
Chambana Sun

Friday, March 28, 2025

City of Danville City Council met Dec. 3

Webp 2

Robert Williams, Alderperson | City of Danville

Robert Williams, Alderperson | City of Danville

City of Danville City Council met Dec. 3

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

#1.... THE REGULAR MEETING of the City Council of the City of Danville was called to order at 6:02 p.m. by Mayor Rickey Williams, Jr. at the Robert E. Jones Municipal Building, 17 W Main Street, Danville, Illinois. 

THE ROLL CALL was answered by Mayor Rickey Williams, Jr., Vice Mayor Tricia Teague, Aldermen Ed Butler, Jon Cooper, Bob Iverson, Eve Ludwig, Mike O'Kane, Sherry Pickering, James Poshard, Mike Puhr, Rick Strebing, Carolyn Wands, Robert Williams, Heidi Wilson and Darren York. A quorum was present. 

Staff Members Present: City Clerk Lisa Monson, Community Relations Administrator Rheanna Ollis, Comptroller Alyssa Sweeten, Corporation Counsel Leon Parker, Acting Engineer Eric Childers, Fire Chief Aaron Marcott, Human Relations Administrator Sandra Finch, IT Chief Technology Officer Agnel DSilva, IT Administrator Cody Shadley, Police Chief Chris Yates, Public Transportation Director Steve White, Public Works Director Dave Ruwe, and Treasurer Chris Heeren. 

There were 32 audience members and 3 news media in attendance. 

#2.... INVOCATION was given by Alderman Poshard followed by #3....THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Alderman Williams. 

#4.... THE MINUTES of the regular meeting held, November 19, 2024, having been published and distributed, were presented. Alderman Wilson moved for approval as presented, seconded by Alderman Poshard. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered. 

#5....THE AGENDA for the evening was presented, Vice Mayor Teague moved for approval, seconded by Alderman Wands. Mayor Williams shared there was a question if item 15 Budget or item 16 Tax Levy should be first, it is recommended to keep the order on the agenda as they are contingent upon one another. On the voice vote approving agenda as presented, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered. 


#6-A... Proclamations - none presented. 

#6-B... Board/Committee/Personnel Appointments #6-C... Reports of Boards, Agencies, Commissions 

Administrator Finch shared the deadline for submitting the MLK scholarship is Friday, December 6 by 4:30 p.m. and the scholarship amount has increased from $2,000 to $6,000. 

#6-D... Items of Information 

#6-D-1) Fire Chief Marcott shared that on Sunday, November 24, 2024, at 1:03 p.m. Danville firefighters were called to a possible house fire in the 1600 block of North Franklin St. Upon arrival firefighters found a light haze of smoke throughout the home. After investigation the firefighters located a pile of burning blankets set too close to a space heater. The items were extinguished quickly with minimal damage to the home. Firefighters were informed by family members that it was Mason McGuire, age 6, a resident of the home, who told his grandmother Priscilla, to get out of the house and to call 911. Mason directed his grandmother outside the home. Mason's actions prevented any delay in calling for help and his quick actions most likely resulted in much less damage to the home. Mason's mother, Gina McGuire, stated that Mason had just attended fire prevention activities at the Danville Fire Department through Northeast school. Mrs. McGuire stated she felt this recent education helped Mason act in this way. Chief Marcott presented Mason McGuire with a departmental commendation for his quick actions and a gift certificate to his favorite restaurant Monicals. 

#6-D-2) Presentation from Lauterbach & Amen on Independent Actuarial Analysis of Pension Funds Mayor introduced Anthony Gedvilas with Lauterbach & Amen, LLP. Mr. Gedvilas highlighted information provided in a handout titled "Danville Firefighters' & Police Pension Fund Reporting for the Contribution Year Ending April 30, 2025, for Funding Purposes and for the Fiscal Year Ending April 30, 2024 for Financial Statement Reporting". 

