
Chambana Sun

Sunday, March 9, 2025

City of Gibson City Council met Feb. 10

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Randy Wyant, Ward 2 Alderman | City of Gibson Website

Randy Wyant, Ward 2 Alderman | City of Gibson Website

City of Gibson City Council met Feb. 10

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Dickey in City Hall Council Chambers.

Roll Call:

Ward #1 Susie Tongate: P Sarah Sarantakos: A

Ward #2 Randy Wyant: P Ray Hankes : P

Ward #3 Scott Davis: P Terry Roesch: P

Ward #4 Denis Fisher: A Laura Miller: P

Pledge led by Alderman Miller.

Visitors: Admin Scott Shull, Officer Rosenbaum, residents Ellen Hankes, David Walton, Les Marti and Donna Cathey, and Mindy Basi – Ford Co. Chronicle.

City Clerk Jan Hall opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. in Mayor Dickey’s absence, and asked for a motion to approve Mayor’s recommendation to have Alderman Wyant serve as Mayor Pro-Tem for this meeting. Motion made to approve Alderman Wyant as Mayor Pro-Tem made by Alderman Davis, 2nd made by Alderman Miller, all in favor, Alderman Wyant took the gavel.

Motion to approve Minutes of January 27, 2025, made by Alderman Hankes, Alderman Miller seconded the motion, motion carried 6/0.

Committee Reports:

Parks/Buildings/Grounds – City Clerk Jan Hall – reported on a Parks & Buildings meeting that was held on Monday, February 3rd at 6:00 p.m. Alderman Sarantakos / Chairman opened the meeting at 6:05 p.m. with committee members Laura Miller, Susie Tongate and City Clerk Jan Hall in attendance, as well as Engineer Matthew Johnson from Fehr-Graham Engineers in Champaign and Mindy Basi, reporter for Ford County Chronicles. Dept. of Health issues have some issues with plans submitted these concerns were discussed.

The committee agreed to move forward and put this project out for bid after the Permit is obtained from the State. City Clerk Jan Hall, who served on the New Pool Committee, pointed out that moving forward to bid has been approved, but breaking ground will depend on whether or not the City is in a position to finance the project when final bids are known.

Approval of Bills:

Motion made by Alderman Davis to pay 4 TIF-2 checks in the amount of $150,273.56, 2nd made by Alderman Roesch, motion carried 6/2.

Motion made by Alderman Tongate to pay 1 TIF-3 check in the amount of $6,804.38, 2nd made by Alderman

Hankes, motion carried 4 in favor and Aldermen Miller & Davis abstained due to owning property in TIF 3.

Motion made by Alderman Hankes to pay 2 TIF-4 checks in the amount of $20.71, 2nd made by Alderman Miller, motion carried 6/0.

Motion made by Alderman Miller to pay 1 Downtown TIF check in the amount of $359.39, 2nd made by Alderman Roesch, motion carried 6/0.

Motion made by Alderman Davis to pay General Fund checks in the amount of $205,190.96, 2nd made by Alderman Hankes. Motion carried 6/0.

New Business:

A. Les Marti submitted Façade Grant Application to replace the outdoor sign at his business located at 704 S. Sangamon Avenue. Total cost quoted was $$8,021.60, and if approved, City pays 50% up to $5,000.

Motion made by Alderman Davis to approve this application and pay $4,010.83 (50%) when sign is installed and paid invoice is submitted the city hall office, 2nd by Alderman Tongate. Admin Shull informed council that the fund has enough money remaining to fund this request, and others will need to wait until the new fiscal year that starts May 1st. Shull asked if the council is going to have the change in length of time to complete a project changed to 6 months. City Clerk Hall stated she had informed Attorney Marc Miller of this recommended change and will remind him. Motion to approve the Facade Grant to Les Marti in the amount of $4,010.83 carried 6/0.

B&C.Clerk informed council that Mayor suggests these items be tabled until he is present. Council agreed.

Motion to adjourn made @ 7:10 p.m. by Alderman Davis, 2nd by , all in favor, meeting adjourned.
