
Chambana Sun

Thursday, February 13, 2025

City of Danville City Council met July 16

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City of Danville City Council met July 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

#1. THE REGULAR MEETING of the City Council of the City of Danville was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Rickey Williams, Jr. at the Robert E. Jones Municipal Building, 17 W. Main Street, Danville, Illinois.

THE ROLL CALL was answered by Mayor Rickey Williams, Jr., Aldermen Brenda Brown, Dan Duncheon, Steve Foster, Bob Iverson, Sharon McMahon, Michael O'Kane, Sherry Pickering, Mike Puhr, Tom Stone, Rick Strebing, and Aaron Troglia with one vacancy in Ward 1. Vice Mayor Steve Nichols and Alderman R.J. Davis were absent. A quorum was present.

Staff Members Present: City Clerk Lisa Monson, City Comptroller Shelley Scott, Corporation Counsel Dave Wesner, Human Relations Sandra Finch, Information Technology Administrator Agnel D Silva, Interim Fire Chief Don McMasters, Interim Police Chief Chris Yates, Public Transportation Director Lisa Beith, and Public Works Director Carl Carpenter. There were also 14 audience members and 4 news media in attendance.

#2.INVOCATION was given by Rev. Fred Cowen, Pastor, New Hope #3 Church of God in Christ, followed by 

#3. THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Alderman Pickering.

#4. THE MINUTES of the regular meeting held, July 2, 2019, having been published and distributed, were presented. Alderman Puhr moved for approval as presented, seconded by Alderman Troglia. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered.

#5. THE AGENDA for the evening was presented. Alderman Foster moved for approval as presented, seconded by Alderman Strebing. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered.


#6-A. Proclamations - None 

#6-B. Board/Committee Appointments - None 

#6-C. Reports of Boards, Agencies, Commissions Administrator Finch thanked everyone for their support of another successful Community Day which took place Sunday, July 14th at Lincoln Park.

#6-D.Items of Information

Mayor Williams thanked Administrator Finch for all of her work for another successful Community Day and also praised Alderman Brown for her performance during the event. 

Mayor Williams announced the “OurDanville" app PublicStuff, which is software that allows the public to submit complaints, has been temporarily suspended due to the City not getting support from the company. There is another initiative Administrator DSilva and Information Technology is working on that will be in-house. 

Mayor Williams announced Sherif Abdou, Engineer III, has received his certification to be able to sign off on projects for the City.


Vince Koers of Danville spoke concern of the chosen casino location being land locked next to the Indiana border and feels Downtown Danville would be a good location. He also voiced concern of seven different meetings held with two Aldermen at a time, which look to outsiders as circumvention of the Open Meetings Act. Mayor Williams responded the meetings held with the Aldermen occurred before Governor Pritzker signed the bill and the downtown location would be difficult due to parcel acquisition as currently negotiations have been taking place on a project for eight months and 12 parcels are still outstanding. 

Greg Thatcher of Danville voiced concern of debris left behind when vacant lots are mowed, feels street sweeping should be done more than once or twice a year, and would like to see the City website updated.


#9.PAYROLL Mayor Williams presented Payrolls for July 5, 2019, of $528,954.54, and for July 12, 2019, of $74,340.90. Alderman Brown moved to dispense with the readings and asked for approval as presented, seconded by Alderman Pickering. There being no questions, the roll call vote being: 

Ayes: Aldermen Pickering, O'Kane, Iverson, Strebing, Puhr, Foster, McMahon, Brown, Duncheon Stone, Troglia 

Nays: None 

Absent: Aldermen Davis, Nichols 

Motion carried 11 to 0 with 2 absent and one vacancy.


Mayor Williams presented the Schedule of Vouchers Payable, having been published, posted, and distributed, for run of July 9, 2019, of $234,380.23, and for run of July 16, 2019, of $2,844,604.87. Alderman Foster moved to dispense with the readings and asked for approval as presented, seconded by Alderman Iverson. There being no questions, the roll call vote being: 

Ayes: Aldermen O'Kane, Iverson, Strebing, Puhr, Foster, McMahon, Brown, Duncheon, Stone, Troglia, Pickering 

Nays: None 

Absent: Aldermen Davis, Nichols 

Motion carried 11 to 0 with 2 absent and one vacancy.


