
Chambana Sun

Sunday, March 9, 2025

City of Danville Public Works Committee met Feb. 11

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Carolyn Wands, Alderperson | City of Danville

Carolyn Wands, Alderperson | City of Danville

City of Danville Public Works Committee met Feb. 11

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


Chairman Mike Puhr called the meeting of the Public Works Committee to order at 6:00 p.m. at the Robert E. Jones Municipal Building, 17 W. Main Street, Danville, Illinois 61832.

Roll Call was answered by Chairman Mike Puhr, Aldermen Ed Butler, Mike O’Kane, Jim Poshard, Carolyn Wands, and Heidi Wilson. Vice Chairman Bob Iverson was absent and Chairman Puhr shared the absence was excused due to illness. A quorum was present.

Others in Attendance: Mayor Rickey Williams, Jr., Vice Mayor Tricia Teague, Aldermen Jon Cooper, Eve Ludwig, Rick Strebing, and Darren York, City Clerk Lisa Monson, City Comptroller Alyssa Sweeten, Acting Engineer Eric Childers, Community Development Administrator Logan Cronk, Community Development Planner II Mumuchhu Gurung, Corporation Counsel Leon Parker, IT Administrator Blake Wasson, Public Transportation Director Steve White, Public Works Director Dave Ruwe, and Treasurer Chris Heeren.

There were seven audience members and one news media in attendance.


Chairman Puhr presented Minutes of the regular meeting of January 14, 2025. Alderman Wilson moved for approval as presented, seconded by Alderman Poshard. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays with 1 absent; the motion so ordered.


Chairman Puhr presented the agenda. Alderman Poshard moved for approval, seconded by Alderman Wands.

On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays with 1 absent; the motion so ordered.


• Deonta Brooks of Danville voiced support of a cannabis consumption lounge and stated the following:

- He is a two-time combat veteran and currently seeks medical help for different ailments because he is a disabled veteran. He feels we need communal space to talk to people.

- Opioids have impacted his family heavily. His wife’s mother and his uncle both had medical conditions where they relied on opioids, and it cost them their lives.

- He feels that cannabis soothes the pain for veterans as alcohol and crack cocaine are harmful.

- He feels that there is a stigma to using cannabis and we have a chance to change it.

• Brad Zerman of Seven Point Dispensary highlighted the following information pertaining to proposed consumption lounge and his concerns with proposed Chapter 91 as follows:

- Mayor being able to shut down the business anytime.

- Not being to smoke outdoors and suggested opening that up to a trial period on a private patio.

- Rental issues with the Tilton lounge with police and after-hours parties and stated that Seven Point will not operate their lounge like them at all. Cannabis off the street will not be allowed and if the lounge is approved, they will stay open until 9:00 p.m. each night in the store with the security guard and other employees in the lounge. If someone has private parties, the servers will be going in and out of the room.

- Would like the city to reconsider the event space as it is not going to make any difference from a public safety issue and people cannot bring in their own drinks.

- Concern with section in ordinance dealing with unsealed cannabis and feels it needs deleted in its entirety because the Cannabis Act in Illinois does not regulate consumption lounges. People wouldn't be able to leave a lounge with open cannabis, because in a bar you can't walk out with your drink, but in a bar, you are able to order a single serving product. We plan to educate people about how to transport the product and will offer lockable storage containers.

- Will provide table tents of information pertaining to ride shares, hotels, and transportation of cannabis.


Chairman Puhr advised everyone to keep an eye on the weather and stay safe.


Chairman Puhr presented the Payroll for February 7, 2025 of $692,099.87. Alderman Wilson moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Poshard. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen Poshard, Wands, Wilson, Butler, O’Kane, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Iverson

Motion carried 6 to 0 with 1 absent.


Chairman Puhr presented the Schedule of Vouchers Payable of special run for February 10, 2025, of $890.60 and run of February 11, 2025 of $483,509.92. Alderman Butler moved to dispense with the readings and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Wilson. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen Wands, Wilson, Butler, O’Kane, Poshard, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Iverson

Motion carried 6 to 0 with 1 absent.

#8) PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION – Steven White, Director

#8-A-1) Monthly Report

The Danville Mass Transit Monthly Recap for January 2025, which included Ridership Reports, Monthly Revenue Record, and Ridership History. The total ridership for the month of December was 36,030 and the total revenue for the month of January 2025 was $24,241.97. Director White stated the bid for the engine for bus #1631 has been mailed out. The bid opening will be March 21, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. Alderman Wands shared this past week a few of us visited the DMT office to take a tour. She shared Mr. White gave us a very nice tour and I had no idea how complicated their operations are and things that go on there. She recommends all aldermen take a tour as Director White is more than willing to show and explain things, but it's really an amazing system.

