
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Homer Board of Trustees Met Jan. 11

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Village of Homer Board of Trustees Met Jan. 11.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to order 

Those present: Village Trustees: Joe Bear, Guy James, Jim White, Kevin Knott, and Zach Wells, not present, Mike Johnson, also present, Village Mayor/Board President, Raymond Cunningham, Village Clerk, Sharon Jeffers, Treasurer, Cindy Pruitt, Chief of Police, John Rouse, Maintenance/Water, Ryan Byerley, Sewer/Zoning, Dave Hermes, Attorney, Marc Miller, Nic Nelson with Jacob and Klein, and residents, Christine Cunningham, Jeremy Richards, Billy Mitchell, and Skip James. 

No community input 

Board Comment: Jim White recommends drafting a letter to the Champaign County Health Department and the Governor to relax or eliminate the COVID-19 mandates. The board received a letter stating that Casey's was not enforcing the mask mandate. The Village will not pursue the matter. Marc Miller is not in favor of the board writing a letter to the Governor or CCHD, due to possible repercussions. He is ok with not enforcing mask mandate at local businesses. If Jim would like to draft a letter it can be presented for approval at February's meeting. 

TIF meeting to review new application will be held Thursday morning at 7:30am. 

Nic Nelson presented a proposal to establish a business district. A sales tax increase of 74 -1% can be applied. Groceries, services, and medicine would not be included in the tax increase. A public hearing must be set during the establishing phase. The district would last 23 years. 

Ordinance 011121A: Jim White made the motion to pass Ordinance 011121A, approving and authorizing the execution of a professional services agreement for establishment and annual administration of Homer Business District between the Village of Homer and Jacob & Klein, and The Economic Development Group, with a 1% tax and with dates changed to current date on document presented, Zach Wells second the motion, roll call vote: Zach Wells, yes, Guy James, no, Jim White, yes, Kevin Knott, yes, and Joe Bear, yes, motion approved. 

TIF Extension: Joe Bear made the motion to start the process to extend the TIF District for 12 more years, Kevin Knott second the motion, roll call vote: Zach Wells, yes, Guy James, recuse, Raymond Cunningham, yes, Jim White, recuse, Kevin Knott, yes, and Joe Bear, yes, motion approved. 

Ordinance 011121B: Joe Bear made the motion to pass Ordinance 011121B, TIF Intergovernmental agreement with Homer Fire Protection District in the amount of $13,000.00, Zach Wells second the motion, roll call vote: Zach Wells, yes, Guy James, recuse, Raymond Cunningham, yes, Jim White, recuse, Kevin Knott, yes, and Joe Bear, yes, motion approved. 

Budget meetings set for: Jan 25, Feb 1st and 6th, and Feb 25th all to begin at 6:00pm. 

Ordinance 011121C: Zach Wells made the motion to pass Ordinance 011121C, authorizing RFP for 305 S Caroline St, Joe Bear second the motion, roll call vote: Zach Wells, yes, Guy James, recuse, Raymond Cunningham, yes, Jim White, recuse, Kevin Knott, yes, and Joe Bear, yes, motion approved. 

Suez Agreement: Joe Bear made the motion to enter into agreement with Suez in the amount of $7,695.00 and additional $1,500.00 per day if necessary, to be paid from TIF to prepare Main Street water tower to be used as a storage tank, Zach Wells second the motion, roll call vote: Zach Wells, yes, Guy James, recuse, Raymond Cunningham, yes, Jim White, recuse, Kevin Knott, yes, and Joe Bear, yes, motion approved. 

Marc Miller will communicate with the owner of the burnt house on N West St. 

Minutes: Guy James made the motion to approve minutes as presented, Jim White second the motion, all in favor, motion approved. 

Village Bills: Jim White made the motion to pay Village bills as presented, Guy James second the motion, roll call vote: Zach Wells, yes, Guy James, yes, Jim White, yes, Kevin Knott, yes, and Joe Bear, yes, motion approved. 

Reports: Jim White made the motion to approve reports as presented, Guy James second the motion, all in favor, motion approved. 

Adjourn: Jim White made the motion to adjourn, Kevin Knott second the motion, all in favor, motion approved. Adjourn: 8:35pm 