• Current Year Contribution Recommendation- Fire $5,306,319; Police $4,893,356 

• Prior Year Contributions Recommendation- Fire $5,230,286; Police $4,696,507

• Current Year Funded Percentage- Fire 28.41%; Police 36.72% 

• Unfunded Actuarial Liability- Fire $58,384,300; Police $52,157,200 

• Current Benefit Payments- Fire $4,653,900; Police $4,726,800 for a total of $9,380,700 

• Expected Benefit Payments in 5 Years- Fire $5,681,700; Police $5,357,400 for a total of $11,039,100

• Expected Benefit Payments in 10 Years- Fire $6,400,500; Police $6,008,900 for a total of $12,409,400

• Current PUC Unfunded Actuarial Liability- Fire $60,415,700; Police $53,407,300 at Fire funded at 27.71% and Police funded at 36.17% 

• Total Recommended Contribution has increased by 2.75% from Prior Valuation.

#6-D-3) Accept and Place on File Independent Actuarial of Pension Funds 

Alderman Ludwig moved to concur, seconded by Alderman Pickering. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered. 

#6-D) Other Items of Information 

• Mayor Williams announced the Night of Lights Parade will take place Friday, December 6, 2024 in downtown. The parade will begin at 6:00 p.m. Administrator Ollis stated carriage rides will be available on Harrison Street next to the Fischer Theatre from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. thanks to Vermilion County Conservation District. 

•  Mayor Williams announced Danville's Got Talent auditions will take place December 18th and December 19th.


• Deanta Brooks of Danville spoke regarding taxes. Mr. Brooks stated Danville's poverty rate is about 25% and feels increases in gas and grocery taxes would burden low-income families. Mr. Brooks shared that with the city's ongoing acquisition and maintenance of residential properties this eradicates the availability of financial resources and recommends instead of raising taxes we should prioritize efficient allocation of existing funds to support essential services. 

• Michael Ewing of Danville spoke regarding the homeless shelter. Mr. Ewing, president of the Danville Rescue Mission, reported that the organization has received some financial donations from the community, and along with revenue from the thrift store, have been able to pay off past due balances of the power bill at 213 N. Bowman, formerly known as the Dayspring Women's Shelter. The Mission board has decided to convert the women's shelter over to a 32-bed temporary shelter for men. Mr. Ewing requested information if there are funds allocated from the city each year for non-profit organizations and if the city has plans to open an emergency shelter in Danville? 

• Sandy Calhoun of Danville of Danville spoke thanking for the Christmas decorations downtown. Ms. Calhoun thanked the city for the lights downtown and the events. Also thanked Community Relations Director Rheanna Ollis and her team and the Public Works department. A neighborhood luminary event will be held on December 21st from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. beginning at the Illinois Genealogical Society to celebrate the longest night of the year. Muncie Baptist Church will be holding their live nativity this Sunday night at 5:00 p.m. 

• Cindy Nacco of Danville spoke regarding good government. Ms. Nacco shared she is the wife of Dr. Stephen Nacco, a resident for the last 8 1⁄2 years, and a fifth-generation descendant of Vermilion County loves living in Danville. Ms. Nacco feels she is a victim of the mayor's lies, bullying and revengeful tactics and shared that she has heard that Mayor Williams, as a board member of the Danville Symphony Orchestra, complained to the President and executive director of the Symphony, that Dr. Nacco and herself should no longer be allowed to volunteer for Orchestra events. Ms. Nacco is asking for a full investigation with the Attorney General into Mayor Williams' hiring and firing practices, vindictive behaviors with the people he works with, and boards he serves on. 

• Pastor Randy Downing of Danville spoke regarding the homeless shelter. Pastor Downing thanked the council for their community involvement and work protecting the people of Danville. Thanked the Mayor for his work funding the fire and police pensions. Pastor Downing requested the council work to find emergency funds to assist the homeless shelter. 

