
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Champaign Community Unit School District No. 4 Board of Education met Feb. 27.

Champaign Community Unit School District No. 4 Board of Education met Feb. 27.

Here is the minutes as provided by the Board:

Board President Chris Kloeppel called the Special Meeting of the Board to order at 5:30 p.m.

Board Members Present

Amy Armstrong, Gianina Baker (arrived at 5:35 p.m.) Chris Kloeppel, Kathy Richards, Kathy Shannon, Lynn Stuckey (left the meeting at 7:00 p.m.), Jonathan Westfield

Staff Members Present

Superintendent Judy Wiegand, Deputy Superintendent Laura Taylor, Assistant Superintendent Susan Zola, Assistant Superintendent Angela Smith, Executive Director of Human Resources Ken Kleber, Chief Financial and Legal Officer Tom Lockman, Executive Director of Operations Paul Douglas

Approval of Agenda

Member Shannon moved, with a second by Member Armstrong to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried on voice vote. Ayes 6. Nays 0.

Executive Session

Member Shannon moved, with a second by Member Stuckey, to adjourn into Closed Session in accordance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/2c) to consider Employee Appointments, Employment, Compensation, Dismissals, Complaints 120/2(c)(1), Property Acquisition, Lease, Purchase 120/2(c)(5), and Student Discipline 120/2(c)(9). The motion carried on roll call. Ayes 6. Nays 0.

The Board convened into Closed Session at 5:32 p.m.

Open Session

The Board convened into Open Session at 6:16 p.m.

Reports: New Business

AA/EEO Audit and Report: Ken Kleber

The Human Resources Department is responsible for the establishment and implementation of the audit and reporting system for Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity. The Executive Director of Human Resources shall review the system on an annual basis and provide a written report to the Superintendent. Reporting and audit requirements include:

1. The maintenance of accurate and current records on applicants, hires, promotions, demotions, transfers, staff development, and terminations by minority status and sex.

2. A standing committee, reporting to the Superintendent, shall review the audits of employee selection, promotions, demotions, transfers, staff development, and terminations.

3. A report from the committee informing the Superintendent of the effectiveness of the policy and procedures on an annual basis and offering recommendations for improvement if necessary. 2/27/2017 Regular Meeting

2 Recommendations will be incorporated into the Human Resources recruiting, hiring, and retention plans as appropriate. T

This was an informational item and no action was required by the Board.

Building For the Future Update: Tom Lockman

On Tuesday, November 8, 2016, the resolution put forth by the Board of Education to issue up to $183.4 million in bonds was approved by the voters. The plan as outlined in the resolution will impact six of our schools: Central High School, Centennial High School, Edison Middle School, Dr. Howard Elementary, International Prep Academy, and South Side Elementary. Administration provided an update to the Board regarding the work that is being done in Tier I at the high school level. This was an informational item and no action was required by the Board. Action Agenda: New Business Approval of Superintendent’s Contract: Chris Kloeppel Member Shannon moved, with a second by Member Armstrong to approve the Superintendent’s Contract. The motion carried on roll call. Ayes 6. Nays 0.

The Superintendent’s Contract was approved as presented.

Student Discipline – Student #214332

Member Shannon moved, with a second by Member Armstrong that student #214332 should be expelled from Centennial High School for the remainder of the 2016-17 school year, the entire 2017-18 school year and first semester of the 2018-19 school year and should be reassigned to an alternative setting at the administration’s direction for violating Conduct Codes #25 Threats to Students and #34 Weapon-Related Activities of the Champaign Unit #4 Student Code of Conduct. The duration of the expulsion is based on the egregiousness of the violation of Code #25 Threats to Students and #34 Weapon-Related Activities found the Champaign Unit #4 Student Code of Conduct. Such expulsion shall be held in abeyance so long as the student meets the attendance and behavioral requirements of the assigned placement. If such requirements are met, upon expiration of the reassigned term, the expulsion will be vacated and the student may return to his/her regularly assigned school. The motion carried on roll call. Ayes 6. Nays 0.

Consent Agenda: New Business

Member Richards moved, with a second by Member Shannon to approve the Consent Agenda: New Business. The motion carried on roll call. Ayes 6. Nays 0. The following Consent Agenda items were approved: Resolution to Give Written Notice of Reassignment & Reclassification – Sean Morrison: Ken Kleber The Resolution was approved as presented.

Resolution to Give Written Notice of Reassignment & Reclassification – Tamika Gardener: Ken Kleber

The Resolution was approved as presented.

Human Resource Changes: Ken Kleber

The Human Resource Changes were approved as presented.
