
Chambana Sun

Monday, February 24, 2025

City of Gibson City Council met March 27

City of Gibson City Council met March 27

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Call to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Dickey.

Roll Call: 

Ward #1 Susie Tongate: P    Vacancy:

Ward #2 Randy Wyant: P     Ray Hankes: P

Ward #3 Scott Davis: A         Vacancy:

Ward #4 Denis Fisher: P      Laura Miller: P

Jr. Alderman Allison Spiller A

Visitors: (Sign-in sheet attached) Chief Adam Rosendahl, Treasurer Vickie Lorenzen, Office Head Administrator Scott Shull, Engineer Will Gray, Supt. Tyler Martin, Rob Shmitt CEO of GAH, City Attorney Marc Miller, and Jean Noellsch representing Ford County Chronicle.

Alderman Miller led the pledge.

Approval of Minutes Special City Council Meeting held on March 21st, 2023 Alderman Miller made a motion approve minutes of as submitted –2nd to the Motion by Alderman Hankes, Motion carried 5/0. Minutes of Regular City Council meeting held March 13, 2023 – Motion to approve made by Alderman Fisher, 2nd to his motion was made by Alderman Hankes, Motion approved 5/0.


Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Lorenzen read her February 2023 monthly report aloud to council. Alderman Hankes asked why the Water Tower Account has asterisks by the balance, Admin. Shull explained that fund is preliminary funding from Water Savings toward Water Tower fund.

Administrative Assistant’s Report: Admin. Shull reported he talked with the sales representative who presented Water Meter options at the Special Council Meeting. Shull was relieved to confirm that any options will work with the city’s current billing program, Locis, and there will be software support as needed. Also clarified that the dollar amount quoted ($936,934.71) was for the ‘On Demand System’. Mayor Dickey stated that we will address the Water Meter replacement options after more information is gathered. Shull stated lastly that according to Gwen Crawford, Economic Development and TIF counsel, the city will be able to look at up to 50% of the cost from TIF funds, and Mayor Dickey reminded all that we have the bond funds to use as well.


A. Ordinance Authorizing City entering into a Purchase Agreement with the Bible Church for land for a new well. City Attorney Marc Miller presented council with an Ordinance, (2023-O-11) which in summary authorizes the City of Gibson to enter into an Option Agreement (attached) to purchase land from the Gibson City Bible Church in the amount of $25,000. This is intended to be the site for the New Well #6. Engineer Will . y added that w. in the option, the cost to actually test the site is $5,000, and the balance of $20,000 would be paid to the Bible Church pending the successful results of the testing. Alderman Hankes made a motion to approve Ord. 2023-O-11 to authorize purchase of real estate as described, 2nd to the motion was made by Alderman Wyant, motion passed 5/0.

B. Discussion and consideration to purchase new water meters. Mayor Dickey stated this will be taken up after further information is gathered, to remain as ‘old business’.

Approval of Bills:

Motion made by Alderman Fisher to pay two T.I.F. 2 checks the amount of $12,778.31, 2nd by Alderman Tongate, motion carried 5/0. (Economic Dev. Group - $ 7,278.31; Jacob Klein - $ 5,500.00)

Motion made by Alderman Miller to pay General Fund bills in the amount of $95,677.91, 2nd by Alderman Wyant, motion carried 5/0.

New Business: 

A. Consideration of Ordinance 2023-O-6 Authorizing the Establishment of a Tax Increment Financing “Interested Parties Registry” and Adoption of Registration Rules for such Registry for the proposed Gibson City TIF District IV. Gwen Crawford explained that all the ordinances on the Agenda tonight are the first steps in moving forward with the creation of a newly formed ‘Downtown TIF’ and a ‘TIF IV for One Earth Energy Expansion. Both new TIFS require an ‘IPR’ Interested Parties Registry, and a date for a Public Hearing, which has been set for May 15th @ 6:00 p.m. Crawford stated that any person who wants to keep current with the business of these newly formed TIF Projects may come to City Hall and sign the Interested Party Registry. All Notices and Publications will be prepared and a proposed timed for all is attached.

Motion to pass Ordinance 2023-O-6 made by Alderman Tongate, 2nd to the motion made by Alderman Miller. This Ordinance establishes the IPR for TIF IV. Motion carried 5/0.

B. Consideration of Ordinance 2023-O-7 to Establish a Date for a Public Hearing for the proposed Gibson City TIF District IV. Motion to approve Ordinance 2023-O-7 providing the date of May 15, 2023 @ 6:00 p.m. for TIF IV public hearing made by Alderman Hankes, 2nd to the motion made by Alderman Tongate, motion passed 5/0.

C. Consideration of Ordinance 2023-O-8 Authorizing the Establishment of a Tax Increment Financing “Interested Parties Registry” and Adoption of Registration Rules for such Registry for the proposed Gibson City Downtown TIF District; Motion to approve Ordinance 2023-O-8 for the proposed Downtown TIF Project made by Alderman Miller, 2nd by Alderman Wyant. Alderman Fisher asked questions of Gwen Crawford and voiced concern that he wants to better understand this. Ms. Crawford previously had provided all council with copies of the proposed Downtown TIF and TIF Iv projects, and stated that tonight simply keeps the motion going forward in the creation of these TIFS. No further discussion, Motion carried 4 in favor, Alderman Fisher abstained.

D. Consideration of Ordinance 2023-O-9 to Establish a Date for a Public Hearing for the proposed Gibson City Downtown TIF District. Motion made by Alderman Miller to approve Ordinance 2023-O-9 setting the public hearing date of May 15th, 2023 at 6:00 p.m., 2nd to this motion made by Alderman Hankes, motion carried 5/0.

E. Consideration of Ordinance 2023-O-10 Providing for and Approving the Third Amendment to the Gibson City TIF District II Redevelopment Project Area, Plan and Projects. Gwen Crawford explained this Amendment is the first time to adjust costs for inflation since the TIF II was established in 2003. 5% adjustment is allowed by the State TIF Act, and Crawford is hopeful that the adjustments will last the life of this TIF II. Motion made by Alderman Wyant to approve Ordinance 2023-O-10 making adjustments to costs due to inflation, 2nd to the motion made by Alderman Fisher, motion carried 5/0.

F. Consideration of Bids for Lawn Care for the 2023-2024 Mowing Season. Supt. Martin presented council with 2 quotes for lawn care – Getty Lawn Service in the amount of $50,095.95 (plus adjustment for lien properties) and Benjamin Lawn Care in the amount of $53,040. Both Aldermen Fisher and Hankes noted the detail in Benjamin’s quote, and hoped that we would receive the same detail from Getty. Supt. Martin assured council that he would convey all concerns and felt certain Getty would address them. Supt. Martin then recommended accepting the quote from Getty Lawn Services, who has 10+ years history mowing for the city. Motion to approve this recommendation made by Alderman Tongate, 2nd to the motion made by Alderman Miller, motion carried 5/0.

Motion to adjourn made by Alderman Fisher, 2nd by Alderman Tongate, meeting adjourned @ 7:55 p.m.