• Jennifer Garcia of Danville spoke regarding landlord retaliation. Ms. Garcia shared she is the owner of JAC Property Management Company, and they are not landlords. Ms. Garcia responded to the property and tenant in question from previous city meetings and shared her information that in May of 2024 the tenant began to defame and slander JAC Properties, and the landowner did not care for this action and requested to move this tenant. JAC Properties explained to the landlord that the tenants lease was until City Council 

•  January 2025 and the suggested form of action would be a non-renewal letter. The tenant was given six months' notice of non-renewal on July 17, 2024 in the mail and a hand delivered notice on July 22, 2024. The city inspector did find a few small items that were fixed. The tenant was not happy with the city's report and requested a new roof and water heater which the city inspector stated did not need replaced. Ms. Garcia reported a problem with the tenant that when signing the lease stated she had active and working smoke detectors in every room but upon inspectors' findings there were no smoke detectors in the home, which is the tenants' responsibility. She was charged for the smoke detectors. Another issue was a step that separated from the concrete and the porch. JAC Properties installed a new porch with a new handrail. The tenant removed the handrail and poured her own concrete on top of the new porch. JAC properties does have photos. 

• Carlos Garcia of Danville spoke regarding city registration late fees. Mr. Garcia shared that JAC Property Management has paid the city registrations fees on time for the last 10 years, except for this year, and shared that due to extenuating circumstances he was not able to walk in to pay the registrations. Mr. Garcia asks for reconsideration of the $200 per property late fee as the city's new online system was not working and each individual property was given its own username and password. 

• Doug Ahrens of Danville spoke regarding the tax levy and tax increases. Mr. Ahrens requested information on how much each ward pays in taxes. Mr. Ahrens shared he feels there are lost opportunities with ARPA funds and the funds should not been spent on a new pool but more on a spray park. Regarding the gas tax he feels the tax increase was always to be passed based upon Part B only and does not agree with the proposed change. 

Mayor Williams present Items 8 and 9 for a single vote. There being no objections, Alderman Ludwig moved to dispense with the readings and asked for approval and placement on file, seconded by Alderman Pickering. Those items being: 

#8...Accept and Place on File the Annual Report of the Board of Trustees Policemen's Pension Fund for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 which stated an estimated amount of $4,893,356 is required the next fiscal year to pay pensions and other obligations and to meet annual requirements of the Fund as provided by Statute; and 

#9...Accept and Place on File the Annual Report of the Board of Trustees Firemen's Pension Fund for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 which stated an estimated amount of $5,306,319 is required the next fiscal year to pay pensions and other obligations and to meet annual requirements of the Fund as provided by Statute. 

There being no questions or discussion, on the voice vote, all ayes no nays; the motion so ordered. 

#10 ZONING PETITIONS - none presented. 

#11... PAYROLLS 

Mayor Williams presented the Payrolls, having been published, posted, and distributed, for November 22, 2024, of $98,232.54, and November 27, 2024, of $735,460.22. Alderman Pickering moved to dispense with the readings and asked for approval as presented, seconded by Vice Mayor Teague. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being: 

Ayes: Aldermen Strebing, Pickering, Ludwig, Teague, Williams, York, Cooper, Butler, Wilson, Wands, Poshard, 

O'Kane, Iverson, Puhr 

Nays: None 

Motion carried 14 to 0. 


Mayor Williams presented the Schedule of Vouchers Payable, having been published, posted, and distributed for run November 26, 2024 of $1,523,936.40, and for December 3, 2024 of $709,952.58. Alderman Pickering moved to dispense with the readings and asked for approval as presented, seconded by Alderman Ludwig. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being: 

Ayes: Aldermen Pickering, Ludwig, Teague, Williams, York, Cooper, Butler, Wilson, Wands, Poshard, O'Kane, 

Iverson, Puhr, Strebing 

Nays: None 

Motion carried 14 to 0. 


