
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Champaign County restructures $3.85 million in bond debt

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The Champaign County Board met Aug. 18 to refinance $3.85 million in General Obligation Refunding Bonds. | File photo

The Champaign County Board met Aug. 18 to refinance $3.85 million in General Obligation Refunding Bonds. | File photo

The Champaign County Board met Aug. 18 to refinance $3.85 million in General Obligation Refunding Bonds.

The Champaign County Board includes two members from each of the county’s 11 districts. Board meetings are held on the first Monday and third Thursday of each month.

Here's the meeting's agenda, as provided by the county:

COUNTY BOARD ACTION County of Champaign, Urbana, Illinois Thursday, August 18, 2016 – 6:30 p.m.

Lyle Shields Meeting Room, Brookens Administrative Center, 1776 East Washington Street, Urbana, Illinois

Agenda Items Action

I. Call To Order 6:30 p.m.

II. *Roll Call 17 members present III. Prayer & Pledge of Allegiance

IV. Read Notice of Meeting

V. Approval of Agenda/Addenda Approved

VI. Date/Time of Next Regular Meetings

Standing Committees:

A. County Facilities Committee Meeting – September 6, 2016 @ 6:30 p.m.

Lyle Shields Meeting Room, Brookens Administrative Center 1776 E. Washington Street, Urbana

B. Environment & Land Use Committee Meeting – September 8, 2016 @ 6:30 p.m.

Lyle Shields Meeting Room, Brookens Administrative Center 1776 E. Washington Street, Urbana

C. Highway & Transportation Committee Meeting – September 9, 2016 @ 9:00 a.m.

Fleet Maintenance Facility, 1605 E. Main Street, Urbana

Committee of the Whole:

A. Tuesday, September 13, 2016 @ 6:30 p.m.

(Finance; Policy, Personnel, & Appointments; Justice & Social Services) Lyle Shields Meeting Room, Brookens Administrative Center 1776 E. Washington Street, Urbana

B. Thursday, September 29, 2016 @ 6:30 p.m.

Special Finance Committee of the Whole Lyle Shields Meeting Room, Brookens Administrative Center 1776 E. Washington Street, Urbana

County Board:

A. FY2017 Legislative Budget Hearings @ 6:00 p.m. August 22-24, 2016 B. Regular County Board Meeting – September 22, 2016 @ 6:30 p.m. C. Public Hearing on FY2017 Budget – September 27, 2016 @ 6:00 p.m.

All held in the Lyle Shields Meeting Room, Brookens Administrative Center 1776 E. Washington Street, Urbana

VII. Public Participation

VIII. *Consent Agenda

IX. Communications

Agenda Items Action

X. Approval of Minutes A. July 21, 2016

XI. Presentation: Animal Control Annual Report Received and placed on file

XII. Nursing Home Quarterly Report No Report

XIII. Standing Committees:

A. County Facilities

Summary of Action Taken August 2, 2016 Meeting Received and placed on file B. Environment & Land Use

Summary of Action Taken at August 4, 2016 Meeting Received and placed on file

1. Adoption of Ordinance No. 981 Amending Zoning Ordinance for a Zoning Map

Amendment on Certain Property, 833-AM-16


2. Adoption of Resolution No. 9677 Approving the FY2017 County Planning Contract

Work Plan


C. Highway & Transportation

Summary of Action Taken August 5, 2016 Meeting Received and placed on file

XIV. Areas of Responsibility:

Summary of Action Taken at August 9, 2016 Committee of the Whole Meeting (Justice & Social Services; Finance; Policy, Personnel, & Appointments)

Received and placed on file

A. Finance

1. Adoption of Resolution No. 9679 Authorizing Payment of Claims Approved

2. Adoption of Resolution No. 9680 Authorizing Purchases Not Following Purchasing Policy Approved

3. **Adoption of Ordinance No. 982 An Ordinance providing for the issue of not to

exceed $3,850,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds (Public Safety Sales Tax Alternate Revenue Source) for the purpose of refunding certain outstanding alternate bonds, providing for the pledge of public safety sales taxes and the levy of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest on said Bonds, and authorizing the sale of said bonds to the purchaser thereof.


