
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Bloomington City Council approves planning commission appointments

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The city of Bloomington City Council met Monday to approve appointments to the planning commission. | File photo

The city of Bloomington City Council met Monday to approve appointments to the planning commission. | File photo

The city of Bloomington City Council met Monday to approve appointments to the planning commission.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the city:

NOTE: Action may be taken by the City Council on the agenda’s action items (those items listed on the Consent Agenda and Regular Agenda) beyond the motions listed and/or staff recommendations. Ordinances and resolutions listed on the agenda may further be amended and/or revised prior to adoption by the City Council. No action will be taken if the agenda item is listed as only informational.


1. Call to order 2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag 3. Remain Standing for a Moment of Silent Prayer 4. Roll Call 5. Recognition/Appointments

A. Proclamation, Recognizing Avani Rai for her Leadership Skills through 4-H. B. Proclamation declaring September 16, 2016 as, “Bloomington Center for the Performing Arts 10th Anniversary Day.” C. Appointment of Eric Penn to the Planning Commission.

6. Public Comment

7. “Consent Agenda”

(All items under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council Member, City Manager or Corporation Counsel so requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in the Regular Agenda, which is Item #8.

The City’s Boards and Commissions hold Public Hearings prior to some Council items appearing on the Council’s Meeting Agenda. Persons who wish to address the Council should provide new information which is pertinent to the issue before them.)

A. Consideration of approving the Minutes of the August 22, 2016 Regular City Council Meeting. (Recommend that the reading of the minutes August 22, 2016 Regular City Council Meeting, be dispensed with and the minutes approved as printed.)

B. Consideration of approving Bills, Payroll, Electronic Transfers and Procurement Cards in the amount of $12,028,061.69. (Recommend that the bills, payroll, electronic transfers, and procurement cards be allowed in the amount of $12,028,061.69, and orders drawn on the Treasurer for the various amounts as funds are available.)

C. Consideration of Approving an Appointments to the Planning Commission. (Recommend that Eric Penn be appointed to the Bloomington Planning Commission.)

D. Consideration of Bids, and approval of Contracts with Vendors for Supply and Delivery of various Water Treatment Chemicals (Bid No. 2017-14). (Recommend that the unit prices from the following bidders for the noted water treatment chemicals at the indicated unit prices be accepted; the contracts with vendors: Mosaic Global Sales (for a three-year term) and Tanner Industries (for a one-year term) be approved, and the City Manager & City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary documents.)

E. Consideration of Approving an Easement Agreement between Gary L. Thompson and Brenda K. Thompson and the City of Bloomington. (Recommend that Council approves the Easement Agreement with Gary L. Thompson and Brenda K. Thompson, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents.)

F. Consideration of Approving an Easement Agreement between Mark C. Thompson and Mary A. Thompson and the City of Bloomington. (Recommend that Council approves the Easement Agreement with Mark C. and Mary A. Thompson, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the necessary documents.)

G. Consideration of adoption of an ordinance for Case SP-05-16, a petition requesting approval of a Special Use Permit for a single family home in the B-1, Highway Business District for the property located at 1101 Morrissey Drive. (Recommend that an ordinance approving for Case SP-05-16, a petition requesting approval of a Special Use Permit for a single family home in the B-1, Highway Business District for the property located at 1101 Morrissey Drive be approved, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary documents.)

H. Consideration of the application of 6 Points LLC, d/b/a Fast Stop, located at 1001 Six Points Rd., requesting a PAS liquor license which would allow the sale of all types packaged alcohol for consumption off the premises seven (7) days a week. (Recommend that the application of 6 Points LLC, d/b/a Fast Stop, located at 1001 Six Points Rd., requesting a PAS liquor license which would allow the sale of all types packaged alcohol for consumption off the premises

NOTE: Action may be taken by the City Council on the agenda’s action items (those items listed on the Consent Agenda and Regular Agenda) beyond the motions listed and/or staff recommendations. Ordinances and resolutions listed on the agenda may further be amended and/or revised prior to adoption by the City Council. No action will be taken if the agenda item is listed as only informational. seven (7) days a week, be approved contingent upon: 1.) submittal of a valid lease within fourteen (14) day, validated by Corporation Counsel; 2.) verification that Mr. Contractor is authorized to be the agent for Mr. Patel and 3.) compliance with all health and safety codes.)

I. Consideration of approving an Ordinance Suspending Portions of Section 701 of Chapter 31 and Section 26(d) of Chapter 6 of the City Code for a Wedding Reception at Davis Lodge on October 2, 2016. (Recommend that the Ordinance Suspending Portions of Section 701 of Chapter 31 and Section 26(d) of Chapter 6 of the City Code for a Wedding Reception at Davis Lodge on October 2, 2016 be approved, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary documents.)

J. Consideration of approving an Ordinance Suspending Portions of Section 701 of Chapter 31 and Section 26(d) of Chapter 6 of the City Code for a Wedding Reception at Davis Lodge on October 8, 2016. (Recommend that the Ordinance Suspending Portions of Section 701 of Chapter 31 and Section 26(d) of Chapter 6 of the City Code for a Wedding Reception at Davis Lodge on October 8, 2016 be approved, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary documents.)

K. Consideration of approving an Ordinance Suspending Portions of Section 701 of Chapter 31 and Section 26(d) of Chapter 6 of the City Code for a Wedding Reception at Davis Lodge on October 9, 2016. (Recommend that the Ordinance Suspending Portions of Section 701 of Chapter 31 and Section 26(d) of Chapter 6 of the City Code for a Wedding Reception at Davis Lodge on October 9, 2016 be approved, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary documents.)

8. “Regular Agenda”

A. Presentation of the Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan and the Capital Financing and Debt

Policy. (Presentation by David Hales, City Manager and Patti-Lynn Silva, Finance Director 20 minutes, Council discussion 20 minutes.)

9. City Manager’s Discussion 10. Mayor’s Discussion 11. City Aldermen’s Discussion 12. Executive Session – Cite Section 13. Adjournment 14. Notes

NOTE: Action may be taken by the City Council on the agenda’s action items (those items listed on the Consent Agenda and Regular Agenda) beyond the motions listed and/or staff recommendations. Ordinances and resolutions listed on the agenda may further be amended and/or revised prior to adoption by the City Council. No action will be taken if the agenda item is listed as only informational.