Rossville-Alvin Grade School | Village of Rossville Website
Rossville-Alvin Grade School | Village of Rossville Website
Village of Rossville Police, Health & Safety Committee met March 17
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
3. Review/Approve Feb 17 minutes
4. Prior Month Policing Activities(Chief Greene)
a. Review of Police Actions (Prior Month)
a. Monthly Ordinance Violations - Chief Greene
b. Review Maintenance Log Sheets on Police Vehicles-Chief Greene
5. Old Business
a. Camera Grant Status
b. Signage for Bus Loading Zone / No Parking (Benton St.) for Circle Academy (Follow-up conversation from Chief Greene)
c. The SROs will attend ALICE training in June. Trustee Black asked if the schools (BHRA & RAGS) would reimburse the Village for the cost of the conference at the next meeting.
d. Hoopeston was building a firing range. Chief Greene had asked HPD about RPD using their range to qualify. An intergovernmental agreement would need to be prepared but Chief Greene has not received a copy of a proposed intergovernmental agreement.
6. New Business
a. Wind Turbine Ordinance
b. 2025 Grant Plan Status
c. Clean Up at 214 E. Attica
c. Open Topics
7. Adjournment