#13-A) Chairman Strebing presented ORDINANCE NO. 9511 Implementing a Municipal Grocery Retailers' Occupation Tax and a Municipal Grocery Service Occupation Tax for the City of Danville beginning on January 1, 2026, moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval as recommended by Committee, seconded by Alderman Pickering. Following discussion Alderman Puhr recommended amending the ordinance by adding a Sunset Clause with the following language "This Ordinance shall expire on the effective date of a Grocery Retailer's Occupation Tax passed or reinstated by the State of Illinois General Assembly". Alderman Pickering shared this is not a new tax and shared concerns that without this tax we will see cuts to our property maintenance and police vehicles. Chief Yates commented that there is a need for reliable and safe police vehicles to keep a vehicle rotation to allow for vehicle maintenance and longevity of vehicle use. Comptroller Massey reported that the U.S. Census Bureau shows that 26.9% of our community receive SNAP those shopping with SNAP or WIC do not pay the grocery tax and the Bureau of Labor and Statistics show that the average family that is under the poverty line will spend about $29.00 in grocery tax in an average year. Vice-Mayor Teague shared that she sees that the city has $14 million in the general fund and feels there is room to move money around to be able to give citizens some relief. Vice-Mayor Teague feels that people on SNAP don't buy everything with SNAP dollars and sometimes those funds run out before the end of the month. Alderman Butler shared concern with raising taxes and would like to see the city purchase and maintain less properties and allow citizens to purchase properties and maintain them. Alderman Wands shared that this not a new tax but there is a change that it is no longer received through the state. Alderman Iverson requested that we eliminate tax for the citizens. Mayor Williams shared that he hears from residents that property taxes are too high and if the proposed tax levy and budget are passed property taxes will be lowered. Another item is the funds in reserve, these reserve funds go towards improving our credit score which will assist in our bond rating for the upcoming fire station project. Mayor Williams shared extra funds are paying police and fire pension fund debt, improving roads, the purchase of properties for Kirchner Building project, the two new restaurants on the corner of Vermilion and Fairchild, and working towards a new park for the Elmwood neighborhood. There being no further questions or discussion on the amendment, the roll call vote being: 

Ayes: Aldermen Ludwig, Teague, Williams, York, Cooper, Butler, Wilson, Wands, Poshard, O'Kane, Iverson, Puhr, Strebing, Pickering 

Nays: None 

Motion carried 14 to 0. 

There being no further questions or discussion on the Ordinance as amended, the roll call vote being: Ayes: Aldermen Ludwig, Williams, York, Wilson, Wands, Poshard, O'Kane, Puhr, Strebing, Pickering Nays: Aldermen Butler, Iverson, Teague, Cooper 

Motion carried 10 to 4. 

#13-B) Chairman Strebing presented RESOLUTION NO. 2024-171 Accepting the Norfolk Southern Community Service Grant Award & Budget Amendment for FY24-25 Fire (022) in the amount of $14,364.00 for the purchase of four (4) Akron Ram Nozzles and brackets to increase line item #001-022-00-53017 Small Tools & Equipment, moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval as recommended by Committee, seconded by Alderman Ludwig. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being: 

Ayes: Aldermen Teague, Williams, York, Cooper, Butler, Wilson, Wands, Poshard, O'Kane, Iverson, Puhr, Strebing, Pickering, Ludwig 

Nays: None Motion carried 14 to 0. 

#13-C) Chairman Strebing presented RESOLUTION NO. 2024-172 Accepting an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Danville and Vermilion County for Imagery Capturing Geographic Areas within Corporate Boundaries of the City of Danville from Eagle View to be paid from Community Development line item #001-060- 00-52029 (Professional Services) at $13,365.12 (50%), Sewers line item #402-402-00-52083 (Dues and Subscriptions) at $6,682.56 (25%), Infrastructure Development line item #107-107-00-52090 (Other Contractual) at $6,682.56 (25%), moved to dispense with the reading, and asked for approval as recommended by Committee, seconded by Alderman Pickering. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being: Ayes: Aldermen Williams, York, Cooper, Butler, Wilson, Wands, Poshard, O'Kane, Iverson, Puhr, Strebing, Pickering, Ludwig, Teague 

Nays: None 

Motion carried 14 to 0. 