4. **Adoption of Resolution No. 9681 Authorizing Budget Amendment 16-00036

Fund/Dept. 080 General Corporate/028 Information Technology Increased Appropriations: $36,953 Increased Revenue: None: from Fund Balance Reason: to Defray the Total Cost of $68,036 for Replacement of KRONOS Time Clocks


5. Adoption of Resolution No. 9682 Placing a Referendum Regarding the Imposition of a

Special County Retailer’s Occupation Tax for Public Facilities on the November 8, 2016 Ballot


Agenda Items Action

XV. New Business

A. Policy, Personnel, & Appointments

County Board of Health – 1 Vacancy


• Kenneth Keefe

• Julie Kumar 1. Adoption of Resolution No. 9683 Appointing Julie Kumar to the County Board of Health –

July 1, 2016-June 30, 2019


Developmental Disabilities Board – 2 Vacancies


• David Happ

• Cheryl Hanley-Maxwell

• Sue Suter 2. Adoption of Resolution No. 9684 Appointing David Happ to the Developmental Disabilities

Board – July 1, 2016-June 30, 2019

3. Adoption of Resolution No. 9685 Appointing Cheryl Hanley-Maxwell to the Developmental

Disabilities Board – July 1, 2016-June 30, 2019



Racial Justice Task Force – 2 Vacancies


• Scott Lerner

• Alcarcilus Shelton 4. Adoption of Resolution No. 9686 Appointing Scott Lerner to the Racial Justice Task Force

for an unexpired term ending July 31, 2017


5. Adoption of Resolution No. 9687 Appointing Alcarcilus Shelton to the Racial Justice Task

Force for an unexpired term ending July 31, 2017


Drainage District Commissioners – September 1, 2016-August 31, 2019 – 1 Vacancy Each

