
Chambana Sun

Thursday, February 13, 2025

City of Gibson City Council met Dec. 9

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Randy Wyant, Ward 2 Alderman | City of Gibson Website

Randy Wyant, Ward 2 Alderman | City of Gibson Website

City of Gibson City Council met Dec. 9

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Dickey in City Hall Council Chambers.

Roll Call:

Ward #1 Susie Tongate: P Sarah Sarantakos: A

Ward #2 Randy Wyant: P Ray Hankes : P

Ward #3 Scott Davis: P Doug Parsons: A

Ward #4 Denis Fisher: A Laura Miller: A

Pledge led by Alderman Tongate.

Visitors: Rob Schmit & Matt Ertel – GAH, Farnsworth Engineer Dennis Cummins, Chief Rosendahl, Admin Scott Shull, Supts. Duncan & Martin, Residents Terry Roesch, Ellen Hankes, Alan Anderson, Dave Walton, Keith Eyre and Chris Cornish, Mindy Basi – Ford Co. Chronicle.

Motion to approve Minutes of November 25, 2024, made by Alderman Hankes, Alderman Wyant seconded the motion, motion carried 4/0.

Committee Reports:

Alderman Tongate reported that she and Mayor Dickey met informally twice with owners of restaurants who were voicing their opposition to the city permitting ‘food trucks’. The group aired their concerns and tried to come up with some positive steps forward, but Alderman Tongate and Mayor Dickey are not suggesting any major changes at this time. The hope is for the restaurant workers and other business owners to work together to resolve their issues.

Alderman Wyant reported that the Drainage Task Force Committee met and looked at the need to complete the dry basin plan, and the need to have drainage completed along the north edge of Railside Subdivision. All are specified on the Agenda for further detail.

Approval of Bills:

Motion made by Alderman Wyant to pay 3 Bond / Water-Sewer checks in the amount of $19,378.00, 2nd made by Alderman Tongate, motion carried 4/0.

Motion made by Alderman Hankes to pay General Fund checks in the amount of $308,562.00, 2nd made by Alderman Wyant. Motion carried 4/0.

New Business:

A. Fehr Graham Engineer Matthew Johnson was not in attendance due to nothing new to report.

B. Discussion & Approval of GCPD Dispatch Agreement with Ford County Sheriff. Chief Rosendahl recommends the City enter into the annual contract with Ford Co. Sheriff’s Dept. for dispatching services at an annual rate of $25,000. This is $5,000 increase, but Chief believes it is the best arrangement we will find for ‘back-up’ dispatch services. Motion made by Alderman Hankes to approve the annual contract with FCSO at the rate of $25,000 annually, 2nd made by Alderman Wyant, motion approved 4/0.

C. Mayor Dickey asked council for approval of his appointments to fill vacancies on the Zoning Board and Plan Commission. Mayor appoints Keith Eyre to the Zoning Board, as Larry Littlefield has resigned, and to appoint Chris Cornish to the Plan Commission, as Mike Bleich resigned. Mayor Dickey thanked both Littlefield and Bleich for their dedicated years of service. Alderman Davis made the motion to approve these Mayoral appointments, 2nd made by Alderman Tongate. Motion carried 3 in favor and Davis abstained due to Keith Eyre being a relative.

D. Discussion and Consideration of Ordinance Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Third Amendment to the TIF Redevelopment Agreement by and between the City of Gibson City, Ford County, Illinois and Railside Farms, Inc. and Brady Homes, Inc. Mayor Dickey informed council that this Ordinance provides for the completion of drainage in Railside Estates Subdivision. Supt. Duncan provided a quote from MSA $324,132.06 to complete the storm sewer. The 3rd Amendment to the TIF Agreement provides for reimbursement from TIF funds. Alderman Hankes made a point to ask how this work will be monitored, and Supt. Duncan stated that he and city engineers will keep a close watch on this project. Motion to approved Ordinance Approving and Executing the Third Amendment between TIF and Railside Homes / Brady Farms, was made by Alderman Wyant, 2nd to his motion made by Alderman Hankes, motion carried 5/0, with Mayor Dickey casting his vote to approve.

E. Discussion and Consideration of Quote to Complete Dry Drainage Basin Design prepared by Farnsworth. Engineer Dennis Cummins was present to explain the 2024-5 Task Order to complete the design of the Stormwater Basin Design to be located at Lawrence Avenue & IL Rte. 54. Cummins explained the task order is divided into phases – survey, design and funding research in the first phase, and permitting in the second phase. Total amount for this Task Order is $40,100.00. Mayor Dickey and Alderman Davis, and Admin Shull agreed the super-money market account can be used. Clerk Jan Hall asked for a point of clarification – whether the total amount is expected upon approval or will the city be billed in phases. Farnsworth will bill during phases of the work. Supt. Duncan stated that the job needs to be ‘shovel ready’ in order to apply for grants. Motion to approve Farnsworth Task Order 2024-5 in an amount not to exceed $40,100.00 made by Alderman Wyant, 2nd made by Alderman Tongate, motion carried 4/0.

F. Discussion and Consideration of the possible sale of a 2-acre tract from the 15-acre tract purchased by the city located at 500 E Road Gibson City. Mayor Dickey received a proposal from Gibson Area Hospital to purchase 2 acres at a cost of $20,000 from the 15-acre tract that will be used as a dry basin. CEO Rob Schmitt shared a preliminary plat of the 2 acres and explained the intended use is for the 60x112 foot maintenance shed and a helicopter landing pad. This is the same shed that was previously planned for N. Melvin Street. Attorney Miller explained that a ‘thumbs up’ to proceed is sufficient at this time, prior to the real estate contract and Plan Commission meeting to request a ‘special use’ designation in this area currently zoned Agricultural. City Clerk Hall pointed out that the hospital and a landing pad are listed as acceptable ‘special uses’ under Agricultural Zoning. Mayor and Council gave a ‘thumbs up’ to move forward with this proposal.

G. Mayor Dickey asked Supt. Martin to explain the needs at the Scout Cabin. Supt. Martin stated that the scout cabin currently has no heat or working restrooms, and although there are several more needs, correcting theses 2 items now will make the building useable. Motion made by Alderman Tongate to  approve ‘not to exceed’ $5,000.00 from TIF 2, to replace the furnace and repair restrooms at the Scout Cabin, 2nd by Alderman Hankes, motion carried 4/0.

H. Discussion and Consideration regarding changes made to Ordinances / Chapter 25 Nuisances. Mayor Dickey reported that the Chapter 25 / Nuisances – in our code book, has been reviewed and revised by Denis Fisher’s Ordinance Committee, as well as Chief Rosendahl, Clerk Hall, Attorney Miller and himself. After many hours, it is recommended to approve the revisions. Alderman Tongate made the motion to accept the revisions to Chapter 25 and make them effective immediately, 2nd by Alderman Wyant, motion carried 4/0.

I. Discussion and Consideration of employee year-end adjustments / Gibson Bucks. Admin Scott Shull told council the amounts of Gibson Bucks to full-time employees has been $100, and $50 to part-time employees. The funds come from each department head’s budget in contingencies. After some discussion, Alderman Davis made a motion to give $150 in Gibson Bucks to full-time employees, and $75 dollars in GC bucks to part-time employees. Motion carried 4/0.

Motion to Adjourn made by Alderman Davis, second by Alderman Tongate, all in favor, meeting adjourned.
