
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Urbana Human Relations Commission met June 20

City of Urbana Human Relations Commission met June 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Julie Robinson Schaeffer, Vice Chair; Asako Kinase-Leggett; Ann Panthen; Peter Resnick; Greg Schroeder

COMMISSIONER ABSENT: Stacie Burnett, Chair

ALSO PRESENT: Carla Boyd, Human Rights and Equity Officer


Julie Robinson Schaeffer called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. A quorum was present. Ms. Robinson Schaeffer announced a new member joined the Commission.

Carla Boyd introduced Ann Panthen. Ms. Panthen related some of her background to the Commission and described being motivated to stay involved in community activities.


Ms. Robinson Schaeffer called for a motion to approve the meeting agenda. Peter Resnick so moved. Greg Schroeder seconded the motion. The commissioners approved the agenda by a voice vote.


A. May 16, 2023

Ms. Robinson Schaeffer called for a motion to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Asako Kinase-Leggett so moved. Mr. Schroeder seconded. The commission approved the motion by a voice vote.


There was none.


A. Public Hearing Case # UC 2022-PH1 – Update

Ms. Boyd stated the Commissioners had received the Order of Dismissal, and a copy of the full agreement between the two parties. She fielded questions about the details and impact of the agreement.

Ms. Boyd stated her office would handle any new complaints if any. Additionally, she would review rental records and trends and report relevant findings in a year’s time.

Mr. Resnick moved to accept the Order of Dismissal. Ms. Panthen seconded the motion. Mr. Resnick requested a roll call vote:

Commissioners Voting Yes:

Ms. Kinase-Leggett

Ms. Panthen

Mr. Resnick

Ms. Robinson Schaeffer

Mr. Schroeder

Commissioners Voting No: None

Ms. Robinson Schaeffer announced the motion to approve the Order of Dismissal had passed.

B. 12-22(g) Reports

Ms. Robinson Schaeffer reported she had concluded her investigation of a complaint. She will be forwarding her recommendation to the mayor this week.

Ms. Kinase-Leggett reported she is continuing to work on her assigned complaint.

Mr. Schroeder reported he had submitted his assigned complaint, and the mayor was pleased to see it resolved.

Mr. Resnick reported he needed additional time to follow up on his complaint.

Discussion occurred about next steps in the process. One member and the officer eventually attend City Council to provide a report. Prior to that, commissioners would provide non-confidential details in a coming meeting of HRC so that the commission as a whole may agree on the significant aspects of complaints to convey to City Council.


A. EEO Workforce Statistics

Ms. Robinson Schaeffer listed the 19 companies that had submitted EEO Workforce Statistics applications. She then called for a motion about approving the various companies for certification.

Ms. Panthen posed questions about procedures to use during the consideration and approval process. Mr. Resnick described procedures not spelled out by ordinance that the HRC had developed and utilizes, including certifying for various lengths of time depending on the commission’s review of an application.

Ms. Robinson Schaeffer mentioned companies with 20 or fewer employees usually receive some leeway on expectations. Mr. Resnick and Mr. Schroeder also explained ways that the HRC and staff follow up with companies to request more information before certification or before full certification.

Ms. Boyd explained how she develops her recommendations by reviewing the applications and then additionally researching the demographics and available workforce of a company’s community.

A discussion occurred about the implication of KCPS Consulting LLC not providing a breakdown of racial demographics due to European Law. Then Mr. Resnick moved to certify other applying companies as follows:

Bradford Systems Corporation 2 years

Broeren Russo Builders, Inc. 1 year

Carlson Brothers, Inc. 2 years

CORE Construction 2 years

Davis-Houk Mechanical, Inc. 2 years

Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. 2 years

Gilbane Building Company 2 years

Golden Five LLC 2 years

Grunloh Construction Inc 2 years

Knight & Associates Surveying LLC (MAS Engineering) 2 years

Locality Media (First Due) 1 year

O’Shea Builders 1 year

Petry-Kuhne Company 1 year

PJ Hoerr, Inc. 1 year

RJN Group Inc 2 years

SB Friedman Development Advisors LLC 2 years

Siemens Industry Inc 2 years

USIC Locating Services, LLC 1 year

Mr. Schroeder seconded the motion.

Discussion about the applications from Davis-Houk and Gewalt Hamilton occurred. Afterwards, the motion remained unchanged.

Discussion turned to Locality Media (First Due). Mr. Schroeder pointed out that their company allows their employees to work remotely. He stressed that the letter to the company requesting a Good Faith Efforts update at their next renewal should urge using the option to work remotely as a way of employing a more diverse workforce.

The Commission approved the motion by a voice vote.

Discussion returned to the application of KCPS Consulting. Commissioners seek more information before approving the application. Key questions included:

Is City Legal willing to go forward with a contract for the company without HRC approval? 

If not, then is it appropriate for HRC to approve the application given the ordinance and current procedures as written?

Since the City Attorney happens to be away currently, would the Mayor get involved with the decision making process?

It was left unresolved whether there would be a special meeting of HRC to continue considering KCPS Consulting before the end of the month. Ms. Boyd intends to make contact with various City personnel and then follow up with the members of HRC as needed.

Ms. Robinson Schaeffer stated that as HRC updates procedures, the application form should seek to capture statistics clearly about employees who self-identify as non-binary. She believes the format should be intentional and easier than a note box after the current form’s question about the number of a company’s male and female employees.

B. Leadership Elections

Ms. Robinson Schaeffer and Ms. Kinase-Leggett depart the Commission after this meeting. Ms. Robinson Schaeffer suggested the commissioners table the topic of elections until the next meeting. There was no objection.


Ms. Boyd provided an update highlighting:

• Status of complaints

• The City has two additional applications for the HRC under review

• Her completion of a EEO Investigator Refresher Course

• Her participation in an ADA symposium virtual conference, receiving credits toward Coordinator certification

• Her work with groups at the New American Welcome Center on refreshing community resources and developing a Government 101 course for recent residents who are immigrants

• Seeking volunteers for Jettie Rhodes Neighborhood Day, Saturday, June 24, 2023, in King’s Park, Noon – 4:00 p.m.


A. Next meeting: Tuesday, July 11, 2023, at 5:30 p.m.

B. August meeting: Tuesday, August 15, 2023 at 5:30 p.m.

C. Fellow commissioners and staff thanked Commissioners Asako Kinase-Leggett and Julie Robinson Schaeffer for their service the City as the two of them completed their final meeting as part of the Urbana Human Relations Commission.


There being no further business before the Commission, Ms. Robinson Schaeffer adjourned the meeting at 6:28 p.m.
