
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Gibson City Council met June 26

City of Gibson City Council met June 26.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Call to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Dickey.

Roll Call: 

Ward #1 Susie Tongate: P    Sarah Sarantakos: P

Ward #2 Randy Wyant: P     Ray Hankes : A

Ward #3 Scott Davis: P         Doug Parsons: A

Ward #4 Denis Fisher: P       Laura Miller: P

Visitors: Admin Scott Shull, Officer Rosenbaum, Supt. Martin, Treasurer Vickie Lorenzen, Engineer Mike Friend F-W Group, Gary Lutterbie & Kevin Seymour – Jordan Pond Committee, Terry Roesch, Kelli Bell – American Legion, Jean Noellsch – Ford County Chronicle.

Alderman Miller led the pledge.

Approval of Minutes of June 12, 2023. Motion made to approve by Alderman Fisher, 2nd to the motion by Alderman Sarantakos. Motion carried 6/0.

Treasurer Lorenzen presented the May 2023 report. (see attached)

Admin Scott Shull notified council that to become tax-exempt on Amazon purchasing there is an annual fee of $500.00. Mayor Dickey asked if the purchases are items not available locally. The purchases do not rise to the level of paying a $500 annual fee. Also, Shull asked for guidance on the Fehr-Graham Engineering invoices. Council had previously agreed to hold off on a $3200 invoice and now we have an additional $4400 invoice. Mayor will call Engineer to follow up.

Recognition of Visitors:

Kelli Bell, representing the American Legion – requested a change in the time for 9th Street from West side of Sangamon up to the Alley (not blocking) for the July 8th event be from 6:00 p.m. Friday July 7 until noon on Sunday July 9th to accommodate set-up and take-down of the tent. Council approved her request.

Alderman Tongate requested to change the location of Red White & Tunes band to Sangamon between 7th & 8th on July 1st, so they can use the power box at the corner of 7th. Council agreed.

Resident Terry Roesch addressed the council to request consideration of lowering the permitted age of driving a golf cart on streets, from our current age of 21 to state driving age of 16. Alderman Davis commented that he may consider lowering the age to 18 with an adult passenger, decision to discuss further in a future Streets & Alleys Committee meeting.

Gary Lutterbie, spoke as representative for the Jordan Pond Committee – and expressed concerns over One Earth Energy in TIF IV possibly creating heavy semi-truck driving on the county road that runs along the west side of Jordan Pond and the Dog Park. He is asking for an alternative route to be considered to maintain the tranquility at the pond/park. Atty. Miller stated that the City has no control over the county road, and Mayor Dickey suggested that he meet with Gary and ask Steve Kelly of One Earth to meet with them to discuss Lutterbie’s concerns.


A. Discussion & Consideration of Los Caminos Façade Grant Application. / Agreed to remove from old business and reconsider when new application is submitted.

B. MCS presentation: Alderman Sarantakos reported that her committee of Parks, Bldgs., and Technology held met at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 20th in council chambers for the purpose of hearing the presentation on surveillance from McNutt Consulting Services. Along with the committee members, MCS was represented by Todd McNutt, and Lt. Acree attended on behalf of the police department.

Motion by Alderman Sarantakos to approve the overall cost of from MCS in the amount of $31,602.75 for upgrade, installation and maintenance of all city surveillance equipment as presented by MCS, 2nd made by Alderman Wyant, motion carried 6/0. Supt. Martin asked if each department is charged, and Alderman Sarantakos confirmed yes, each department pays their share.

Alderman Sarantakos made a motion to approve paying MCS $4,975.00 for 5 new laptops, 1 for water and 4 for police department. 2nd made by Alderman Wyant; motion carried 6/0.

Alderman Sarantakos made a motion to approve paying MCS $2,145.00 for police department external battery packs and unit network APC, 2nd made by Alderman Tongate, motion carried 6/0.

Alderman Sarantakos made a motion to approve paying MCS $6,443.00 for network management cards, Smart UPS system for police department, 2nd made by Alderman Tongate, motion carried 6/0.

Alderman Sarantakos made a motion to approve paying MCS $1,660.00 for 3 new iPad for aldermen, replacing outdated models. 2nd made by Alderman Tongate; motion carried 6/0.

Alderman Sarantakos made a motion to approve paying MCS $876.00 for 2 iPad replacements for aldermen, 2nd made by Alderman Miller, motion carried 6/0.

Approval of Bills:

Motion made by Alderman Fisher to pay General Fund check the amount of $171,772.43, 2nd by Alderman Sarantakos, motion carried 6/0.

Motion made by Alderman Miller to pay 1 MFT. check in the amount of $$ 66,460.77 to Opperman Construction 2nd by Alderman Tongate, motion carried 6/0 in favor.

New Business: 

A. Consideration of Ordinance 2023-O-15 Approving the Redevelopment Plan and Projects for Gibson City TIF District IV, Motion by Alderman Sarantakos to approve, 2nd by Alderman Miller, Motion carried 6/0.

B. Consideration of Ordinance 2023-O-16 Designating the Redevelopment Project Area for Gibson City TIF District IV; Motion by Alderman Miller to approve, 2nd by Alderman Davis, motion carried 6/0.

C. Consideration of Ordinance 2023-O-17 Adopting Tax Increment Allocation Financing for Gibson City TIF District IV; Motion made by Alderman Sarantakos, 2nd by Alderman Wyant, motion carried 6/0.

D. Consideration of Ordinance 2023-O-18 Approving and Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement by and between the City of Gibson City and Gibson City-Melvin Sibley Community Unit School District #5 that allocates 30% reimbursement from TIF IV; Motion made by Alderman Sarantakos, 2nd by Alderman Tongate, motion carried 6/0.

E. Consideration of Ordinance 2023-O-19 Approving and Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement by and between the City of Gibson City and Gibson City Fire Protection District that allocates .75% reimbursement from TIF IV, Motion by Alderman Miller, 2nd by Alderman Wyant, motion carried 6/0.

F. Discussion and Consideration of Quote to Lease New 2023 321F Compact Wheel Loader for Street and Alley Department: Supt. Martin presented cost of $658.06 monthly with trade-in,

G. Discussion and Consideration of Quote to Lease New 2022 SR240B Skid Steer Loader w/49 Demo Hours for Street and Alley Department: Supt. Martin presented cost of 807.43 monthly,

H. Discussion and Consideration of Quote to Lease New 2024 580SN Tractor Loader Backhoe for Street and Alley Department: Supt. Martin presented cost of $942.62 monthly with trade-in.

Total monthly lease amount for all three pieces of equipment: $2,408.11 presented by Supt. Martin. (see attached) This monthly lease amount of $2,408.11 for all three pieces of equipment made by Alderman Davis, 2nd by Alderman Wyant, motion carried 6/0. Supt. Martin discussed moving the Skid Steer to the Sewer Plant rather than trade-in on that one piece.

Motion to Adjourn made by Alderman Miller, 2nd by Alderman Tongate, meeting adjourned @ 8:30 p.m.
