City of Hoopeston City Council met Oct. 20.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
Pledge of Allegiance:
I. Call meeting to Order: Mayor Crusinberry
II. Roll Call: Five council members present: Ankenbrand, Florek, Goodwine, Lawson and Wise. McElhaney was absent.
III. Amendment or Approval of Agenda: Florek moved to approve the Agenda seconded by Ankenbrand. Agenda approved 5-0.
IV. Minutes from prior meeting: Ankenbrand moved to approve minutes seconded by Wise. Minutes approved 5-0.
V. Payment of Bills: Goodwine moved to approve bills seconded by Ankenbrand. Bills approved by roll call vote 5-0.
VI. Presentations: None
VII. Petitions to Council: None VIII. Report of Officers:
a) Ankenbrand: Nothing to report.
b) Florek: Expressed thanks to ERH and Mr. McBride for the help.
c) Goodwine: Mentioned that Saturday Bulk pick-up may condense hours as weather gets colder.
d) Wise: Alley clean up has begun.
e) Cemetery Perpetual Care Bids: Ankenbrand moved to accept the bid from Treasured Roots in the amount of $2730.00. Florek seconded the motion. Roll call vote 5-0 to accept the bid.
f) Lawson: Nuisance Ordinance: Lawson moved to approve the Nuisance Ordinance numbered 2021-2. Goodwine seconded the motion. Ordinance 2021-2 was approved 5-0.
g) McElhaney: Absent
IX. Communications to Council: The Housing Authority has sent for the Mayor to sign. He will review the agreement to learn exactly what is changing in the agreement.
X. Unfinished Business: Update on Essex property. Working on an amended agreement.
Lester's Drug building: Title search has cleared the property. Certified letter has been sent to the Suiter heirs.
Countryside Mall: Owner believes the building can be repaired and will not comply with the City. The city may need to go by State Statutes to get him to comply.
Bzzz's Bar: Owner was scheduled for court this month but has been rescheduled to November because of shut down,
XI. New Business: None
XII. Comments by Mayor: Alderman Yaden has resigned. There is now a 2-year vacancy for Ward 1. The mayor is accepting letters of interest for Ward 1 and Ward 3.
Election packets are available at City Hall.
Trish and Don Stebbins are working on getting all cemetery lots and data correctly entered into the system.
XIII. Public Comment: Complaint regarding parking on sidewalks.
Question about calcium in the water.
XIV. Executive Session: None
XV. Adjourn: Motion Ankenbrand second Wise. Council adjourned at 7:34 p.m.