
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Danville Board of Fire & Police Commissioners met April 2

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Mayor Rickey Williams, Jr. | City of Danville

Mayor Rickey Williams, Jr. | City of Danville

City of Danville Board of Fire & Police Commissioners met April 2

Here is the agenda provided by the commissioners:

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Approval of Minutes

IV. Approval of Agenda

V. Public Input

VI. Mayor’s Comments

VII. Chairman's Comments

VIII. Commissioner’s Comments

1. Discuss policies for testing for departments reference gender identification.

IX. Police Department - Police Chief Yates

1. Discuss testing for police candidates.

2. Information

X. Fire Department - Fire Chief Marcott

1. Lieutenant Promotion

a. New List Creation (Lieut.)

2. Captain Test Update

3. Assistant Chief Promotion

a. New List Creation (Asst. Chief)

4. Approve of Fire and Police Board Rules (Fire Department)

a. Draft Discussion

b. Fire Chief Recommendations

5. Information

XI. Corporate Counsel

XII. Closed session under Section (2c) (1) and 2(c)(2) of the Open Meetings Act

XIII. Return to Open session

XIV. Adjourn Meeting
