
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Hope Welty Public Library met March 8.

Hope Welty Public Library met March 8.

Here is the agenda as provided by the Library:

Call to Order

The regular meeting of the Hope Welty Public Library (HWPL ) was held at the library on March 8 , 2017. The meeting was called to order by President, Mary Hissong, at 3:30 pm. Board members answering roll call were Mary Hissong, Lisa Forbes, Janice Lonnon, Chelle Shivley, Amy Williams and Library Director, Shari Rawlings. Absent : Linda Martin and Tina Arseneau.

Public Forum


Minutes of Last HWPL Meeting

Minutes for February 8,2017 board meeting were read aloud by Amy Williams. Janice Lonnon moved that all minutes be accepted ad read, Lisa Forbes seconded, all present voted aye. Motion carried.

Treasurer's Report

Chelle Shivley reported there is a balance of  $ 194,181.37 before paying the month's bills. Expenses for the month are  $13,954.18 before two bills were paid before the meeting. The two bills were $446.15 to Ameron and $ 63.18 to Dollar General. This made the expenses for the month $14,463.51. Chelle Shivley moved that expenses be allowed and Lisa Forbes seconded the motion. Roll call yes votes:  Mary Hissong, Lisa Forbes, Janice Lonnon, Chelle Shivley, and Amy Williams. Absent: Linda Martinand Tina Arseneau.

Director's Report

72 showed up for pie day

Quilt Show will be held on March 29 & 30

Summer Reading theme will be Reading Design

A records disposal representative from the Illinois State Library came to discuss what could be disposed of. She will talk to state and create a report. Once we have the certificate back from the state we can dispose of stuff allowed.

Old Business

Shari Rawlings reported that all " none sheets" have been turned in.

Blinds have been ordered but not installed yet.

New Business

Shari will work on a Blood Pathogen Policy

Other Information and Business


Closed Session


Next Meeting

April 12,2017 at 3:30 pm

Meeting Adjourned

Janice Lonnon moved to adjourn the meeting at 4:10 pm seconded by Chelle Shively. All present voted aye.