#8-A-2) Other Items of Information

The ridership is up 15,096 riders from Fiscal Year 2024 during the first seven months of Fiscal Year 2025

#9) PUBLIC WORKS – David Ruwe, Director

#9-A) Chairman Puhr presented an Ordinance Approving the Purchase of Real Estate at 18 E. 5th Street for Sanitary Sewer Alignment along Jefferson Street for $25,000 to be paid from line item 402-402-00-55018 Sanitary Sewer Fund 402. Alderman Butler moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Poshard. Administrator Cronk explained essentially what you have here is the acquisition of a property that is on where E 5th St. turns to the north along Jefferson St. The intent and purpose of acquiring this property is to avoid a costly swerve in the sewer system that it would require the sewer system to go around, Care Muffler and then back down E 5th St. and onto Jefferson. If this property is acquired sewer realignment could go straight. It's just a straight shot which would save the City of Danville a substantial amount of dollars. By acquiring this, it makes it a gravity feed sewer instead of a forced pump sewer. A pump station would need to be installed if this property was not acquired. There being no further questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen Wilson, Butler, O’Kane, Poshard, Wands, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Iverson

Motion carried 6 to 0 with 1 absent.

#9-B) Chairman Puhr presented an Ordinance Approving Purchase of Real Estate for Community Improvement of 125 N. Vermilion St. and Amending the FY24-25 Fund 310 Budget, purchase in the amount of $85,000 to be paid from Fund 310 line item 310-310-00-54173 and FY24-25 Budget Amendment to transfer funds from Fund 310 Reserves to Fund 310 line item 310-310-00-54173 in the amount of $100,000. Alderman Wilson moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Wands.

Administrator Cronk explained 125 N. Vermilion St. is currently occupied by DC Fitness, which is the structure that is located directly to the south of the two buildings that have not been demolished but pushed in that are owned by the City of Danville and formerly by Chart Records. Upon further investigation, it was discovered the DC Fitness structure is in poor condition and the city may sustain possible repair costs to the north wall of the DC fitness building when completing the demolition of the two city owned properties to the north. Alderman Wands questioned the cost to save the DC Fitness building. Administrator Cronk stated that the city has tried to assist developers with any interest in repairing and redeveloping this location. Administrator Cronk stated that an architect did assess the wall, but we did not pay for this service. Alderman Butler questioned the cost of purchase and the cost of demolition. Administrator Cronk shared that the cost for demolition has not gone out for bid at this time. There being no further questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen Butler, O’Kane, Poshard, Wands, Wilson, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Iverson

Motion carried 6 to 0 with 1 absent.

#9-C) Chairman Puhr presented an Ordinance Amending Danville City Code Chapter 91 from Reserved to Cannabis Consumption Facility. Alderman Butler moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Wilson. Administrator Cronk shared that the zoning chapter 150, which currently does not allow for cannabis consumption lounges, went to planning and zoning last week, and will be presented at the city council meeting on 2/18/25. This ordinance is for the regulation and licensing of cannabis consumption lounges. Alderman O’Kane questioned how many cannabis consumption lounges are in the State of Illinois and what is the state’s legislation. Administrator Cronk replied the state’s legislation is referred to in the city’s ordinance. Seven Point’s director Brad Zerman commented that cannabis consumption lounges are legal in Illinois, the state does not regulate once they are open, but they regulate the dispensary. Administrator Cronk shared that this ordinance would be for any cannabis consumption lounge in Danville. Alderman Butler questioned cannabis products leaving the facility after the have been opened. Alderman O’Kane stated that Chief Yates will address this as the city council meeting on 2/18/25 and there may be state approved sealable bags or containers that can be used to transport open cannabis products. There being no further questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen O’Kane, Poshard, Wilson, Puhr

Nays: Aldermen Wands, Butler

Absent: Alderman Iverson

Motion carried 4 to 2 with 1 absent.

#9-D) Chairman Puhr presented an Ordinance Amending Danville City Code Chapter 155 from “Reserved” to “Commercial Solar Projects”. Alderman Butler moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Wilson. Administrator Cronk shared that the change to this ordinance will add more items to regulate commercial solar projects in the city, with such items as glare studies, more detailed decommissioning reports, and proof of financing for decommissioning. The zoning for large array solar sites are permitted use by light and industrial light, industrial and general industrial and this proposed change is to make these special use permit only. To allow the city to regulate the solar panel sites within the mile and a half zoning jurisdiction. Items were added to the application documents to allow for the city’s stronger regulations.

There being no further questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen O’Kane, Poshard, Wands, Wilson, Butler, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Iverson

Motion carried 6 to 0 with 1 absent.