#13-D) Chairman Strebing presented ORDINANCE NO. 9512 Amending Danville City Code Chapter 96 Alcoholic Liquor and Video Gaming, moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval as recommended by Committee, Alderman Wilson seconded. Those changes being: 

96.03(C)20 If, after submission of the application, any information within the application changes or needs to be modified, the applicant shall notify the Liquor Commissioner of the change or new information within ten days.

96.12 (4) a terminal operator video gaming license; and 

(5) A video gaming license issued by the Illinois Gaming Board pursuant to the Gaming Act.

96.12(M) No terminal operator shall place a video gaming terminal in a licensed premises without obtaining a video gaming terminal license from the Deputy Liquor Commissioner. 

(1) Application for a license required by this section shall be made to the City Clerk on forms provided by the City. The application shall include a copy of the applicant's current license issued by the State of Illinois as a terminal operator, and the video gaming terminal license issued by the State of Illinois for each video gaming terminal sought to be licensed pursuant to this subchapter. The applicant shall sign the application attesting to the truth and accuracy of the information contained on the application. The application shall contain, but may not be necessarily limited to, the following information: 

(2) The name, age, address and phone number of the applicant, in the case of an individual; the persons entitled to share the profits, in the case of a partnership or similar entity; officers and directors, in the case of a corporation or similar entity as well as the date of incorporation and the object for which it was incorporated. 

(3) The number of video gaming terminals sought to be licensed and the address for the licensed premises at which such terminals shall be placed. 

(4) The name and address of the owner of the premises. 

(5) The taxpayer identification number of the applicant. 

(6) A statement that the applicant will not violate any federal, state or local laws in the conduct of his or her business. 

(N) No license shall be issued unless the Chief of Police or his or her designee has determined that the video gaming terminal is properly licensed pursuant to the Illinois Video Gaming Act and that the premises on which the terminal(s) will be placed is properly licensed pursuant to the Illinois Video Gaming Act; the issuance of the license would not be detrimental to the health, safety, welfare, or best interests of the city; and, no other reasonable cause exists to deny issuance of such license. 

96.26(A) Licensed premises relocation. A liquor license issued pursuant to this chapter shall apply only on the premises described in the application and license. The Liquor Commissioner may, in writing, permit the location to be changed but only upon written request of the licensee and where such request is in writing specifying the proposed new location and the reasons for the proposed change. No change in location shall be permitted unless the proposed new location is a proper one for the retail sale of alcoholic liquor under the laws of this state and the ordinances of the City, and where the provision of alcohol at the proposed location would not be detrimental or create negative influences on the surrounding neighborhood. A licensee that changes their location must re-apply and obtain a new license as well as one or more riders if desired, at the new location. There shall be no prorated refund of the license and/or rider fees for the prior location or the new location. 

96.28(A)(1) For all Class A, AA, B, BW, E, F, P, PG, R, and V, and VGH licensees: 

96.35(C) Possession of alcohol during events. Notwithstanding the restriction stated in this subsection, alcohol may be possessed on public property in the following area(s) during events which have been approved by the mayor: an area generally bounded by the north side of Main Street on the south, the east side of Walnut Street on the west, the west side of Hazel Street on the east, and the south side of Seminary Street on the north; an area along the Vermilion River generally bounded by Gilbert Street on the west, the Norfolk Southern Railway on the east, the south side of Reiker Court on the north, and the north side of Bluff Street on the south, the area generally bounded by. Any person possessing alcohol pursuant to this subsection shall be allowed no more than two alcohol beverages at a time in their possession or control. 

