
Chambana Sun

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Champaign County Board Facilities Committee met Nov. 7

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Emily Rodriguez, Champaign County Board - District 8 | https://www.news-gazette.com

Emily Rodriguez, Champaign County Board - District 8 | https://www.news-gazette.com

Champaign County Board Facilities Committee met Nov. 7.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Committee Members 

Present: Stephanie Fortado, Elly Hanauer-Freidman, Jennifer Locke, Jenny Lokshin, Mike Smith, Bethany Vanichtheeranont, and Jeff Wilson

Absent: Mike Ingram

County Staff: Dana Brenner (Facilities Director), Chris Smith (Building and Grounds Manager) and Mary Ward (Recording Clerk)

Others Present: Karla Smalley (Bailey Edwards Design), Kaelob Capel (Broeren Russo Builders, Inc.), Chris Bieser (Reifsteck Reid Architecture) and Matt Brown (PJ Hoerr Construction)


I. Call to Order and Roll Call

Committee Chair Lokshin called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Roll call was taken and a quorum was declared present.

II. Approval of Agenda/Addenda

MOTION by Mr. Smith to approve the agenda; seconded by Ms. Locke. Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

III. Approval of Minutes – October 3, 2023

MOTION by Mr. Wilson to approve the October 3, 2023 minutes; seconded by Ms. Locke. Upon voice vote the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

IV. Public Participation

There was no public participation.

V. Communications

Mr. Wilson reminded the committee of the upcoming Veteran’s Day holiday. Be sure to thank a vet.

VI. New Business

A. Update on ITB #2022-008 County Plaza Renovation Project – Bailey Edward Design – Karla Smalley, and Broeren Russo – Kaelob Capel (Photos attached)

Mr. Capel shared photos of the progress at County Plaza including the West Side Exterior Curtain Wall, first floor metal stud framing is in progress, first to second floor lobby stair, interior views of the curtain wall, rooftop photos – roof installation is 90% complete. RTUs were installed and the ETA for the rooftop units is December 26. The 4th floor tape and finish is progressing well.

Mr. Capel went over their safety orientation procedures. New workers have to go through an on-site safety orientation. Once completed they get a Broeren Russo hard hat sticker to let them know they’ve been through the safety orientation. Every other week there is a site safety audit inspection. A copy of the latest report was included in the packet.

Mr. Wilson asked a couple of questions about the audit report and how things were resolved.

Mr. Brenner went over the schedule for the project briefly. The roof will be done shortly. Painting is still on-going and is weather dependent. It should be done by later this month. Glass is currently ongoing on the west side. It will be ongoing through January. They are making great progress and it should be done late-May to early June. We will be having pre-construction meetings with OTIS soon. Each elevator will take approximately 14 weeks.

B. Discussion and Approval of Change Orders for ITB#2022-008 County Plaza Renovation Project (Change Orders #19, #20, and #21 attached)

Change Order 19 is for the 5th floor modifications for the Public Defender and IT and will cause an increase of $63,526.39. Change Order 20 is for a credit of $23,000.00 for removing the requirement for a Level 5 finish on all interior walls. Select wall finish will be reduced to a level 4 and Change Order 21 is for modifications to gas and water lines required by the City of Urbana inspector. It will cause an increase of $6,318.88.

MOTION to approve Change Orders 19, 20 and 21 was made by Ms. Locke; seconded by Ms. Hanauer-Friedman. Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

C. Update on ITB #2023-005 County Plaza Elevator Renovation Project (Otis Elevator Notice to Proceed attached)

We will be meeting with OTIS this week. Actual last day to achieve substantial completion has been changed from April 30, 2024 to November 1, 2024.

D. Update on ITB #2023-005 Courthouse Parking Lot Access Control Project (Duce Notice to Proceed attached)

We will be putting in gate arms and widening the south entrance to the Courthouse parking lot. We will lose 10 spaces with this project. We will be meeting this week with Duce Construction to go over the project. We hope to have this project done before Christmas. We will have to do the sealing and parking striping in the Spring. Ms. Hanauer-Friedman asked if there were any EV charging stations planned for this lot or for County Plaza. There has been discussion about this and hope to be working with RPC and the new Grant Coordinator on looking into various possibilities for funding.

E. Update on ITB#2022-009 Satellite Jail Consolidation – Reifsteck Reid Architecture – Chris Bieser, and PJ Hoerr Construction - Matt Brown (Photos attached) Matt Brown shared photos of and updated the committee on progress on the Satellite Jail Consolidation. We are at the half-way point on the roof – the South half is done. We have temp coverings on windows and doors for the winter. We have a lot of masonry work going on.

Mr. Wilson asked how big the footprint of a cell is. It’s approximately 6’ x 7’.

F. Update on Change Orders for ITB#2022-009 Satellite Jail Consolidation Project (Change Orders #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, and #19)

Change Order 13 is for the removal of an unforeseen concrete ductbank and thickened slab in existing recreation space to allow installation of new required foundations at an increased cost of $5,533.16.

Change Order 14 is a credit for the elimination of razor wire within interior refuge fences and provides a credit for exchange of sliders gates for swing gates. The credit comes to $19,320.00.

Change Order 15 is to provide drain modifications to allow existing overflows on existing roof to continue to operate at an increased cost of $24,579.67. Change Order 16 provides for new concrete pavement in both the north and south areas outside of the new exterior recreation spaces between the existing jail in the new addition. The increase will be $64,754.55.

Change Order 17 per CCD 001 and 002 provides additional site work for an expanded detention basin to comply with the City of Urbana building permit review at an added cost of $133,089.30. (This is the final number that was approved as a not-to-exceed cost early on in the process. This number is less than the not-to-exceed that was approved.)

Change Order 18 provides additional piping required for connecting underdrain piping to manhole 20989 in lieu of manhole 20983 due to elevation change increasing costs by $12,175.29.

Change Order 19 provides additional rebar for exterior security walls at an increased cost of $8,820.00.

Mr. Brenner said prior to tonight’s change orders, we were at a credit of about $220,000. After these we are at about $9,100. We are doing well with the credits. There will be a few more change orders, but we are in terrific shape.

Mr. Wilson asked about the detention basin and why it had to be expanded. It had to do with miscalculation from when the original building was built. Upon checking previous work, it was found it would need to be expanded for this project.

MOTION by Mr. Smith to approve the change orders as presented; seconded by Ms. Locke. Upon voice vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

Mr. Wilson asked about safety inspections/audits and if they have a somewhat same process as Broeren Russo. Mr. Brown said they don’t usually publish those, but they are audited. They also have a daily safety audit that is finalized on Fridays. He is happy to share their last report from last week.

G. Update on Humane Society Building

We have met with Director of Animal Control. We’re doing two studies, one on mechanicals (HVAC & Plumbing) and one on changes Animal Control would like to see. The studies will provide us with estimated costs. Animal Control has approximately $150,000 to help pay for some of these projects. We’ll see how far that can take us.

VII. Other Business

There was no other business.

VIII. Presiding Officer’s Report

A. Future Meeting – December 5, 2023 @ 6:30 p.m.

IX. Designation of items to be Placed on the Consent Agenda

Items to be placed on the Consent Agenda included items VI. B. and F.

X. Adjournment

Ms. Lokshin adjourned the meeting at 7:18 p.m.




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