Champaign County Facilities Committee met Nov. 1.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Committee Members
Present: Steve Summers, Jodi Wolken, Jenny Lokshin, Emily Rodriguez, Leah Taylor, Bethany Vanichtheeranont
Absent: Stan Harper, Jim Goss
County Staff: Dana Brenner (Facilities Director), Kyle Patterson (County Board Chair), Dan Busey (Recording Clerk)
Others Present: Richard Van Note (GHR Engineering), Karla Smalley (Bailey Edward Architecture)
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
Committee Chair Summers called the meeting to order at 6:35 P.M.
II. Approval of Agenda/Addenda
Moved by Ms. Taylor to approve the agenda; seconded by Ms. Vanichtheeranont. Upon Voice Vote, the Motion Carried Unanimously.
III. Approval of Minutes – October 4, 2022
Moved by Ms. Vanichtheeranont to approve the minutes from October 4, 2022; seconded by Ms. Lokshin. Upon Voice Vote, the Motion Carried Unanimously.
IV. Public Participation
V. Communications
VI. New Business
A. Final Update on ITB#2021-003 Satellite Jail HVAC Replacement. Richard van Note of GHR Engineering gave the update. Two of the new air handlers are already in place. Next week they will begin the third air handler. As soon as that is done the last air handler will be replaced the next week. Mr. Van Note said the intent is for the job to be complete by the end of November.
B. Final Update on emergency purchase and installation of new chiller at ILEAS. Mr. Brenner informed the committee that the new chiller has been installed.
Unfortunately, there has been damage to the waterlines over three years of work at the ILEAS building. The work to the waterlines should be able to complete by the end of the month before inclement weather comes into play. Mr. Summers and Mr. Brenner discussed the details of the amount of damage.
C. Update on ITB #2022-009 Satellite Jail Consolidation. Mr. Brenner said that on October 13th a pre-bid conference was held. There were 20 different individuals representing firms and general contractors. Many of these companies are local businesses. Bids will open November 2nd at 2p.m. Then a request to reward contract will be submitted to the full County Board at the November meeting. Ms. Rodriguez and Mr. Summers discussed the Project Labor Agreement and information that can be tracked for that purpose.
D. Update on ITB #2022-008 County Plaza Renovation Project. Karla Smalley, Bailey Edward Architecture, delivered the update. The bid is scheduled for December the 8th and will then be brought to the full County Board Meeting in December. Mr. Brenner explained why the timeline was pushed back. Making sure that everything is in place before opening the bid.
E. Update on ITB#2022-007 County Plaza Parking Deck Renovation. Karla Smalley explained that there is a contract in place and that there is a pre-construction meeting on November 5th. The contractor should be onsite in a couple of weeks and there is a completion date goal of June 1st. Mr. Brenner went over what this will mean for current Courthouse staff parking at the Plaza Deck at this time. Those individuals will be temporarily moved to the Sav A Lot parking spots. Mr. Summers and Ms. Smalley had a discussion of whether all the pre-construction work had been done.
VII. Other Business
VIII. Presiding Officer’s Report
A. Future Meeting – January 3, 2023 @ 6:30pm
IX. Designation of Items to be Placed on the Consent Agenda
X. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 6:54 P.M.