96.47(E) State agency cancellation, revocation or suspension of licenses. If the Illinois Liquor Control Commission cancels, revokes or suspends any license issued to a person who has a city-issued license and rider, if any, the city-issued license and rider shall be deemed automatically cancelled, revoked or suspended, consistent with the Illinois Liquor Control Commission's action. If the Illinois Gaming Board cancels, revokes or suspends any licensee's authority to display, operate and allow the public to play one or more VGTS on the licensee's premises, but where the Illinois Liquor Control Commission has taken no adverse action against the licensee's state authority to sell or serve alcohol for on-premises consumption, the licensee shall be permitted to continue selling or serving alcohol for on-premises consumption consistent with that licensee's class of city-issued license. Notwithstanding the immediate foregoing, if the Illinois Gaming Board cancels, revokes or suspends a Class VGH licensee's authority to display, operate and allowance of the public to play the licensee's one or more VGTs, the action of the Illinois Gaming Board also shall be deemed to automatically cancel, revoke or suspend the Class VGH licensee's authority to sell or serve alcohol on the said licensee's premises. If the holder of a cancelled, revoked or suspended Class VGH license wishes to sell or serve alcohol for on-premises consumption, the holder of the Class VGH license must apply for a Class A license pending availability of any such license. 96.49(A) Filings with finance department. Each licensee, with the exception of Class GC, shall on a monthly basis, file with the city's finance department, on a city-provided form, a sworn statement of all revenue derived from each of the following: 

96.51 Class VGH - Video gaming hall: $2,100. (Breakdown: Payment #1 of $1,500 due when liquor portion of application and license approved. Payment #2 of $600 due when video gaming approved by the Illinois Gaming Board and city application completed in full.) 

There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being: 

Ayes: Aldermen York, Cooper, Butler, Wilson, O'Kane, Iverson, Puhr, Strebing, Pickering, Ludwig, Teague, Williams 

Nays: Aldermen Wands, Poshard 

Motion carried 12 to 2. 

#13-E) Chairman Strebing presented ORDINANCE NO. 9513 Amending Chapter 33 of the City Code Pertaining to the Maximum Hiring Age of City of Danville Police Officers, moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval as recommended by committee, seconded by Alderman Wands. Chief Yates shared that the proposed age is from 35 to 40. That change being: 


A. Any person seeking to apply for appointment to the Police Department shall be at least 20 years of age before applying. However, the candidate must be 21 years of age but under 40 years of age at the start of Basic Law Enforcement Academy training, be a citizen of the United States, and possess a high school diploma or an equivalent high school education. 

There being no further questions or discussion, the roll call vote being: 

Ayes: Aldermen Cooper, Butler, Wilson, Wands, Poshard, O'Kane, Iverson, Puhr, Strebing, Pickering, Ludwig, 

Teague, Williams, York 

Nays: None 

Motion carried 14 to 0. 

#13-F) Accept and Place on File August, September, and October 2023 Treasurer's Reports [reports presented at November 26, 2024 Committee meeting]. Chairman Strebing moved to concur, seconded by Alderman York. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered. 

#13-G) City Clerks Report 

#13-G-1) Approval of Licenses 

Chairman Strebing presented the City Clerk's Report of Licenses, moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman York. The report being: 



Get & Go 1, 1207 N. Bowman Ave (Gas Station-New Owner) 

There being no questions, on the voice vote, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered. 