#9-E) Chairman Puhr presented an Ordinance Amending Danville City Code Chapter 160 Historic Preservation. Alderman Wilson moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Butler. Administrator Cronk shared this will hopefully provide state historic incentives for downtown Danville. The intent is to remove the requirement of needing to go the City of Danville Preservation Commission for improvements to be made to downtown businesses and create a downtown historic preservation district through the State of Illinois. Upon consulting with the Downtown Danville Incorporated, who in turn consulted with most of the downtown business owners and property owners, their number one concern is they would be considered a historic district would they have to submit to the City of Danville design regulations such as window changes or façade repairs as is the current requirement in the Lincoln Park Historic District. If so, required they would not want a downtown Danville historic district. It is proposed that the Lincoln Park Historic District operates as its own separate local historic district and the creation of a downtown historic district that is regulated and provides local tax incentives by the State of Illinois for downtown Danville to be regulated strictly by the State of Illinois. There being no further questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen Poshard, Wands, Wilson, Butler, O’Kane, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Iverson

Motion carried 6 to 0 with 1 absent.

#9-F) Chairman Puhr presented a Resolution Amending the Contract Amount for Lakeside Drive, Eastgate Drive, and Woodland Trace Pump Station Improvements in the amount of $63,231.44 to be paid from the Storm and Sanitary Sewer Fund 402 line item 402-402-00-55018 (Infrastructure Improvements). Alderman Wilson moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Butler. Acting Engineer Childers shared for Woodland Trace the change order was to cross the street to tie into a transformer and addition work on a fence, on Lakeside extra asphalt to improve drainage, on Eastgate Drive electrical pole replacement and mechanical changes. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen Wand, Wilson, Butler, O’Kane, Poshard, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Iverson

Motion carried 6 to 0 with 1 absent.

#9-G) Chairman Puhr presented a Resolution Approving a Professional Service Agreement for the Riverfront Trail Concept Design and Amending FY24-25 Fund 107 with Lochmueller Group, Inc in the amount of $169,805 to be paid from newly assigned Fund 715 Riverfront Development – Professional Services and creating Fund 715 Riverfront Development and transferring $1,000,000 from Fund 107 to the newly created Fund 715. Alderman Wilson moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Poshard. Acting Engineer Childers shared this area is behind the Civic Center from Walnut and South Street up Ryker Court to the potential trail system down to the river. Funding dedicated to this project will include a boundary and topographic survey as well as concept designs. Comptroller Sweeten stated in 2023 the city received one million dollars from the casino for the Riverfront project, which was deposited and not encumbered, the funds were moved into account 107 at the close of the 2023 fiscal year, we are now pulling the funds back out of Fund 107 and moved them to a new proprietary fund secured for this project.

There being no further questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen Wilson, Butler, O’Kane, Poshard, Wands, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Iverson

Motion carried 6 to 0 with 1 absent.

#9-H) Chairman Puhr presented a Resolution Approving a Professional Service Agreement for the Downtown Phase 1 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Program with RJN Group, Inc. in the amount of $240,600 to be paid from Fund 402 (Storm and Sanitary Sewer Fund) line item 52022 (Engineering Services). Alderman Wilson moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Wands. Acting Engineer Childers shared this is Phase One designed for the repairs and rehabilitation of the sewer lines and manholes and included in the contract is construction observation. There being no further questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen Butler, O’Kane, Pohsard, Wands, Wilson, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Iverson

Motion carried 6 to 0 with 1 absent. 

#9-I) Chairman Puhr presented a Resolution Approving Emergency Repairs to Yard Waste Horizontal Grinder and FY24-25 Budget Amendment Solid Waste Budget paid to Vermeer Midwest of Goodfield, Illinois in the amount of $64,441.43 to be paid from Solid Waste funds, line item 405-405-52016 Maintenance of Other Equipment in the amount of $6,680.00 and line item 405-405-53016 Materials to maintain Other Equipment in the amount of $57,761.43, and Budget Amendment in the amount of $65,000.00 with funds from 405 Solid Waster reserves to increase line item 405-405-52016 by $7,000.00 and increase line item 405-405-53016 by $58,000.00. Alderman Poshard moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Butler. Director Ruwe shared the yard waste grinder is not operational and Administrator Carpenter stated this will complete replacement of most of the parts on this machine. There being no further questions or discussion, the roll call vote being:

Ayes: Aldermen O’Kane, Poshard, Wands, Wilson, Butler, Puhr

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Iverson

Motion carried 6 to 0 with 1 absent.

#9-J) Items of Information

- Administrator Ruwe shared that trucks are ready for the upcoming weather

- Administrator Cronk requested a grant application be presented at the 2/18/25 City Council meeting due to the timing of the application. Chairman Puhr was in agreement.

#10) CLOSED SESSION – not needed

#11) ITEMS OF INFORMATION – none reported

#12) COMMITTEE MEMBERS’ COMMENTS – none reported


There being no further items on the agenda, the meeting was adjourned at 7:08 p.m. by acclamation after amotion by Alderman Wilson and a second by Alderman Butler.
