
Chambana Sun

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Urbana Traffic Commission met March 13

Webp chairs

City of Urbana Traffic Commission met March 13. 

Here is the minutes as provided by the commission:

Members Present:

                   Harold “Dean” Hazen, City Council Member, Ward 6, Chair

                   Craig Shonkwiler, Assistant City Engineer

                   Lt. Robert Fitzgerald for Sylvia Morgan, Chief of Police

Members Absent:


 Others Present:

                   John Collins, Operations Manager, City of Urbana

                   David Jayme, Civil Engineer I, City of Urbana

                   Beth Beaty, Collector’s Office Supervisor

                   J’Von Howard, 712 West California Avenue

The meeting began at 4:00 p.m.

Approval of Minutes:

Craig Shonkwiler moved to approve the minutes of the February 13, 2018 meeting. Robert Fitzgerald seconded the motion. The Commission voted 3-0 to approve the minutes of the February meeting.

Additions to the agenda:

There were no additions to the agenda.

Public Input

Those wishing to provide input did so as items were discussed.

Unfinished Business

Item #1-           Discussion of traffic control on Mathews Avenue at Nevada Street.

J’Von Howard provided a brief summary of concerns he had about pedestrian safety at the intersection of Mathews Avenue and Nevada Street, which he discussed at a previous Traffic Commission meeting. He stated that he requested the installation of stop signs similar to those located at other intersections along Mathews Avenue.

Craig Shonkwiler recapped the conclusion of the previous discussion during which the Commission recommended a study of the intersection to determine if there were any treatments that could be installed to improve safety at the location. Mr. Shonkwiler clarified that the signs referred to by Mr. Howard were in place crosswalk signs that said stop for pedestrians, which were different from stop signs. He mentioned that there were no crashes within the last five years. He said that cameras had been set up at the intersection to provide twelve-hour counts of roadway users.

David Jayme presented the results of a study of the Mathews Avenue and Nevada Street intersection. He mentioned that there had been one crash at the intersection between the dates of January 2011 and January 2017. He added that one criterion for the installation of a stop sign at an intersection would be five or more crashes within one year during a three-year period. He noted that the crash involved traffic moving north/south and the primary concern at this intersection was for traffic moving east/west. During peak hour (11:30 a.m. through 12:30 p.m.), Mr. Jayme stated that there was an average of 350 pedestrians and 200 vehicles crossing at the east/west legs of the intersection.

Mr. Howard mentioned that a pre-school in the area used the crossings for their students.

Craig Shonkwiler explained that the intersection did not meet the Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) standards for the installation of multi-way stop signs. He stated that the City looked at possible enhancements that might improve drivers’ reaction times to stop for pedestrians in the crosswalks. One concern he mentioned was the close proximity of parked vehicles to the crosswalk. Mr. Shonkwiler said that under the existing conditions, there was not adequate time for vehicles to perceive, react and act to stop for pedestrians crossing the intersection even with the speed limit being posted at 25 m.p.h. He suggested moving parking spaces to improve visibility for motorists and pedestrians. In addition, he recommended painting bump-outs to allow pedestrians a shorter crossing area within the vehicle traffic lane. He said that there was room on Nevada Street to the east of the intersection where two parking spaces could be moved from north of the intersection on Mathews Avenue to east of the intersection on Nevada Street resulting in no loss of meter revenue. He mentioned that there was no funding available for concrete bumpouts (which would cost $75,000 to $100,000) for this area and he would like to include a crosswalk on the southern leg of the intersection. He explained that those additions might be possible if funding became available so the project would be included in the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) as an unfunded project and discussed with the University of Illinois as a possible shared project.

Mr. Shonkwiler moved to place a future project for the Mathews Avenue and Nevada Street improvements in the CIP, relocate two metered parking spaces from the north of the intersection on Mathews Avenue to the east of the intersection on Nevada Street, use paint to create bump-outs on the north leg of Mathews Avenue at Nevada Street to reduce the width of vehicle lanes for pedestrians to cross, and to add warning signs requiring motorists to stop when pedestrians are in the crosswalk.

Mr. Howard asked if the University had been contacted.

Mr. Shonkwiler said that he had begun discussion with them.

This item does not require Council action.

Mr. Shonkwiler said that he would discuss possible funding with the University of Illinois for the crosswalk improvement on the south leg of the intersection.

Mr. Howard wondered how to secure the funding for the project.

Mr. Shonkwiler said that there were no funds immediately available at this time for this location.

John Collins said the entire street of Mathews Avenue needed work. He stated that it would be better to look at the street as a whole rather than look at individual intersections. Mr. Collins said that his staff could paint the bump-out areas.

Mr. Shonkwiler said that he could provide U of I contact information to Mr. Howard.

Ms. Beaty asked if no parking here to corner signs were needed at the intersection.

Mr. Collins said that the spaces were already marked so vehicles could only park in the areas with meters. He asked if additional crosswalk signs would be installed.

Mr. Shonkwiler said that they would determine that as part of the design of the intersection.

Lt. Fitzgerald mentioned that the U of I maintained the crosswalks on City streets in the University District.

Mr. Collins said that the City maintained crosswalks at the intersection and the U of I maintained midblock crossings.

Lt. Fitzgerald seconded the motion.

The motion was approved 3-0.

New Business

Item #2-          Discussion of parking at 2008 Vawter Street.

Craig Shonkwiler explained a concern received from First Student Bus Service. He said that bus service picked up a student in a wheelchair at 2008 Vawter Street where a walkway intersected with Vawter Street. The bus service explained on the Traffic Issues/Concerns Request form that residents frequently parked their cars in front of the sidewalk making it difficult for the bus to lower its gate to allow the student access to the bus. He said that temporary parking restrictions, per the Public Works Director, were installed for 25 feet on either side of the walkway.

Lt. Fitzgerald asked a parking lot was available for student access.

Mr. Shonkwiler asked if the property management was contacted.

The property manager had not been contacted.

Mr. Collins thought the exiting area near the parking lot was not as easy as pick up in front of the building.

Chair Hazen asked if there was parking available along the building.

Mr. Collins requested that any parking restrictions installed be removed after the student was of an age where the student no longer needed bus service.

Lt. Fitzgerald asked if there could be a time limit on the restrictions.

Mr. Shonkwiler said that the need was for a very short period of time in the morning and the afternoon.

Beth Beaty said that it would be difficult to enforce for a short period of time.

Mr. Shonkwiler preferred to have some input from the property management.

Mr. Collins asked if the student could board the bus along the east side of the building.

Mr. Shonkwiler recommended tabling the item and asking the building management company to attend next month’s meeting to determine if there was another solution.

Ms. Beaty said that the temporary signs had been knocked down once already.

Mr. Collins would prefer not to make two separate times for the restrictions.

Lt. Fitzgerald said there might be other areas where the bus could load the student. He thought the

restriction could be from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Mr. Shonkwiler recommended postponing this item until next month.

Chair Hazen moved to postpone the item.

Mr. Shonkwiler seconded the motion.

Motion was approved 3-0.

With no other business at hand, the meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.

The next regularly scheduled Traffic Commission meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 10, 2018, at 4:00 p.m. at the Urbana Public Works Department, 706 Glover Avenue, second floor conference room.