#13-H) Chairman Strebing presented a Resolution Authorizing an Increase in the Local Motor Fuel Tax, moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Wilson. Mayor Williams shared that with the state formula gas tax will increase on January 1, 2025 to 19¢. It is proposed in the resolution on January 1, 2025 to go to 13¢ per gallon of gasoline and 11¢ per gallon of diesel, on January 1, 2026 increase to 16¢ per gallon of gasoline and 15¢ per gallon of diesel plus the annual increase of two percent of the rate established by the Illinois Department of Revenue, on July 1, 2026 a rate of 19.9¢ per gallon of gasoline and 18¢ per gallon of diesel, and on January 1, 2027 a rate of 19.9¢ per gallon of gasoline, 22¢ per gallon of diesel, plus the annual increase of two percent of the rate established by the Illinois Department of Revenue. Comptroller Sweeten shared that if the collection process is corrected under the resolution the city will bring in $15,000 a month or $90,000 in six months, and the payment for that time period to Azavar is $135,000.00. For July to December 2025 we are asking for 16¢ per gallon of gasoline to bring in $242,000.00 but will have a payment of $250,000.00 to Azavar. Including the Azavar payments the city will not see the funds until March 2026. Following lengthy discussion, Alderman Iverson moved to postpone the proposed Local Motor Fuel Tax resolution to the January 7th, 2025 City Council meeting, seconded by Vice Mayor Teague. Mayor Williams proposed the resolution be presented at the December 17, 2024 City Council meeting. Vice Mayor Teague revoked her second. Alderman Iverson amended the recommendation to postpone the proposed Local Motor Fuel Tax resolution to the December 17, 2024 City Council meeting, seconded by Vice Chairman Pickering. There being no further questions or discussion, the roll call vote on the postponement of the proposed Local Motor Fuel Tax resolution being: 

Ayes: Aldermen Butler, Wands, Poshard, O'Kane, Iverson, Puhr, Strebing, Pickering, Ludwig, Williams, York Nays: Aldermen Wilson, Teague, Cooper 

Motion carried 11 to 3. 

#13-1) Items of Information - None reported 

[Alderman Wilson left meeting at 8:15 p.m.] 


#14-A) Chairman Puhr presented RESOLUTION NO. 2024-173 Accepting the Contract for the CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Project at 14 Ohio St. to lowest responsible bidder, Dreamworks Property and Construction Management, LLC in the amount of $29,862 to be paid from CDBG Community Projects line item 106-106-23- 54181, moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Ludwig. There being no questions or discussion, the roll call vote being: 

Ayes: Aldermen Wands, O'Kane, Iverson, Puhr, Pickering, Ludwig, Teague, Williams, York, Cooper, Butler Nays: None 

Absent: Aldermen Wilson, Poshard, Strebing 

Motion carried 11 to 0 with 3 absent. 

[Aldermen Poshard and Strebing left meeting at 8:15 p.m. and returned following the vote at 8:18 p.m.] 

#14-B) Chairman Puhr presented RESOLUTION NO. 2024-174 Awarding Bid #759 Danville Downtown Demolition to the lowest responsible bidder, Homrich Wrecking, Inc. in the amount of $2,081,400.00 to be paid from the Community Reinvestment Fund 310-line item 310-310-00-54037 Blight Removal, moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Pickering. Chairman Puhr shared that the county has approved the demolition agreement, and they are voting on their funding source. Farnsworth Group representative Bob Kohlhase spoke regarding the demolition plan and shared the contractor has special equipment with a high reach that will take down the building a layer at a time. Prior to demolition will be asbestos removal and removal of items for recycling. There are anticipated specific lane closures coordinated with the Illinois Department of Transportation. There being no further questions or discussion, the roll call vote being: 

Ayes: Aldermen Wands, Poshard, O'Kane, Iverson, Puhr, Strebing, Pickering, Ludwig, Teague, Williams, York, Cooper, Butler 

Nays: None 

Absent: Alderman Wilson 

Motion carried 13 to 0 with 1 absent. 

#14-C) Chairman Puhr presented ORDINANCE NO. 9514 Creating Chapter 53 of the City Code Pertaining to Tree Preservation, moved to dispense with the reading and asked for approval, seconded by Alderman Strebing. Mayor Williams thanked Dr. Patrick Halloran and all on the tree committee for all their work on this project. Chairman Puhr shared that this is part of being certified as status in the Tree City, USA. There being no further questions or discussion, the roll call vote being: 

Ayes: Aldermen Poshard, O'Kane, Puhr, Strebing, Pickering, Ludwig, Teague, Williams, York, Cooper, Butler, Wands 

Nays: None 

Absent: Aldermen Wilson and Iverson 

Motion carried 12 to 0 with 2 absent. 