6. Adoption of Resolution No.9688 Appointing Joe Irle to the Beaver Lake Drainage District

Board of Commissioners


7. Adoption of Resolution No. 9689Appointing Valarie Rogers to the Blackford Slough

Drainage District Board of Commissioners


8. Adoption of Resolution No. 9690 Appointing Richard Rayburn to the Conrad-Fisher

Drainage District Board


9. Adoption of Resolution No. 9691 Appointing Doug Bluhm to the Drainage District #10 of

Ogden Board of Commissioners


10. Adoption of Resolution No. 9692 Appointing Marc Shaw to the Fountain Head Drainage

District Board of Commissioners


11. Adoption of Resolution No. 9693 Appointing Bryan Schluter to the Harwood & Kerr

Drainage District Board of Commissioners


12. Adoption of Resolution No. 9694 Appointing James Boland to the Kankakee Drainage

District Board of Commissioners


13. Adoption of Resolution No. 9695 Appointing Carl Park to the Kerr & Compromise Drainage

District Board of Commissioners


Agenda Items Action

14. Adoption of Resolution No. 9696 Appointing Mark Pflugmacher to the Lower Big Slough

Drainage District Board of Commissioners


15. Adoption of Resolution No. 9697 Appointing Kenneth Decker to the South Fork Drainage

District Board of Commissioners


16. Adoption of Resolution No. 9698 Appointing David Bright to the Nelson, Moore, Fairfield

Drainage District Board of Commissioners


17. Adoption of Resolution No. 9699 Appointing Steve Stierwalt to the Okaw Drainage District

Board of Commissioners


18. Adoption of Resolution No. 9700 Appointing John Nelson to the Owl Creek Drainage

District Board of Commissioners


19. Adoption of Resolution No. 9701 Appointing Dennis Butler to the Pesotum Slough Special

Drainage District Board of Commissioners


20. Adoption of Resolution No. 9702 Appointing Kenneth Schmidt to the Raup Drainage

District Board of Commissioners


21. Adoption of Resolution No. 9703 Appointing William Siegfried to the Sangamon &

Drummer Drainage District Board of Commissioners


22. Adoption of Resolution No. 9704 Appointing Steve Moser to the Silver Creek Drainage

District Board of Commissioners


23. Adoption of Resolution No. 9705 Appointing Earl Woller to the Somer #1 Drainage District

Board of Commissioners


24. Adoption of Resolution No. 9706 Appointing Garry Gannon to the St. Joseph #6 Drainage

District Board of Commissioners


25. Adoption of Resolution No. 9707 Appointing Jerry Heinz to the Two-Mile Slough Drainage

District Board of Commissioners


26. Adoption of Resolution No. 9708 Appointing Ray Aden to the Union Drainage District

Board of Commissioners of Stanton & Ogden


27. Adoption of Resolution No. 9709 Appointing Francis Osterbur to the St. Joseph #4 Drainage

District Board of Commissioners


28. Adoption of Resolution No. 9710 Appointing Jerry Thinnes to the Union Drainage District

Board of Commissioners of Philo & Crittenden


29. Adoption of Resolution No. 9711 Appointing William Wilson to the Union Drainage

District Board of Commissioners of St. Joseph & Ogden


30. Adoption of Resolution No. 9712 Appointing Kevin Wienke to the Union Drainage District

Board of Commissioners of South Homer & Sidney


31. Adoption of Resolution No. 9713 Appointing Steve Westfall to the Upper Embarrass River

Basin Drainage District Board of Commissioners


32. Adoption of Resolution No. 9714 Appointing Dennis Riggs to the Wrisk Drainage District

Board of Commissioners


33. Adoption of Resolution No. 9715 Appointing David Mennenga to the Longbranch Mutual Approved

Agenda Items Action

Drainage District Board of Commissioners

34. Adoption of Resolution No. 9716 Appointing Andy Hughes to the Union Drainage District

Board of Commissioners of Philo & Urbana


Union DD of Philo & Crittenden – 1 Unexpired Term Ending 8/31/2018

35. Adoption of Resolution No. 9717 Appointing Justin Decker to the Union Drainage District

Board of Commissioners of Philo & Crittenden for an unexpired term ending 8/31/2018


36. Adoption of Resolution No. 9718 Requesting the Submission of a Question of Public

Policy to the Electors of Champaign County Regarding the Method of Selection of the County Board Chair


XVI. Other Business

XVII. Adjourn


9:35 p.m.

*Roll Call **Roll call and 15 votes ***Roll call and 17 votes ****Roll call and 12 votes Except as otherwise stated, approval requires the vote of a majority of those County Board members present.

All meetings are at Brookens Administrative Center – 1776 E Washington Street in Urbana – unless otherwise noted. To enter Brookens after 4:30 p.m., enter at the north (rear) entrance located off Lierman Avenue. Champaign County will generally, upon request, provide appropriate aids and services leading to effective communication for qualified persons with disabilities. Please contact Administrative Services, 217-384-3776, as soon as possible but no later than 48 hours before the scheduled meeting.

COUNTY BOARD CONSENT ACTION County of Champaign, Urbana, Illinois Thursday, August 18, 2016 - 6:30 p.m.

Lyle Shields Meeting Room, Brookens Administrative Center, 1776 East Washington Street, Urbana Illinois

Consent Agenda Item Action

A. County Facilities

1. Adoption of Resolution No. 9669 Approving Contract with Schomburg & Schomburg for ADA

Compliance Exterior Concrete and Asphalt Work


B. Highway & Transportation

1. Adoption of Resolution No. 9670 Approving Appropriation of Funds from the County Bridge Fund

Pursuant to 605 ILCS 5/5-501


2. Adoption of Resolution No. 9671 Reappointing Jeff Blue as County Engineer of Champaign County,



3. Adoption of Resolution No. 9672 for Contract Award Authority, Section 16-00035-00-BR Approved

4. Adoption of Resolution No. 9673 Appropriating $30,427 from County Motor Fuel Tax Funds for

Champaign County’s share of the Champaign-Urbana Urbanized Area Transportation Study, Section 16-00000-00-ES


C. Environment & Land Use

1. Adoption of Resolution No. 9675 Approving an Intergovernmental Cost-Sharing Agreement Between

the County of Champaign, the City of Champaign, the City of Urbana, and the Village of Savoy for the October 15, 2016 Countywide Residential Electronics Collection


2. Adoption of Resolution No. 9676 Authorizing Agreement Between the County of Champaign,

Parkland College, and A-Team Recyclers, LLC with Regard to the October 15, 2016 Countywide Residential Electronics Collection


3. Adoption of Resolution No. 9678 approving Amendment to the FY2016 County Planning Contract

Work Plan to Re-allocate Portions of the LRMP Work Plan to Provide Assistance in Meeting Requirements of the Champaign County MS4 Program


4. Adoption of Resolution No. 9674 Authorizing the Removal of Playground Equipment on Property

Located at 2603 Campbell Drive, Champaign


D. Finance

1. Adoption of Resolution No. 9719 Authorizing the County Board Chair to Assign a Mobile Home Tax

Sale Certificate of Purchase, Permanent Parcel Number 14-023-0092


2. **Adoption of Resolution No. 9720 Authorizing Budget Amendment 16-00034

Fund/Dept. 080 General Corporate/023 Recorder Increased Appropriations: $54,000 Increased Revenue: $60,000 Reason: RHSP is a $10 Fee per Document. $9 is Remit to the State and $1 is Split Between the General Corporate and automation Funds. This is not an Increased Expenditure, Overall, It is an Increase in Revenue.


3. **Adoption of Resolution No. 9721 Authorizing Budget Amendment 16-00035

Fund/Dept. 676 Solid Waste Management/011 Solid Waste Management Increased Appropriations: $13,855 Increased Revenue: $11,855 Reason: Cover Portion of Local Government Shared Expenses for Oct 15, 2016 Countywide


Consent Agenda Item Action

Residential Electronics Collection Event

4. Adoption of Resolution No. 9722 Approving the Application, and If Awarded, the Acceptance of the

Emergency Management Assistance Grant




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