Susie Tongate, Ward 1 Alderman | City of Gibson Website
Susie Tongate, Ward 1 Alderman | City of Gibson Website
City of Gibson City Council met Jan. 27
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Dickey in City Hall Council Chambers.
Roll Call:
Ward #1 Susie Tongate: P Sarah Sarantakos: P
Ward #2 Randy Wyant: P Ray Hankes : P
Ward #3 Scott Davis: P Terry Roesch: P
Ward #4 Denis Fisher: A Laura Miller: P
Pledge led by Alderman Davis.
Visitors: Supts. Martin & Duncan, Asst. Supt. Nolte, Chief Rosendahl, Admin Scott Shull, Treasurer Vickie Lorenzen, Donohue Engineer Will Gray, Miles Ralph rep. Senator Balkema, GC Restoration Representatives Dawn Klintworth & Sharon Heavilin, Kelly Steenbergen & Kelsey Wingler, and residents Ellen Hankes, David Walton, Alan Anderson, and Jim Allen, and Mindy Basi – Ford Co. Chronicle.
Motion to approve Minutes of January 13, 2025, made by Alderman Sarantakos, Alderman Roesch seconded the motion, motion carried 6/0.
Treasurer’s Report: December 2024 report read to council by Treasurer Lorenzen; no questions or comments. Report accepted as presented.
Committee Reports:
Parks/Buildings/Grounds – Alderman Sarantakos – Called a Parks & Buildings Committee Meeting to be held Monday, February 3, 2025 @ 6:00 p.m. in council chambers, to discuss IDPH letters and pool design with Engineer Matthew Johnson.
Approval of Bills:
Motion made by Alderman Miller to pay one TIF-2 checks in the amount of $6,114.5, 2nd made by Alderman
Hankes, motion carried 7/0.
Motion made by Alderman Hankes to pay General Fund checks in the amount of $115,270.36, 2nd made by Alderman Sarantakos. Motion carried 7/0.
New Business:
A. Discussion and Consideration of Bid Documents for Water Plant Improvement Project / Engineer Will Gray. Engineer Gray reviewed the Bid opening results for the Water System Improvements – Vol “A” and Vol “B,” which are for Water Treatment Plant filter upgrades and a new Well #7. Two bids submitted, with the low bidder being Leander Construction, $3,400,000.00. Gibson City applied for and received a low interest loan from IEPA, and this includes 80% loan forgiveness. The low bid came in $1.8 million less than the Engineering Estimate of $5,258,500.
Supt. Martin stated this project began in 2022 and he is pleased to see the progress being made and noted that this is why IEPA required a rate study and annual increase to show the City can financially handle the ongoing costs of these projects. Motion to sign the Notice to Award Bid to Leander Construction in the amount of $3,400,000.00 was made by Alderman Roesch, 2nd by Alderman Wyant, motion carried 7/0.
B. Discussion and Consideration of Ordinance 2025-O-02; An Ordinance Enacting Updated Code of Ordinances. City Clerk Jan Hall informed council that we have completed our update and revisions to our Code of Ordinances. Hard copy Code Books will be available to Dept. Heads, Aldermen and Administration Office. Hall asked that each department ask employees to study any section pertaining to their work so we can be consistent in enforcement. Motion to approve Ordinance 2025-O-2 made by Alderman Miller, 2nd by Alderman Tongate, motion carried 7/0.
C. Discussion and Consideration of Ordinance 2025-O-03; Changing City Clerk position from elected to appointed. Mayor Dickey stated this Ordinance will change the city clerk position from being an elected position to an Mayoral appointed position with more duties. He will make an appointment at next regular council meeting. Motion to approve 2025-O-3 made by Alderman Sarantakos, 2nd by Alderman Wyant, motion carried 7/0.
D. Discussion and Consideration of City support of grant application for Gibson City Restoration Committee / Sharon Heavilin and Dawn Klintworth. Dawn Klintworth informed the council that the EPA has ‘Brownfield’ assessments and grants that the Restoration Committee wants to pursue, and that they need the city to apply for the assessment, which is free of charge. Aldermen expressed concern about liability or financial obligation that may come with City involvement. Mayor Dickey asked if we have our city attorney review the document and confirm no obligations are tied to it, is council ok with this. Council gave a ‘thumbs up’ for support after Attorney review.
E. Presentation by Kelsie Wengler, Strawn, IL requesting to reserve North Park for 2nd annual Food Truck Vendor Event. Ms. Wengler addressed the council with information of how she hopes to have a 2nd Annual Food Truck day with kids activities and music at North Park. Questions asked - Is there an organization involved, answer – no. Mayor Dickey stated that due to recent meetings and pressure from local brick and mortar restaurants regarding food trucks in town, he is not in favor of permitting an individual to hold a Food Truck Event in the city North Park. Aldermen Davis and Tongate told Ms. Wengler they appreciate her efforts but feel it necessary at this time to follow Code and not permit this privately operated event on City property. Ms. Steenbergen asked to speak and told council she is Kelsie’s mother, helped her with the event, and assured council they left the park in cleaner condition that when they started. Alderman Roesch made motion to deny this request, 2nd made by Alderman Wyant, vote to deny was approved 7/0.
Motion to adjourn made @ 7:35 p.m. by Alderman Davis, 2nd by Sarantakos, all in favor, meeting adjourned.