#11-A. Chairman Puhr presented RESOLUTION NO. 2019-76 approving Danville Mass Transit's Title VI Program Submission for the Federal Transit Association, moved to dispense with the reading by Committee, seconded by Alderman Strebing. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being: 

Ayes: Aldermen Iverson, Strebing, Puhr, Foster, McMahon, Brown, Duncheon, Stone, Troglia, Pickering, O'Kane 

Nays: None

Absent: Aldermen Davis, Nichols 

Motion carried 11 to 0 with 2 absent and one vacancy.

#11-B. Chairman Puhr presented RESOLUTION NO. 2019-77 awarding Bid 627 to the sole bidder National Power Rodding Corporation for 2019 Sewer Cleaning and Televising and Amending the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Sewer Fund (402) budget, in the amount of $293,189.00, with the work to be paid from the Sewer Fund-Engineering budget, line item 402-402-00-52022 in the amount of $236,189.00, and the remaining amount of $57,000.00 to be paid from DATS line item 116-116-20 City Council 52029, and amend the Sewer Enterprise Fund-Engineering budget, line item 402-402-00-52022, in the amount of $216,189.00 with the funds required from the Sewer Enterprise Fund reserve, moved to dispense with the reading as recommended by Committee, seconded by Alderman Strebing. Chairman Puhr stated discussion in committee took place of why the work cannot be done in-house and it is part of the infrastructure updating so the City has an accurate view of the sewers and the City does not have the manpower and necessary equipment to perform the work. Director Carpenter explained staff will have a data collection of the sewer visuals and the vendor will line and clean some of the sewer pipes at the same time. There being no further questions or discussion, the roll call vote being: 

Ayes: Aldermen Strebing, Puhr, Foster, McMahon, Brown, Duncheon, Stone, Troglia, Pickering, O'Kane, Iverson 

Nays: None 

Absent: Aldermen Davis, Nichols 

Motion carried 11 to 0 with 2 absent and one vacancy.

#11-C. Chairman Puhr presented RESOLUTION NO. 2019-78 authorizing Construction Agreement with CSXT Inc. (CSX Transportation Inc.) for Proposed Sidewalk Construction at Griffin Street across CSXT for review costs, associated engineering costs, installation costs, and construction engineering and inspection related to the project, in the amount of $98,795.00, with the work to be paid from CDBG fund-Community Projects budget, line item 106-106-18-54090 in the amount of $23,795.00, Infrastructure Development budget, line item 107-107-00-52058 in the amount of $65,000.00, and Streets Division-Sidewalk, Curb, and Gutter budget, line item 001-031-52086 in the amount of $10,000.00 moved to dispense with the reading without Committee recommendation, but was discussed during Committee, seconded by Alderman Strebing. Chairman Puhr explained the resolution was not ready for Committee, but was discussed with the consensus from the Committee to take it to Council. Alderman O'Kane asked for a timeline and Director Carpenter responded the project must be completed by the end of this year. Alderman O'Kane also asked how long the crossing will be closed and Director Carpenter responded there could be one lane of traffic at times during the project. Alderman O'Kane also asked about the quiet zone. Director Carpenter stated the quiet zone is not required by the litigation and it was decided not to spend the additional money for it. Alderman O'Kane stated the quiet zone was discussed, but did we ever vote on pursuing it or if we did, do we have to vote on undoing it and Mayor Williams responded the City did not vote to install quiet zones; only a quiet zone study. Alderman Strebing asked the reason why this work needs to be done is due to it being in court. Director Carpenter stated "yes" and we do not know what penalties are involved if it is not done by the end of the year. Alderman Duncheon asked if the work is just engineering and Director Carpenter responded CSX will be doing installation of the gate arms and part of the sidewalks and the City will have to go out for bids for the curbing and the City's sidewalk portion of the project. He also stated if any money is left over from this work, which may only be $1,000.00 to $2,000.00; it will be given back to the City. After all questions were addressed, the roll call vote being: 

Ayes: Aldermen Puhr, Foster, McMahon, Brown, Duncheon, Stone, Troglia, Pickering, O'Kane, Iverson, Strebing 

Nays: None

Absent: Aldermen Davis, Nichols 

Motion carried 11 to 0 with 2 absent and one vacancy.

