Urbana City Mayor Diane W. Marlin | Diane Marlin for Mayor / Facebook
Urbana City Mayor Diane W. Marlin | Diane Marlin for Mayor / Facebook
City of Urbana Committee of the Whole will meet Feb. 17
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
Chair: Maryalice Wu, Ward 1
A. Call to Order and Roll Call
B. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
1. 01-13-2025 City Council Minutes
C. Additions to the Agenda
D. Presentations and Public Input
1. Nursing Home Crisis in CU – Catherine Emanuel of Advocates for Aging Care
E. Staff Report
1. Cellebrite Technology – PD
F. New Business
1. Resolution No. 2025-02-016R: A Resolution Approving a Redevelopment Agreement with MCDJ, LLC (CU Adventures in Time and Space Expansion, 302 North Broadway Avenue) – CD
2. Resolution No. 2025-02-017R: A Resolution Approving a Redevelopment Agreement with Race Street Ventures, LLC (Fernie's High Horse, 118-120 South Race Street) – CD
3. Ordinance No. 2025-02-005: An Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit (809 W. Green St. / Plan Case No. 2496-SU-24 – Dutch Bros Coffee) – CD
G. Old Business
1. Ordinance No. 2024-12-042: An Ordinance Establishing Approval, Policy, and Reporting Requirements for Policing Surveillance Technology and Databases – CM's Wilken and Kolisetty
H. Council Input and Communications
I. Adjournment