Maryalice Wu, Urbana City Council Member - Ward 1 primary: |
Maryalice Wu, Urbana City Council Member - Ward 1 primary: |
City of Urbana Foreign Fire Tax Board met Feb. 4
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
A. Call to Order and Roll Call
Meeting called to order at 0748. Members present: Dade, Prendergast, Lane, Thomas, Jarvis, Johnson, Royal.
B. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
Previous meeting minutes were read. Lane motions to approve with no additions or corrections. Dade seconds. Motion carries.
C. Approval of Treasurer's Report
$15,277.15 Checking, $72,950.84 Money Market, $65,227.97 Total after allocations. Johnson motions to approve, Prendergast seconds. Motion carries.
D. Public Input
E. Unfinished Business
1. Chief Leeb Training
Scheduled 1, 2, and 3 of April. Cost is $8000. Leadership training in the morning and tactical scenarios in the afternoon along with a review of the Rainbow View fire. Lane motions to spend $8000 to cover the expense of the training. Dade seconds. Motion carries.
2. Engine 259 Repairs
Met with Travis to discuss 259 and found that E259 is still on their list to maintain, but they will not spend significant money on it. Garage had a quote ~$2450 for tires and garage paid ~$4000 to repair the brakes. Project complete.
3. Station 2 and 3 Kitchen Tables
Ready to be ordered for an estimated delivery in May. $4200 for both tables. They are identical to the table at station 1. Chief Dade motions to increase purchase a third table for station 4. Thomas amends the motion to $6500 and seconds. Motion carries.
4. Recliners
Recliners just need to be ordered. The cost is $499 per chair. Will purchase 20 chairs. Thomas will order them.
F. New Business
1. Station 1 Bay Chairs
Requesting chairs to replace the chairs at the bay table. Discussion about where the extra chairs are. Will check at the civic center. Royal will attempt to find them.
2. New station amenities
Comcast, TVs, and kitchenware is currently not budgeted in the construction project. Discussion ensued. Unknown if exercise equipment will be funded by the project. Kitchenware can be inventoried and replaced as needed. City will supply 5 beds in the initial purchase, 2% will purchase 3 new mattresses. A tool box for the work room is also not included.
3. Locker Tags
Request to purchase new locker tags for station 1 lockers with shift and rank. Cost $13.50 per tag with purchasing 70 tags. Thomas motions to spend up to $1000 to purchase the tags. Johnson seconds. Motion carries.
4. SCBA Passports
LT Frazier proposed purchasing SCBA passport tags for $60 each. Total cost is about $1200 plus shipping to outfit 4 SCBAs per truck. Lane motions to approve $2000 to purchase after a trial on E254. Jarvis seconds. Motion carries.
5. Retiree Gift
Chief Dade proposed purchasing a "Flying Cross" gift for each of the 30 retirees at $200 each for a total cost of $6000. Johnson will propose this at the Union meeting. No motion was made. Item tabled.
G. Board Input and Communications
Discussion about the washer and dryer project.
Discussion about yard maintenance at the new stations.
Discussion about outfitting 290 with a plow.
H. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 0935hrs.