The Mahomet Public Library District Board of Trustees met Sept. 8 to review high school program attendance this summer. | File photo
The Mahomet Public Library District Board of Trustees met Sept. 8 to review high school program attendance this summer. | File photo
The Mahomet Public Library District Board of Trustees met Sept. 8 to review high school program attendance this summer.
Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:
Members Present: Charity Bundren, Jeanne Campion, Jim Matthews, Karin Vermillion, Mary Watson
Members Not Present: Chris Forman Also present: Lynn Schmit, Kate Smith
The hearing was opened at 6:02pm. There was no audience present. The hearing was closed at 6:08pm
Members Present: Charity Bundren, Jeanne Campion, Jim Matthews, Karin Vermillion, Mary Watson
Members Not Present: Chris Forman Also present: Lynn Schmit, Kate Smith
Approval of Minutes
Mary Watson moved to approve the minutes from the July 11, 2016 meeting. Charity Bundren seconded; the motion passed.
Treasurer's Report
Jeanne Campion moved to approve the preliminary financial report for July 2016. Karin Vermillion seconded the motion. Roll call vote; all trustees voted in favor of the motion. Jeanne moved to approve the check register for June 2016. Karin seconded the motion. Roll call vote; all trustees voted in favor of the motion.
Librarian’s Report
Lynn Schmit submitted the Librarian’s report before the meeting. She added a reminder Joan Dixon of the Community Foundation of East Central Illinois will attend the October regular meeting to answer trustee questions about the Endowment Fund.
In response to Lynn’s report about the high program attendance this summer, Jim Matthews asked Lynn to tell Youth Services Librarian Neal Schlein that the board deeply appreciates the time and energy he puts into library programs and the board is astounded at the success and very, very happy with the work he has done.
Audience Comments – No Audience
Committee Reports – Finance Committee
Jeanne Campion reported that the finance committee met just prior to the full board meeting to discuss the Endowment Fund and fundraising efforts. It was the consensus of the committee that the Endowment Fund serves for the very long-term financial support of the library, but there is also a need for an annual fund or similar vehicle for short-term financial support. She further reported that Jim
Matthews has a university colleague with significant experience raising funds to support the university and the committee is hopeful that he will attend a board meeting in the near future to provide advice and directions for getting started with this process.
Unfinished Business – No Unfinished Business
New Business
A. Adopt Ordinance 2016-1 Building and Maintenance Ordinance
Jim Matthews moved to approve Ordinance 2016-1. Jeanne Campion seconded. Roll call vote; all trustees voted in favor of the motion.
B. Adopt Ordinance 2016-2 Budget and Appropriation Ordinance
Jim Matthews moved to approve Ordinance 2016-2. Mary Watson seconded. Roll call vote; all trustees voted in favor of the motion.
C. Appointment of a representative to the Village TIF District
Jeanne Campion volunteered to fill the position of representative to the TIF district, left vacant by the resignation of Mary Giles.
D. Acceptance of Ehlers Investment Partners Report
The board agreed to accept the July report and place it on file.
Trustee Comments and Board Advocacy
The board discussed the proposed Murder Mystery fundraiser night. Charity Bundren reported that the high school has not yet filled the position of drama sponsor for the coming school year. Karin Vermillion reported that CUTC would charge $500-600 to put on the mystery portion of the evening. The board agreed that using CUTC was the more practical option for the first year, but that they hoped to use high school students in future events.
After more discussion, the board agreed that a February Valentine-themed event would be ideal, but that January would do as a second choice. Karin volunteered to contact CUTC regarding available dates and the logistics involved in hosting the event at the library. Jim Matthews and Lynn Schmit volunteered to contact Brooks Marsh at the Mahomet IGA regarding food and beverage costs.
Mary Watson moved to adjourn the meeting; Karin Vermillion seconded. The motion passed; the meeting was adjourned at 6:47pm.
Respectfully Submitted by Kate Smith, Business Manager