City of Hoopeston City Council met December 21.
Here is the agenda as provided by the council:
Pledge of Allegiance:
I. Call meeting to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Mayoral Election
IV. Amendment or Approval of Agenda
V. Minutes from prior Council meeting and Special Council meeting
VI. Payment of Bills
VII. Presentations:
VIII. Petitions to Council:
IX. Report of Officers:
a) Eyrich:
b) Ferrell:
c) Florek:
d) Garrett:
e) Lawson:
f) Porth: Liability and Work Comp Insurance
Suspend EMA Building Construction
g) Richards:
h) Wise:
X. Communications to Council:
XI. Unfinished Business:
XII. New Business:
XIII. Comments by Mayor:
XIV. Public Comment:
XV. Executive Session:
XVI. Adjourn