[Alderman Iverson left the meeting during presentation of the previous item at 8:22 p.m. and returned at 8:25 p.m.] 

#14-D) Items of Information 

Director Ruwe announced the need for an emergency repair at Vermilion and Davis Streets. The repair extends across the road as public works saw a dip forming in the road at the location and after an investigation was done, we found out that it was a storm sewer roughly two to three feet deep that was going across the street. An emergency repair was done to put in a new pipe across the street and the rest of the pipe was in bad shape as well. The road should be opened back up next week as there needs to be cure time for the concrete. He is hoping the total does not go over the $20,000 threshold but will have an exact repair cost soon. 

Mayor Williams stated that we have more work to do on our motor fuel tax before the Council passes a budget and he does not think it is wise to pass a levy until the budget is approved as well. He entertained a motion to table items 15A and 16A through 16G until the City Council meeting on Tuesday, December 17, 2024. Vice Mayor Teague shared she has concerns about the budget as she has spent several hours going over the budget and thinks it needs to be discussed further, so she recommends a budget session for a chance to understand for some of the things in the budget for the Council and the public. Chairman Puhr suggested a budget study session after the public works committee meeting at on Tuesday, December 10, 2024. He stated the committee meeting should be done by 6:45 p.m. and if not, the budget study session will follow completion of the public works committee meeting. Chairman Puhr moved to postpone Item 15A Approving the 2025-2026 Budget and Items 16A to 16G Approving the 2024 Tax Levy to the December 17, 2024 City Council meeting, seconded by Chairman Strebing. After all questions were addressed and discussion on the Open Meetings Act, the roll call vote being: 

Ayes: Aldermen O'Kane, Iverson, Puhr, Strebing, Pickering, Ludwig, Teague, Williams, York, Cooper, Butler, 

Wands, Poshard 

Nays: None 

Absent: Alderman Wilson 

Motion carried 13 to 0 with 1 absent. 

#15... [postponed to December 17, 2024] APPROVAL OF ANNUAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2025-2026 #15-A... Ordinance: Approving the Budget for Fiscal Year 2025-2026 

#16... [postponed to December 17, 2024] TAX LEVY AND DOWNTOWN DANVILLE, INC. BUDGET #16-A... Ordinance: Approving 2024 

#16-B... Ordinance: Abating Part of the 2024 Tax Levy Infrastructure Development and Improvement Program/Series 2019 

#16-C... Ordinance: Abating Part of the 2024 Tax Levy Capital Improvements Fund/Series 2019 #16-D... Ordinance: Abating Part of the 2024 Tax Levy Community Reinvestment Fund/Series 2019 

#16-E... Ordinance: Establishing the Budget for the City of Danville, Illinois Special Service Area Number One for the Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 2025 and Ending December 31, 2026 

#16-F... Ordinance: Approving Tax Levy and Assessment of Taxes for Special Service Area Number One #16-G... Ordinance: Approving Tax Levy and Extending a Special Tax within Special Service Area Number Two Expanded 


Alderman Butler questioned when the aldermen can speak on different items, but mainly audience comments. Mayor Williams stated public comments is a time for the public to come and have their say and is not a time for us to enter a conversation back. Normally anything that we would have to say about public comment should come during items of information at the end of the meeting. Alderman Butler stated he would like to ask questions to individuals that speak during audience comments and voiced concern that individuals who speak during public participation are not always in attendance at the end of the meeting. He wanted to ask Mr. Ewing questions so everyone would have information about the Danville Rescue shelter and his request to seek funding as they are currently shut down. Mayor Williams suggested the possibility of using the Three Kings of Peace center as an option for a shelter as a temporary solution. Alderman Butler stated we will have to work on that as we are doing some other things as well. Alderman Butler stated Mayor Williams and Dr. Nacco need to work out their differences. Discussion ensued. 

#18...CLOSED SESSION was not needed. 


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. following a motion by Alderman Pickering, seconded by Alderman Butler. On the voice vote, all ayes, no nays; the motion so ordered. 




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