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Urbana Free Library Board of Trustees hear presentation on Illinois Public Library grant application

Webp meetingroom05

Urbana Free Library Board of Trustees met Thursday, Dec. 8.

The Library Board conducts all business pertaining to the library's operations. All routine business of the library is discussed and approved by the entire board at regular or special meetings. The Library Board also establishes the operating budget for the library, but does not have authority to approve a tax levy.

Here are the minutes as provided by Urbana Free Library:

The Urbana Free Library Board of Trustees Minutes of a Regular Meeting Held on Tuesday, November 8, 2016

CALL TO ORDER The Urbana Free Library Board of Trustees met in the Lewis Auditorium of The Urbana Free Library on November 8, 2016. The meeting was called to order by the president, Chris Scherer, at 7:00 p.m.

ATTENDANCE Present: Geoff Bant, Bill Brown, Barbara Jones, Anna Merritt, Mark Netter, Beth Scheid, Chris Scherer, and Jane Williams

Absent: Michael Weissman

Staff present: Becky Brown, Dawn Cassady, Celeste Choate, Lora Fegley, Anke Voss, and Kathy Wicks

Also present: Simon Rosenzweig



PRESENTATIONS Lora Fegley, Anke Voss, and Mark Netter presented on the FY 17 Illinois Public Library Per Capita and Equalization grants requirements: Educational Programs and Training Opportunities for Patrons. Lora told the Board about the many educational programs the Library provides, including Write On, multicultural story times, Teen OpenLab SkillShare, and Friday Tech Help, which offers one on one help. Some programs are in collaboration with others, such as the Anita Purvis Nature Center, Senator Scott Bennett's office, VetMed, and the Physics Van. The hands-on science and literacy kits are very popular, and the new 3-D kits look like they will be just as popular.

Anke spoke on the various things people can learn about in the Archives, including history, the community, architecture, and preservation. They also teach resource skills to adults and children, with Leal Elementary School and the Campus Middle School for Girls most recently. Archives also collaborates with many other organizations to provide learning opportunities, the African Kinship Reunion (TAKiR), the U of I Research Cluster on Public History, Illinois Public Media, and several museums and historical Societies to mention a few.

Mark explained to the Board the Per Capita basics, i.e. the Library receives money based on Urbana population provided the Board meets specific State requirements. The requirements this year are that the Library Board will describe the Library's ability to meet the needs of the community as a provider of educational programs and training opportunities, will describe the Library's ability to integrate new technologies and will identify at least one activity that fosters increased resource sharing. Mark commented that Lora and Anke had shown the many ways that the Library is meeting community needs as a provider of educational programs and training opportunities. There was discussion about donations for programs, staff time spend on programs, and volunteers who help with programs. The Urbana Free Library and the Champaign Public Library have collaborated on a grant application to circulate laptops and WiFi hotspots to the community.

Kathy Wicks updated the Board on priorities with the HVAC system. The 1947 Cleaver-Brooks boiler has been top priority because of its age and the unavailability of replacement parts. However, the C-1 chiller on the west side of the building has started having problems, which has moved replacing it up the schedule. There was discussion about what moves down the list when the chiller moves up, cost of repairs vs. cost of replacement, and a capital replacement plan.

ACTION ITEMS (CONSENT AGENDA) It was moved by Anna Merritt, Seconded by Barbara Jones, and passed unanimously to approve the consent agenda as presented.

ACTION ITEMS (INDIVIDUAL) It was moved by Jane Williams, seconded by Beth Scheid, and passed unanimously to approve the FY17 Budget Amendment. Barbara Jones asked about whether benefits were included in the figuring when moving part-time positions to full-time positions. Celeste answered yes, benefits were factored in.

It was moved by Bill Brown, seconded by Anna Merritt, and passed unanimously to approve the replacement of the Cleaver-Brooks Boiler and the issuing of an RFP.




Friends of the Library The next Friend's book sale will start November 17.

The urbana Free Library Foundation The Foundation voted to acquire the property at the corner of Green and Race at a fair and reasonable price. The annual donation letter will be going out mid-November.

Illinois Heartland Library System Geoff Bant reported that IHLS is looking into various way to advocate for itself.

ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Kathy Wicks informed the Board that the JPE Inc. agreement expires on December 15. JPE Inc. has agreed in Writing to extend their services for another ninety days beyond December 15, with a smaller scope of work. The Library will put the cleaning services out to bid.

Celeste Choate reported that the auditors are finishing the audit. It is anticipated that a representative from Baker Tilly will attend the January Board meeting.

The City sent HR personnel to the Library to meet with staff about the health insurance provider move from Health Alliance to Blue Cross Blue Shield. The premiums are less expensive with the new plan.

The Friends of the Library are purchasing Library t-shirts for all staff members. As new staff members are hired, they will also receive a t-shirt compliments of the Friends.

The Library has various open positions. Several are new positions, and with Lora Fegley leaving, the Library will hire a new AYS Director.

BOARD PRESIDENT REPORT Chris Scherer encouraged the Board to advocate out in the community for the Library and the property purchase.




Chris Scherer appointed Mark Netter and Michael Weissman to an ad hoc Facilities Committee to work with Kathy Wicks.

ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Becky Brown, Kecorder

Scheid, Secretary

This meeting was taped for later broadcast on cable television.

Supplementary information is available in the Board packet of November 8, 2016.