
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Philo trustees receive auditor's report


The village of Philo Board of Trustees met July 13 to receive a report from the village auditor. | File photo

The village of Philo Board of Trustees met July 13 to receive a report from the village auditor. | File photo

The village of Philo Board of Trustees met July 13 to receive a report from the village auditor.

The Philo board of trustees includes six members and the village president.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the village: 


July 13, 2016

The meeting was called to order by President Larry Franks at 7:05 p.m. at the R.E. Franks Center in the Eileen Painter room.

GUESTS: Stan Feller, Mike Cler, Wes Stone, Marc Miller, Dave Atchley, Janet Decker, Rod Schweighart, Jim & Kathy Forrest, Dave Laker, Ted Rund, Todd Hartke, and Christine Walsh.

ROLL CALL: Present-Trustees John Mumma, Steve Messman, Steve Sappenfield, Pat Pioletti, Rachael Garrett and Paul Brady.

MINUTES: Trustee Steve Messman made a motion, seconded by Trustee John Mumma to approve the minutes of June 8, 2016. Voice vote, all “aye’s” motion carried unanimously.

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE WARRANT: Trustee John Mumma made a motion, seconded by Trustee Pat Pioletti to approve the payment of bills as presented. Roll call vote; “aye’s” Trustees Mumma, Messman, Sappenfield, Pioletti, Garrett and Brady. Motion passed unanimously.

VILLAGE AUDITOR: Stan Feller presented copies of the Village Audit for YE 2016 and stated the Village is in very good shape. Mr. Feller noted that he also helped Rod Schweighart with the preparation of the Treasurer’s financial statement report. The only item left to complete is the AFR which will be completed as soon as notification is received that the State is ready to accept them. There are no issues and we have lots of collateralization. Trustee Brady questioned Stan’s recommendation that the clerk not sign checks. Stan stated this is always listed in the internal controls section, but understands we have a small staff to keep costs down. It is not a problem, he is merely emphasizing the fact the Trustees should be diligent in their review of the bills each month. The auditor’s comment about the tax rate was discussed and attorney Marc Miller stated it is not higher because of county law.

VILLAGE ENGINEER: Mr. Atchley said there were no pay requests. The oil & chip for streets will be done by Illiana the first and second weeks of August. St. Thomas requested that the Village and church share the cost of oil & chip for their parking area on Madison Street. Dave A. stated if approved the payment would come out of our general fund, not the MFT fund. Trustee Paul Brady made a motion, seconded by Trustee Pat Pioletti, to approve the 50/50 cost share, total estimated at $2,360.00, with St. Thomas for the oil and chipping of the parking area on Madison Street. Roll call vote; “aye’s” Trustees Mumma, Messman, Sappenfield, Pioletti, Garrett and Brady. Motion passed unanimously.

The preliminary plat for Willow Run Addition No. III was discussed. Ted Rund commented he worked extremely hard to make them good and hopes this phase will be better than the last. Trustee Sappenfield asked about the timeline and Ted hopes to have it grassed in fall. Trustee Brady feels addition is very positive. Trustee Pat Pioletti made a motion, seconded by Trustee Paul Brady, to approve the preliminary plat for Willow Run Addition No. III. Roll call vote; “aye’s” Trustees Mumma, Messman, Sappenfield, Pioletti, Garrett and Brady. Motion passed unanimously.

The permits, etc. will be presented at the next board meeting. Dave Atchley noted he will review the documents and noted they will need to petition to annex.

Mr. Atchley tried to contact Dollar General regarding the landscaping and erosion problems but as of today hadn’t had any response. President Franks noted he hasn’t had any response from the local staff either. A letter will be prepared by our attorney and sent to all owners.

VILLAGE ATTORNEY: The 2016-17 Appropriations Ordinance was presented for review and approval. Trustee John Mumma made a motion, seconded by Trustee Steve Messman to approve Ordinance No. 2016-603, the Annual Appropriation Ordinance 2016-2017. Roll call vote; “aye’s” Trustees Mumma, Messman, Sappenfield, Pioletti, Garrett and Brady. Motion passed unanimously.

VILLAGE MAINTENANCE: President Franks noted that Dave Traxler is not present this evening due to he and crews working on storm damage from downed trees. Trustee Mumma said Dave T. had some interest in the truck but people thought the minimum bid of $25,000 was too high. The minimum bid was taken off and notices re-posted. The deadline for bids is August 10, 2016. One of the interested persons just wanted the truck, not the plow or spreader.

Clerk Kirby asked if Dave T. could check out the hole in the concrete sidewalk in front of the bank.

VILLAGE TREASURER: Rod Schweighart commented that everything is normal.


WCIA’s Our Town Philo- Janet Decker said everything went well and the kids liked the inflatables. She said a lot of positive comments were received.

Hale Park Bathrooms-Trustee Garrett didn’t have any information to share. President Franks will try to contact Chuck Sollers Jr.

Bicycle Racks- Trustee Pioletti said the ones that were here were moved to the ballparks. He has looked online and the cost depends on size and can run from $300 up to $500.00. Pat is thinking one to hold 15 to 20 bikes and felt we could install ourselves. President Franks asked Trustee Pioletti to price a smaller one and L.R. will check with Dave T. about installation and bring up to board at next meeting.

Village Sign-Travis Eastin from American Dowell told L.R. the sign should be coming in about two weeks. He and Trustee Pioletti checked the location. The old sign will be pulled out and repaired before being relocated. The columns for the sign will be set by end of July or first part of August. The landscaping will be re-designed after the sign is installed.


Janet presented her REFMC report commenting rentals are light now, but will be busy August through September and then several weddings are booked. She also said gym roof is still leaking. L.R. noted that Luke Kirby notified him they will have inflatables at the Run4Raley on August 5th.

Trustee Pioletti mentioned they should look at leases prior to August board meeting.

Trustee John Mumma made a motion to enter into Executive Session for the limited purposes of discussing the employment, performance and compensation of one or more Village employees and to discuss the possible acquisition of real estate. Roll call vote; “aye’s” Trustees Mumma, Messman, Sappenfield, Pioletti, Garrett and Brady. Motion passed unanimously.

RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION: All trustees, Village President, Clerk Kirby and attorney Marc Miller are present returning to regular session. Trustee Steve Sappenfield made a motion, seconded by Trustee Rachael Garrett, to approve the pay increases for fiscal year 2016-17 as presented and effective May 1, 2016. Roll call vote; “aye’s” Trustees Mumma, Messman, Sappenfield, Pioletti, Garrett and Brady. Motion passed unanimously.

Trustee Brady commented there were 1,020 people that attended the Garden Walk.

MOTION TO ADJOURN: Trustee John Mumma made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Trustee Steve Messman. Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

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