City of Urbana City Council Committee of the Whole met Aug. 3.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
With a quorum present, Chair Bill Brown called the meeting of the Committee of the Whole to order at 7:22pm, following a special City Council meeting.
2. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting
CM Roberts mad a motion to approve the minutes from the July 20, 2020 meeting. Motion seconded by CM Wu and carried by roll call vote as follows:
Aye: Wu, Hursey, Brown, Roberts Colbrook, Miller No: None
3. Additions to the Agenda
There were no additions to the agenda.
4. Public Input and Presentations
Public Input via Zoom:
Public input via Zoom was provided by the following: Brianna Lewis; Meghan McDonald; Christopher Hansen; Tracy Chong; Aiden Watson Morris; Julie Watkins; Ben Joselyn; Giovanna; Ameena Payne; Sarah Nixon; Karen Medina; Karen Esposito; Kate Popetz; Marya Ornelas. Comments included: drop charges against Aleyah Lewis; free the 27 protesters; intimidation of students by School Resource Officer; do away with SRO in Urbana schools; city needs more transparency; 2% decrease in police funding not enough; glad to see council members involved in making changes in community; stop disparity in traffic stops.
Public Input via email
Public input was provided by email from the following: Jon Hays; Durl Kruse; Megan Mericle; Urbana Resident; Grace Walworth. Comments included: seek counsel of experts regarding defunding of police; defund and abolish police; do not sacrifice public safety by replacing police with social workers; drop charges against Aleyah Lewis and 27 protesters; reduce police funding; county probation office giving citizenship status information to ICE.
5 Staff Report
a. CDBG-CV Programs Update
Grants Manager Sheila Dodd presented a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Covid programs update. Ms. Dodd reported that the City of Urbana received $294,600 in CDBG Covid funds through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES). The City must follow Department of Housing and Urbana Development (HUD) requirements for use of the funds. The two programs adopted by City Council for use of these funds were the Small Business Grant Program and the Housing Assistance program. She explained the process of awarding the grants for businesses and housing.
Ms. Dodd said the Covid-19 Manual adopted by Council, allows the use of HOME funds for rent assistance and that staff will bring a request to council in August to reallocate unexpended prior year funds for rental assistance. She answered questions and concerns from council members. Discussion ensued.
Police Chief Bryant Seraphin provided information regarding a protest that was held on University Avenue and Lincoln Avenue that took place on June 23, 2020. There were calls about an older female in a car who was trying to go around protesters and the vehicle came into contact with a couple of 18 year old protesters. The car was going very slowly and both protesters denied injuries. He added there were also complaints about police officers responding at the protest not wearing masks. Five out of six officers did have masks on and one did not. He was given a mask by one of the protesters.
Chief Seraphin said the slides from the body cam presentation done on July 13, 2020 are posted on the website with meeting information for that date.
6. Resolution No. 2020-08-034R: A Resolution Approving a Champaign-Urbana Solid Waste Disposal System Agreement
Environmental Sustainability Manager Scott Tess presented this resolution. He informed council members that this is a renewal and extension of an agreement with Champaign for a portion of a closed landfill, called the Champaign Urbana Solid Waste Disposal System. The extended agreement will end on June 30, 2040. Mr. Tess responded to questions and concerns from council members.
CM Wu moved to send Resolution No. 2020-08-034R to council with recommendation for approval. Motion seconded by CM Roberts and carried by roll call vote as follows:
Aye: Brown, Colbrook, Hursey, Miller, Roberts, Wu Nay: None
7. Resolution No. 2020-08-035R: A Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of a Grant for Market at the Square (Farm Credit Illinois Grant - Snap Double Value Program - 2020)
Economic Development Coordinator Stepheny McMahon presented this resolution. She said this is from Farm Credit Illinois and is a $5,000 grant. It broadens the selection of food items that can be purchased at the market.
CM Roberts moved to send Resolution No. 2020-08-035R to council with recommendation for approval. Motion seconded by CM Miller and carried by roll call vote as follows:
Aye: Brown, Colbrook, Hursey, Miller, Roberts, Wu Nay: None
8. Resolution No. 2020-08-036R: A Resolution Approving Amendment No. 1 to a Subgrantee Agreement for a Tenant Based Rental Assistance Program (Courage Connection TBRA FY 2017-2018 No. 1718-CC01)
Grants Manager Sheila Dodd presented this resolution. She informed council members that this would extend the terms of the agreement by adding an additional 18 months to allow Courage Connection to continue its Tenant-Based Rental Assistance program (TBRA). This would help ten households with rental assistance. It would not involve any additional funds, and would further the goal of helping provide affordable housing in general, and to special populations which would include those with mental disabilities. Ms. Dodd responded to questions and concerns from council members.
CM Wu moved to send Resolution No. 2020-08-036R to council with recommendation for approval. Motion seconded by CM Hursey and carried by roll call vote as follows:
Aye: Brown, Colbrook, Hursey, Miller, Roberts, Wu Nay: None
9. Resolution No. 2020-08-037R: A Resolution Accepting a “Tornado Trees” for Tree Town Grant from Rotary Club of Urbana
Mayor Marlin presented this resolution. She told council members this grant will help cover the cost of replacing some of the 64 trees destroyed by an F-1 tornado that struck Urbana in May 2019.
CM Miller made a motion to send Resolution No. 2020-08-037R to council with recommendation for approval. Motion seconded by CM Colbrook and carried by roll call vote as follows:
Aye: Brown, Colbrook, Hursey, Miller, Roberts, Wu Nay: None
10. Ordinance No. 2020-08-041: An Ordinance Revising the Annual Budget Ordinance (Budget Amendment #1 - Omnibus)
Finance Director Elizabeth Hannan presented this ordinance. She said the most significant part of the amendment is the increase in the Human Relations Officer position, which will go from part-time to full-time. There will also be an increase of $10,000 in the legal services line in Human Relations to help pay for a hearing officer for appeals of police complaints and another $10,000 increase for recruitment of the position.
Other revisions include addition of a temporary position in the Finance department, a donation to the Fire department and various rebudgeted amounts.
Ms. Hannan responded to questions from council members and discussion ensued.
CM Roberts moved to send Ordinance No. 2020-08-041 to council with recommendation of approval. Motion seconded by CM Colbrook and carried by roll call vote as follows:
Aye: Brown, Colbrook, Hursey, Miller, Roberts, Wu Nay: None
11. Discussion - Public Safety and Policing - Next Steps Follow-Up
Mayor Marlin began the discussion by saying there is a need for an evaluation of a different approach to public safety. She talked about the formation of an advisory committee to work on the approach. She said in the coming year the focus will be on reallocation of resources and what roles police should continue, look at use of force policy, and alternative models for civilian oversight and accountability. She reminded council that in two weeks there will be a One Door discussion, which concerns responding to calls for mental health.
City Administrator Carol Mitten added that staff is looking at ways to engage public in broad areas such as safe communities.
There was extensive discussion about the advisory committee and topics of conversation for future meetings concerning police.
12. Adjournment
With no further business to come before the council, Chair Brown adjourned the meeting at 10:02pm.