
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Pesotum Board of Trustees met March 1.

Village of Pesotum Board of Trustees met March 1.

Here is the agenda as provided by the Board:

1. Call to Order - The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm.

2. Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call – Trustees Present were Beth Wise, Chaz McCrone, Tim Schultz and Dianne Reed. Trustees Katie Wilson and Joyce Ragle were absent. Also present were President Cheryl Smitley, Treasurer Melanie Schultz, Clerk Mary Jo Harvey and Attorney Elizabeth Megli.

3. Presentations/Comments from the General Public - none

4. Routine Matters

4.1. Approval of Regular Board Meeting Minutes February 1, 2017 – Trustee McCrone motioned to approve the regular board meeting minutes of February 1, 2017. Trustee Reed seconded. Motion approved unanimously.

4.2. Approval of Treasurer’s Report for the Month Ended, February 28, 2017. – Treasurer Shultz reported a credit amount of $1,350.51 to our account after Ameren’s check-up of the meter at the Maintenance shop on South Chestnut. Treasurer Schultz pointed out two outstanding checks and reported the action taken. Trustee Reed made a motion to approve the report for the month ended February 28, 2017. Trustee McCrone seconded. Motion approved unanimously.

4.3. Bill Payment

4.3.1. Approval of Monthly Bills for Payment – Trustee Reed made a motion to approve the monthly bills for payment. Trustee Wise seconded. Motion approved unanimously.

4.3.2. Approval of Bills Received after Treasurer’s Report – Trustee Wise motioned to approve payment to First National Bank Visa in the amount of $255. 29, Verizon in the amount of $120.02, and Illini Fire Equipment for service of extinguishers in the amount of $54.50. Trustee McCrone seconded. Motion approved unanimously.

5. Reports

5.1. Village Clerk, Mary Jo Harvey – Clerk Harvey noted the April 4 Consolidated Electionwhich slates candidates Joyce Ragle for Village President, and Dianne Reed and Dee  Ann Hoffman for Village Trustee positions. After considering returning Trustees Katie Wilson and Chaz McCrone, two vacancies on the Village Board will remain to be filled. 

5.2. Village Maintenance, Fred Smitley - Roof repair at the Community Building is complete and holding. Spring Green is scheduled for application of weed killer to parking lots to  keep weeds down. A nail drag is recommended to keep weeds down on the ball field during the season, with another weed application recommended after the ball season. Mr.  Smitley estimated that a 3x3 nail drag is approximately $400 plus shipping. Bathrooms are scheduled to be up and running the first week of April. Fire extinguishers were serviced. Two Chevrolet dealers and a GMC dealer were contacted for truck  comparisons. They did not give a response after understanding the Village was seeking government contract pricing. One bid was received from Tuscola Ford.

5.3. Village Building Inspector, Lyle Reed – No action to report in February.

5.4. ESDA Coordinator, Rob Russian - not present

6. Old Business

6.1. Ballfield Update – Spikes has submitted a signed contract for the season, and they are scheduled for the first week of the season. Another ball club was interested, but there was a conflict of dates for most dates. A few dates were reserved for Madness practices.

7. New Business

7.1. Acceptance of Resignation of Village Clerk – Trustee McCrone made a motion to accept the resignation of Mary Jo Harvey. Trustee Wise seconded. Motion approved unanimously. 

7.2. Approval of Purchase of Village Truck – President Smitley presented the bid to approve  the ordering of the Village Maintenance truck from Tuscola Ford in the amount of  $29,429 after a trade in of $5,500 for the existing truck and with the adapting of the current snow plow to the truck. Trustee Reed made a motion to approve the purchase of the truck in the amount of $29,429. Trustee McCrone seconded. Motion approved unanimously.

7.3. Approval of Resolution or Ordinance for Reimbursement of Village Employees and Officials for Travel, Meal and Lodging Expenses – Maximum reimbursements were discussed. Request forms and receipts will be required for any expenses, and other guidelines and requirements were explained. A document prepared by Attorney Elizabeth Megli was presented to the board, and the final document including  reimbursement adaptions will be approved at the April board meeting. Trustee McCrone  so moved to approve the Ordinance for Reimbursement of Village Employees and Officials for Travel, Meal and Lodging Expenses as amended. Trustee Reed seconded. Motion approved unanimously.

8. Closed Session: Semi-annual Review of Closed Minutes (5 ILCS 120/2(d)(21)) – Trustee Wise moved to go into closed session. Trustee McCrone seconded. The Board moved to closed session at 6:54 pm.

9. Action Resulting from Closed Session – The Board reconvened to the open meeting at 7:02 pm. Trustee McCrone motioned to keep the minutes closed. Trustee Reed seconded. Motion approved unanimously.

10. Presentations/Comments from the Board

10.1. Trustee McCrone inquired ordinance violations on a particular property.

10.2. Trustee Schultz read letters of resignation from maintenance staff Larry Meyer and Fred Smitley, effective April 30, 2017. President Smitley shared that the opening leaves a 30 hour average, full-time position, or a two-person shared position, up to 1500 hours annually as the seasons demand. Trustee McCrone expressed thanks to the maintenance staff for their great work.

11. Correspondence -President Smitley announced that she had received correspondence from the office of Chapin Rose. A representative will meet at the Village Community Building on March 23. The announcement will be put on the marquis.

12. Announcements

12.1 Next Village Board Meeting, Wednesday, April 5, 2017, 6:30 pm

12.2Next Study Session, Wednesday, March 15, 2017, 6:30 pm

12.3 Next election is April 4.

13. Adjournment - Trustee McCrone motioned to adjourn. Trustee Wise seconded. Meeting adjourned at 7:08 pm.