Sean Widener, Mayor | Village of Mahomet Website
Sean Widener, Mayor | Village of Mahomet Website
Village of Mahomet Board of Trustees met Nov. 26
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
1. CALL TO ORDER: Widener calls the meeting to order at 6:00 PM
3. ROLL CALL: Mohr calls the roll, Trustee’s Colravy, Tompkins, Oliger and Metzger are all present. Harpst is absent. Additionally, Village President, Sean Widener, Village Administrator, Patrick Brown, Village Attorney, Joe Chamley, Village Planner, Abby Heckman, Village Treasurer, Carole Tempel, Parks & Recreation Director, Dan Waldinger, and Village Cler, Dawn Mohr are present.
4. PUBLIC COMMENT: Widener opens the public comment by asking if there is a topic that is not on the agenda that one would like to address. Widener also reminds the audience that each speaker has no more than 5 minutes and the maximum allotted time for public comment is 30 minutes. Brent Fountain, Julie Fountain, Athena Lareau, Cindy Bales and Maggie D’Urso all address the Board with their opposition of the Truck Stop. Fountain submits a petition of opposition that was signed by 781 people. The breakdown of the signatures, 523 signatures verified by the Clerk are Incorporated Residents, 241 signatures verified by the Clerk are Unincorporated Residents, and 17 signatures submitted are NOT verified by the Clerk as no physical address is given.
5. PUBLIC HEARING: TAX LEVY: Widener opens the public hearing and asked if there is anyone in the meeting that would like to make a comment or statement. None are presented. Widener calls for a motion to adjourn close the public hearing Metzger moved and Oliger seconded. Mohr called the roll. All votes yes 4-0.
6. CONSENT AGENDA: (TO BE ACTED UPON) Widener asks if there are any comments or questions, none are presented, Widener calls for a motion to approve the consent agenda. Oliger moved and Metzger seconded. Mohr called the roll, ALL VOTES YES 4-0. The consent agenda is approved.
A. Approval of Minutes:
1. Board of Trustees – October 22, 2024
2. Study Session – November 12, 2024
3. Study Session – November 19, 2024
1. Ordinance 24-11-01, An Ordinance Amending Chapter 160 “Building and Maintenance Code” (Adopting the 2021 International Residential Building Code with Amendments)
1. Bill List
2. Treasurer’s Report
3. Resolution 24-11-01, A Resolution Accepting the Audit and Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ended April 30, 2024
1. Ordinance 24-11-02, An Ordinance Concerning Amending the Zoning Classification upon Annexation for 1.8 +/- Acres of Land Located at 503 S. Lake of the Woods Road from County R-1 Single-Family Residence District to Village C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District in Champaign County, Illinois
2. Resolution 24-11-02, A Resolution Concerning a Conditional Use Permit upon Annexation to Establish a General Service Business and Dwelling in the C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District
1. Ordinance 24-11-03, An Ordinance Levying Taxes for the 2025 Fiscal Year of the Village of Mahomet, Illinois. Widener asked if there are any comments or questions, none are presented. Widener calls for a motion to approve the ordinance, Colravy moved and Tompkins seconded. Mohr called the roll, ALL VOTES YES 4-0. The ordinance is approved.
2. Ordinance 24-11-04, An Ordinance Levying Taxes for Street and Bridge Purposes for the 2025 Fiscal Year of the Village of Mahomet, Illinois. Widener asked if there are any comments or questions, none are presented. Widener calls for a motion to approve the ordinance, Tompkins moved and Oliger seconded. Mohr called the roll ALL VOTES YES 4-0. The ordinance is approved.
1. Resolution 24-11-03, A Resolution to Accept an Engineering Service Agreement with Farnsworth Group, Inc. for Preliminary Design Services Phase of the 13 Acres Park Pickleball Project for the Not-to-Exceed Amount of $28,250. Waldinger went over the subject in brief and fielded several questions from the Trustees and Widener. Widener asked if there were any comments or questions, none are presented Widener called for a motion to approve the resolution, Metzger moved and Colravy seconded. Mohr called the roll, ALL VOTES YES 4-0. The resolution is approved.
1. Resolution 24-11-04, A Resolution Concerning a Conditional Use Permit to Establish a Ground Mounted Solar Use as an Accessory Use in the C-2 General Commercial District. Heckman went over the project in full and spoke to the questions that arose at the study session. Heckman fielded questions from Trustees and clarified the location, size of the area to be used and the setbacks.
Widener asked if there were any more comments or questions, none are presented. Widener called for a motion to approve the resolution. Tompkins moved and Colravy seconded. Mohr called the roll, ALL VOTES YES 4-0. The resolution is approved.
A. December 2024 Board Meeting Calendar: Widener goes over the calendar and states that the Joint Board meeting with the school district is not on the list. He reminds the Trustees that the next meeting is Monday, December 9, 2024 at Middletown Prairie.
1. December 11, 2024, SPECIAL MEETING Plan & Zoning Commission 6:00 PM
2. December 10, 2024 – Study Session 6:00 PM
3. December 17, 2024 – Board of Trustees 6:00 PM
4. December 24th - December 25th Village Offices Closed
9. NEW BUSINESS: Colravy states that the Winter lights are now on at Lake of the Woods and encourages all to visit and enjoy. They are open from 4-8 PM on Friday and Saturdays,
10. ADJOURNMENT: Widener calls for a motion to adjourn the meeting, Oliger moved and Tompkins seconded. Mohr called the roll, all votes yes 4-0. The meeting adjourns at 6:54 PM.