without Committee recommendation; 

#13-B. RESOLUTION NO. 2019-83 authorizing Application and Acceptance Highway Safety Purposes, State Award ID 343-15301 for 10/1/2019 to 9/30/2020 and Amending FY 2019-2020 Police Budget (021) without Committee recommendation; by creating Revenue-STEP Grant 001-021-00-46220 in the amount of $20,680.00 and creating Expenditure-STEP Grant 001 021-00-51026 in the amount of $21,680.00 with funds for the amendment to come from the Police Division FY 2019-2020 grant revenues;

#13-C. RESOLUTION NO. 2019-84 awarding Bid 628 to sole bidder CLEAN Uniform Company for Uniform Rental and Ancillary Services for a five-year period for Danville Mass Transit; 

#13-D.ORDINANCE NO. 9211 repealing Ordinance 9172, originally passed 10/2/18, Related to Part-Time Mayor Salary due to Ordinance 9172 being passed subsequent to Ordinance 9171 pertaining to establishing the salary for Full-Time Mayor during the same City Council meeting, the company that codifies the Ordinances for placement in the book of ordinances only placed the salary of the Part-Time Mayor in Section 31.10, without Committee recommendation; 

#13-E.ORDINANCE NO. 9212 amending Chapter 51 of City Code Pertaining to Storm and Sanitary Sewers as the provisions of Chapter 51 concerning the fees charged for services should be updated so that fees are not charged to vacant lots or to the Vermilion County Trustee for property acquired in the delinquent tax auction; 

#13-F. ORDINANCE NO. 9213 amending Chapter 52 of City Code Pertaining to Municipal Solid Waste Collection, Including Regular Weekly Service Fees as the provisions of Chapter 52 concerning the fees charged for services should be updated so that certain fees are not charged to vacant lots, vacant structures, or to the Vermilion County Trustee; 

#13-G. [previously removed] 

#13-H. ORDINANCE NO. 9214 amending Chapter 111 of City Code Pertaining to Ambulances upon review, certain requirements need to be updated; and, in order to ensure adequate levels of service and response, additional requirements should be put in place; 

#13-1. ORDINANCE NO. 9215 amending Chapter 117 of City Code Pertaining to Public Safety Pension Fee as the provisions of Chapter 117 should be updated so that fees are not charged for property owned by the Vermilion County Trustee or which does not contain a dwelling structure on a residential property; and, due to the current fee schedule not being on the codifier's website, the current fee schedule should be re-adopted to avoid any confusion on the proper fee schedule; 

#13-J. ORDINANCE NO. 9216 amending Chapter 118 of City Code Pertaining to Licensing as the State of Illinois recently passed legislation that included increasing the number of video gaming terminals a licensed premises may have and the provisions of Chapter 118 governing the number of video gaming terminals should be updated to be consistent with the recent legislation under 118.091 (E) Each licensed premises, licensed by the State of Illinois pursuant to the Video Gaming Act, shall be limited to no more than five six (6) properly licensed video gaming terminals; 

#13-K.ORDINANCE NO. 9217 amending Chapter 159 of City Code Pertaining to Enterprise Zone as the City Council adopted Ordinance Number 8980 designated a new Enterprise Zone which was to be effective January 1, 2016 and Chapter 159 was not updated to incorporate the new Enterprise Zone and its attendant benefits so Chapter 159 should be amended to reflect the Enterprise Zone that was established and designated in Ordinance Number 8980. After all questions were addressed, the roll call vote being: 

Ayes: Aldermen Pickering, O'Kane, Strebing, Foster, McMahon, Brown, Duncheon, Nichols, Stone, Troglia 

Nays: None 

Absent: Aldermen Davis, Iverson, Puhr 

Motion carried 10 to O with 3 absent and one vacancy.

#13-L. Items of Information 

#13-L-1) Present Schedule for 2019 Tax Levy and 2020-2021 Budget 

Comptroller Scott stated as in prior years, the Budget and Tax Levy process will be conducted concurrently this year. The 2019 Tax Levy must be adopted by the City Council no later than 12/17/19 and filed with the County Clerk by 12/23/19. The 2020-21 Budget will be available for adoption no later than 12/03/19 and must be adopted by 04/30/2020.

Chairman Foster announced the next Public Services Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 27, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.


Alderman Strebing announced the Cheeseburgers and Fun event will be held at Kennekuk County Park on Saturday, August 10th. The Kennekuk Road Runners are hosting the Howl at the Mool 8-hour Run/Walk beginning at 7:00 a.m. The Vermilion Voles will be hosting their Vintage Baseball Jamboree at the park at noon. The cheeseburger cookout begins at 3:00 p.m., there will be a car, truck, and tractor show from noon to 9:00 p.m., and there are two bands playing from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 

Alderman Strebing announced the Gao Grotto will have fireworks and Salute to Veterans event on Saturday, August 17, 2019 at 4:00 p.m. 

Alderman Pickering announced she and Alderman McMahon went to Fire Station 3 for the Night Out Event and while they were there a Carle helicopter landed on the lawn and the kids were so excited. She hopes we can continue to host the event.

Mayor Williams thanked everyone who participated in and provided support for the Peace

Marches this summer.


Alderman Brown moved to go into Closed Session under Section 2(c)(1) of the Open Meetings Act to discuss Specific Employees and under Section 2(c)(2) of the Open Meetings Act to Discuss Collective Bargaining Matters and Salary Schedules, seconded by Alderman Foster. The roll call vote being: 

Ayes: Aldermen O'Kane, Strebing, Foster, McMahon, Brown, Duncheon, Nichols, Stone, Troglia, Pickering 

Nays: None 

Absent: Aldermen Davis, Iverson, Puhr 

Motion carried 10 to O with 3 absent and one vacancy.

TIME: 8:55 p.m.

Mayor Williams announced there will be action taken after closed session.

Alderman Duncheon moved to return to Open Session, seconded by Alderman Pickering. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered. Mayor Williams called the meeting back to order at 9:01 p.m.

#15-A.Mayor Williams presented RESOLUTION NO. 2019-85 approving a Collective Bargaining Agreement with Laborers' International Union of North America, the Southern and Central Illinois Laborers' District Council and Laborers' Local 703, Clerical Bargaining Unit, for a period from May 1, 2018 through April 30, 2021. Alderman Pickering moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval as discussed in Closed Session, seconded by Alderman Stone. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being: 

Ayes: Aldermen Strebing, Foster, McMahon, Brown, Duncheon, Nichols, Stone, Troglia, Pickering, O'Kane 

Nays: None 

Absent: Aldermen Davis, Iverson, Puhr 

Motion carried 10 to 0 with 3 absent and one vacancy.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned by acclamation at 9:02 p.m. following a motion by Alderman Strebing and a second by Alderman Troglia.