#11-D. Chairman Puhr presented RESOLUTION NO. 2019-79 authorizing Intergovernmental Agreement, Number 43CYZ03365, for Fiscal Year 2020 between the State of Illinois Department of Human Services and City of Danville, for Tobacco Enforcement Program grant for compliance checks on tobacco retailers, in the amount of $4,950.00, moved to dispense with the reading without Committee recommendation, but was discussed during Committee, seconded by Alderman Strebing. Mayor Williams stated every year the City receives a grant to prevent underage individuals from purchasing tobacco products, but it was never required to approve an intergovernmental agreement until this year. After all questions were addressed, the roll call vote being: 

Ayes: Aldermen Foster, McMahon, Brown, Duncheon, Stone, Troglia, Pickering, O'Kane, Iverson, Strebing, Puhr 

Nays: None 

Absent: Aldermen Davis, Nichols 

Motion carried 11 to 0 with 2 absent and one vacancy.

#11-E. Items of Information [The next Public Works Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 13, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.]


#12-A. Chairman Foster presented the City Clerk's Report of Licenses, moved to dispense with the report and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Stone. The report being:


Danville Dans - 08/02/2019 There being no questions, on the voice vote, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered.

#12-B. Items of Information Chairman Foster announced the next Public Services Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 23, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.


• Alderman Puhr announced he will be out of town at the August 6, 2019 City Council meeting visiting with his new granddaughter. 

Alderman Strebing announced the Gao Grotto boat races will be held the weekend of July 20th and July 21st with proceeds going to the new handicapped playground. Other upcoming events at the Gao Grotto include Humanitarian Day which will be held Friday, July 26th, and the AMBUC's summer camps to be held the last week of July, first week of August. 

Alderman Pickering voiced appreciation to the Danville Police Division for the opportunity for a ride along. She encouraged all of the Aldermen to schedule a ride along to see how the officers interact with the citizens' as it was very educational. She thanked all of the police officers for their service. 

Alderman Foster spoke regarding "OurDanville" PublicStuff app and stated the City did not write the software, he has not used the system, and will continue to call the division when there is an issue. 

Alderman Foster also spoke regarding Mr. Koer's comments on the casino site and would like to know how many acres is really needed for a casino. He questioned the procedure and if people approach the Aldermen with good ideas on a casino site. Mayor Williams advised the Alderman to have individuals contact himself or someone on the steering committee. Alderman Foster also requested a casino update. Mayor Williams explained a SOI (Solicitation of Interest) was sent to everyone we knew of across the country or to those who expressed interest, which totaled 50 and they were to respond by July 10th. There were seven entities who indicated they were interested in submitting applications and those entities have until July 31st to submit their applications. The steering committee will review the applications the subsequent two weeks, then individually score them, compile the scores, then interview and talk face to face with the top three, then from there we will choose one that we will recommend to the Council that can be accepted or rejected. The Aldermen can review the proposals if they keep the information confidential. Alderman Foster stated each proposal should be looked at equally. Alderman Duncheon asked if the party that had rights to the land north of the interstate did not submit a Sol and Mayor Williams responded "no" unless they are operating under a name he is not familiar with. Alderman Strebing stated the City is working on a time crunch and we cannot labor this thing out for six months to a year.


Alderman Foster moved to go into Closed Session under Section 2(c)(1) of the Open Meetings Act to discuss Specific Employees, under Section 2(c)(2) of the Open Meetings Act to Discuss Salary Schedules, and under Section 2(C)(11) of the Open Meetings Act to discuss Pending Litigation, seconded by Alderman McMahon. The roll call vote being: 

Ayes: Aldermen McMahon, Brown, Duncheon, Stone, Troglia, Pickering, O'Kane, Iverson, Strebing, Puhr, Foster Nays: None

Absent: Aldermen Davis, Nichols 

Motion carried 11 to 0 with 2 absent and one vacancy.

TIME: 7:05 p.m.

Mayor Williams announced there will be no action taken after closed session.

Alderman Pickering moved to return to Open Session, seconded by Alderman Strebing. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered. Mayor Williams called the meeting back to order at 7:16 p.m.


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned by acclamation at 7:16 p.m. following a motion by Alderman McMahon and a second by Alderman Pickering.
