St. Joseph Village Board met June 12.
Here is the agenda provided by the Board:
Pledge Of Allegiance
Roll Call
Mayor’s Desk: Update on Legislative work in Springfield
Standing Committee’s
Finance, Personnel & Economic Development: Action item: Administrative Assistant recommendation, Employee salary adjustments. Action item: Board to vote on formation of steering committee to discuss options for financing development of infrastructure projects. Discussion item: Budget
Sanitary Sewer: Discussion item: Report of Lift stations down
Parks: Brian Kearney president of Softball
Public Health & Safety, ESDA & Sheriff: Nothing to report
Buildings, Grounds & Equipment: Discussion item: Cameras on the Sewer Building and working on the Shed, Discussion item: Brush/ Leaf Pickup, Action item: Light bar for new vehicle
Street, Alleys Sidewalks & Drainage: Discussion item: Imperial Concrete start date
Clerk’s Desk: Nothing report
Attorney’s Desk: Update on Drainage Meeting, Action item: Approve James Cottrell consultanting agreement, Action item: Betty Routh Subdivision request for approval of subdivision.