City of Hoopeston City Council met Feb. 7.
Here are the minutes provided by the council:
I. CALL TO ORDER-Mayor Wise following the Pledge of Allegiance.
II. ROLL CALL- Six council members present: Miller, Eyrich Ferrell Gonzalez, Lawson and Porth. Absent were Garrett and Richards.
III. AMENDMENT OF AGENDA- Porth removed the Historical Preservation Bank Account information from his report and Mayor asked that Executive Session be moved up. Ferrell moved to approve the amended agenda seconded by Eyrich. Amended agenda was approved 6- 0.
IV. EXECUTIVE SESSION-Ferrell moved to go into Executive Session seconded by Lawson. Roll call vote 6-0 to go into Executive Session at 7:04 pm.
Ferrell moved to come out of Executive session seconded by Porth. Council came out of Executive Session at 7:21 vote 6-0.
V. PRIOR MEETING MINUTES- Lawson moved to approve minutes seconded by Ferrell. Minutes were approved 6-0.
VI. PAYMENT OF BILLS-Eyrich moved to approve payment of bills seconded by Ferrell. Roll call vote and bills were approved 6-0.
A) Eyrich explained the Waterworth Software which will be used to help the city with the management for upcoming water and sewer projects. He made a motion to purchase the software for $6450 with a second from Ferrell. Roll call vote taken and the motion passed 6-0.
Next he made a motion to purchase the truck which has been budgeted and would cost $30,045. Lawson second the motion. Roll call vote taken and the purchase was approved 6-0.
Eyrich explained why the city would be able to purchase additional water meters at this time. An order had been made but never shipped, then another order sent and both orders received. Because of price increases expected in the future and the need in the upcoming year it would be cost effective to pay for both purchases. He made a motion to approve the purchase of water meters for $116,000 with a second by Ferrell. Roll call vote taken and the motion was approved 6-0.
Next a motion was made by Eyrich to approve the purchase of 8 water hydrants for $23,952 which was seconded by Lawson. Roll call vote taken and the motion passed 6-0.
A water pump had to be repaired. The cost was $5035.52. Eyrich made a motion to approve paying the bill seconded by Ferrell. Roll call vote approved the motion 6-0.
Two task Orders with Donohue were presented for vote. Eyrich moved to approve Tasc Order No. 6 for Continuing Professional Services which will be $31871.73 and was seconded by Ferrell. Roll call vote 6-0 approved the motion. Eyrich made a motion to approve Task Order No. 8 with Donohue for Continuing Professional Services –Source Water Protection Plan. Ferrell second this motion. Roll call vote 6-0 approved the motion.
Finally, Eyrich made a motion to adopt Ordinance 2023-10 for the Public Water Supply Loan Program which was seconded by Ferrell. Roll call vote was taken and the motion passed Ordinance 2023-10.
B) Ferrell announced an electronics collection to be May 13. Updated Christmas decorations have been needed and Ferrell made a motion to purchase Snow Flake pole lights seconded by Lawson. Motion was approved 6-0. Ferrell them moved to purchase new banners for $3092 with a second by Lawson. Roll call vote approved the purchase 6-0. The Land Bank Authority will be having home rehab program that the city of Hoopeston will be investing in. She made the motion to approve the Land Bank Rehab Grant Program seconded by Lawson. Hoopeston's investment will be $35,000. Roll call vote taken and the motion was approved 6-0.
C) Garrett-absent
D) Gonzalez-A motion to approve a MFT Resolution in the amount of $8631.39 was made by Gonzalez and seconded by Eyrich. Roll call vote taken and Resolution 2023-8 was approved.
E) Lawson mentioned congrats for Brody Herman and Brant Ramos.
F) Miller had nothing to report.
G) Porth had nothing to report.
H) Richards was absent.
XIV.MAYOR COMMENTS-After asbestos testing has been done, the city will put out for bids for the downtown building demolition.
XV. ATTORNEY COMMENTS-Attorney Miller updated council on the status of and work that has been done on some of the properties.
XVI.ADJOURN-Ferrell moved to adjourn seconded by Lawson. Council adjourned at 7:59 pm. Gail Lane, City Clerk