Becky Preston, Mahomet Village Trustee |
Becky Preston, Mahomet Village Trustee |
Village of Mahomet Board of Trustees met Feb. 18
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
1. CALL TO ORDER: Widener called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM
3. ROLL CALL: Widener states that Trustee Metzger has met the requirements to joint he meeting remotely. He asks the Trustees if there is any objections. None are presented. Mohr calls the roll, Trustee Colravy, Tompkins, Willard are all physically present, Metzger has joined remotely.
Trustees Harpst and Oliger are both absent. Additionally, Sean Widener, Village President, Patrick Brown, Village Administrator, Carole Tempel, Treasurer, Abby Heckman, Village Planner, Dan Waldinger, Director of Parks & Recreation, Joe Chamley, Village Attorney, Mike Metzler, Chief of Police, and Dawn Mohr, Village Clerk are all present.
4. PUBLIC COMMENT: No public comment is presented.
1. Bill List: Tempel goes over the bill list in brief and states that there is nothing unusual on the list. Brown adds that there will be a $10,000 façade grant added to the list. Widener asks if there are any questions or comments. None are presented, Widener calls for a motion to move the bill list to the consent agenda. Tompkins moved and Colravy seconded. Mohr called the roll, ALL VOTES YES, 4-0. The bill list is moved to the consent agenda.
2. Treasurer’s Report: Tempel goes over the report in length updating the Trustees with expenditures and receivables. Widener questioned whether interest earned on the accounts is accounted for in the budget. Tempel states that the interest earned is indeed reflected in the budget. Brown adds that it is estimated very conservatively in the budget. Metzger asked how often staff meets with Fisher Bank, Tempel answers it is not a regularly scheduled meeting however, they did meet with Ryan Heiser of Fisher National Bank and that the interest rates are tied directly to the Federal Fund Rate. Widener asks if there are any additional questions or comments, none are presented. Widener calls for a motion to move the treasurers report to the consent agenda. Colravy moved and Tompkins seconded. Mohr called the roll. ALL VOTES YES 4-0. The Treasurers Report is moved to the consent agenda.
B. Parks & Recreation: Waldinger goes over the memo and states that the board had previously approved the purchase in the CIP, that the shade structures are the last piece to complete phase 1 of Barber Park. He adds that the shade structures had been stricken from the design for budgeting concerns. Waldinger states that there is currently no shade on the splash pad and playground. Waldinger goes on to say that he has chosen the blue shades as they are the least likely to fade rapidly like the other colors. That the posts will be black. There is a 20 year warranty on the posts and 10 year warranty on the shades. Waldinger adds that the salesman has directed him not to remove the shades in the off season as there is a risk of damaging the shades. The salesman also told Waldinger that other sites do not remove them. Waldinger states that the shades are rated for wind speeds of 120-140 mph. Willard questioned the height of the shades. Waldinger answers that they are 8- 10 feet tall. Widener asks if the shades can be branded with the Parks & Recreation logo. Waldinger answers that he does not believe the company offers branding however he would look into outsourcing the branding. Widener asked if there are any additional questions or comments, none are presented. Widener calls for a motion to move the resolution to the consent agenda. Tompkins moved and Colravy seconded. Mohr calls the roll. ALL VOTES YES 4-0. The resolution is moved to the consent agenda.
1. A Resolution Authorizing the Purchase of Shade Structures from Landscape Structures, Inc. in the Amount of $44,501.00
1. An Ordinance Concerning a Rezoning for 6.0 +/- Acres of Land from R-1A Single Family Residential to C-2 General Commercial District Located at the Southwest Corner of the S. Prairieview Road and South Mahomet Road Intersection, Commonly Known as 2065 County Road 525E Champaign IL. Heckman goes over the project and states that no one from the public attended the public hearing on February 4th. She adds that the Plan and Zoning Commission voted in favor of approving the rezoning. Colravy asked if there will be buffering for the residential.
Heckman answers that there is no residential surrounding this particular parcel currently and that in the event some does develop, it would be the responsibility of the developer do provide the buffering. Widener questioned whether the board would see this property again after the rezoning. Heckman answered that it depends on what the present as to whether the board would need to approve. She adds that it is likely yes. Widener asked if there were any additional questions or comments. None are presented. Widener called for a motion to move the ordinance to the consent agenda. Willard moved and Tompkins seconded. Mohr called the roll, ALL VOTES YES 4-0. The ordinance is moved to the consent agenda.
2. An Ordinance Concerning Approval and Publication of the 2025 Official Zoning Map. Heckman explains that this is the annual requirement to approve and publish the zoning map. She adds that the online GIS system is the most up to date map as it is updated regularly. Tompkins asked if residents could access the map through the village website. Heckman answers that the can. Widener asked if there were any questions or comments. None were present. Widener called for a motion to move the ordinance to the consent agenda. Colravy moved and Tompkins seconded, Mohr called the roll. ALL VOTES YES 4-0. The ordinance is moved to the consent agenda.
D. ADMINISTRATION: Brown explains that the village is in need of this updated ordinance that would allow the Village to intervene on tax appeals. Widener asked if in previous experiences did we not have the authority. Chamley answers that the P-TAB has gotten much tighter and without the ordinance it could result in the Village not being allowed or entitled to be involved in the proceedings. Widener asked if there were any questions or comments, none were presented. Widener called for a motion to move the resolution to the consent agenda. Colravy moved and Willard seconded. Mohr called the roll, ALL VOTES YES 4-0, The resolution is moved to the consent agenda.
1. A Resolution Authorizing Interventions Before the Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board
A. Departmental Reports: Brown goes over the reports in brief and adds that in March, Waldinger should have his annual recap for the Parks & Recreation Department.
1. Parks & Recreation
2. Code Compliance
A. February 2025 Board Meeting Calendar
1. February 25, 2025, Board of Trustees Meeting-Widener asked if anyone was going to be absent at the Board meeting. As of right now all is expected to be in attendance.
8. NEW BUSINESS: No new business is presented. .
9. ADJOURNMENT: Widener calls for a motion to adjourn the study session. Tompkins moved and Willard seconded. Mohr called the roll, ALL VOTES YES 4-0. The study session was adjourned at 6:40 PM.