
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Philo Board of Trustees Met September 9

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Village of Philo Board of Trustees met Sept. 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The meeting was called to order by President Larry Franks at 7:00 p.m. at the R.E. Franks Center in the Eileen Painter room.

GUESTS: Stan Feller, Bob Daly, Marc Miller (7:35 p.m.), Kevin Chalmers, Dave Traxler, Jim and Kathy Forrest, Dave Atchley, and Chris Payne.

ROLL CALL: Present -Trustees Kelley, Messman, Sappenfield, Pioletti, Garrett and Brady.

MINUTES: Trustee Paul Brady made a motion, seconded by Trustee Steve Messman, to approve the minutes of August 12, 2020. Voice vote, all “ayes”. Motion passed unanimously.

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE WARRANT: Trustee Pat Pioletti made a motion, seconded by Trustee Paul Brady to approve the bills as presented. Roll call vote; all “ayes” Trustees Kelley, Messman, Sappenfield, Pioletti, Garrett and Brady. Motion passed unanimously. Dave Traxler explained the $3,400 bill was power steering repair on the truck.

GUESTS-Stan Feller of Feller & Kuester CPA stated the audit is complete and that it went smoothly. He didn’t have anything much to present, but indicated the Village is very healthy and strong. Trustee Sappenfield questioned the State of Illinois revenue from income tax and Stan explained the prior 2-3 years fluctuation was probably due to late payments by the State of Illinois. Mr. Feller said he would be happy to answer any questions after the Board has a chance to review the entire audit report and could return to a future meeting if needed.

Jim & Kathy Forrest-nothing.

Chris Payne-Over the last couple of weeks has heard several complaints about speeding cars, especially on Washington and Jefferson Streets. President Franks said he will talk to the sheriff.

Bob Daly-Would like approval to put in a 6th gaming machine at Daly’s Sports Bar. The State recently increased the number of machines that are allowed. He would also like approval so his repairmen for the machines can come at 8:00 a.m. rather than the 11:00 time that is on his operating license from the State. President Franks asked for comment from the Board. All were okay with the additional machine except for Trustee Brady. He said he has a problem with adding more machines, Philo is not a gaming center and not something he wants Philo to be. President Franks stated the machines are good revenue, adding he doesn’t play and the Village should not legislate morality and he is in favor as mayor.

Mr. Daly would also like to purchase the building owned by the Village, located next door to his bar. He estimates it would cost about $30,000 to fix the septic system. His patrons can’t sit in the beer garden because of the smell. President Franks reminded the Board that it will cost approximately $1,500 to have a licensed appraiser complete an appraisal of the property. He was told scheduling is about three weeks out. Board members comments: Trustee Brady-get it appraised; Trustee Garrett-voiced concern regarding current renter, but was told he normally works from home; Trustee Pioletti-not opposed to selling; Trustee Messman & Sappenfield, no comment; Trustee Kelley-get it going. Tom asked “What’s the bid process or how do we advertise?” Trustee Sappenfield feels we should ask attorney Marc Miller if we can just sell to interested party. President Franks commented that neighbor to the west of our property wanted to fix septic, but county wouldn’t let them tie in and wondered if rules have changed. A letter will be sent to that property owner and if no response, then letter to Board of Health.

The Village will also check on the process to change hours of operation for a business, regarding Bob’s request.

VILLAGE ENGINEER: Dave Atchley did not have anything specific on the agenda. Trustee Pioletti thought the Board was to come up with ideas for the expected $97K over the next three years for the Rebuild IL program. President Franks commented the roads and sidewalks proposed plan might be a good place to use that money.

VILLAGE MAINTENANCE: Dave Traxler reported one (1) fence permit in August. In regard to the sidewalk bids, Dave T. asked if the Board would consider bidding it out in sections. After discussion the Board agreed they prefer to get it all done, but okay to section it out as long as the project gets started and hopefully get at least get 2 of the 3 sections done. A special Zoom meeting will be planned. Marc Miller reminded the Board that all action should be done by roll call. The painting for the gym was discussed. Trustee Kelley suggested painting the lower portion of the walls a different color to avoid having to repaint the entire walls because of scuffing of walls from balls hitting them. Trustee Pioletti wondered about the difference in bids of $3,000.00. Trustee Garrett thinks we need to decide and get this done. Trustee Brady made a motion, seconded by Trustee Messman, to approve the bid from Midwest Commercial Coatings Inc. Roll call vote; “ayes” Trustees Kelley, Messman, Sappenfield, Pioletti, Garrett and Brady. Motion passed unanimously. The dollar amount will be confirmed, as an apparent typo of the amount is on the bid ($17,0240.00).

Trustee Pioletti made a motion, seconded by Trustee Sappenfield, to approve the bleacher bid from Irwin Seating Company in the amount of $16,063.00 for 51’ group with three sections. Roll call vote; “ayes” Trustees Kelley, Messman, Sappenfield, Pioletti, Garrett and Brady. Motion passed unanimously. The color will be determined and Dave T. will contact Irwin. The padding for the stage was not on the agenda so will be discussed at the next meeting.

VILLAGE ATTORNEY: The revised Liquor Ordinance was discussed. The topic of changing hours brought up by Bob Daly earlier in the meeting will be decided at a future meeting as it was not on tonight’s agenda. Trustee Pioletti suggested instead of changing the ordinance every time the State decided to increase the number of gaming machines, consider having the ordinance read “up to x number of machines” to keep things simple. Trustee Steve Sappenfield made a motion, seconded by Trustee Steve Messman, to approve Ordinance 2020-642 AN ORDINANCE INCREASING THE NUMBER OF GAMING MACHINES ALLOWED IN THE VILLAGE. Roll call vote; “ayes” Trustees Kelley, Messman, Sappenfield, Pioletti and Garrett; “nay” Trustee Brady. Motion passed.

President Franks stated Janet Decker had the following questions for our attorney.

• When can they have 50 or fewer people for a rental?

• Is it okay for Sunday evening youth rentals of the gym?

• A wedding is scheduled for October 31st. What is needed to comply with the governor’s 50 max guideline?

Marc will find out & contact Janet. President Franks also mentioned that Janet told him a lot of Villages are charging a fee for the gaming machines, such as an annual fee of $450-$500.00.

There may be money available regarding Covid-19. The Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Support (CURES) information and IML model ordinance was reviewed. The ordinance would need to be approved this month. Marc noted it is a “moving target” as to what they may approve. Trustee Pat Pioletti made a motion, seconded by Trustee Tom Kelley, to approve Ordinance 2020-643 AN ORDINANCE PERTIANING TO THE LOCAL CURE PROGRAM. Roll call vote; “ayes” Trustees Kelley, Messman, Sappenfield, Pioletti, Garrett and Brady. Motion passed unanimously.

VILLAGE TREASURER: Kevin Chalmers stated he will post the Annual Treasurer’s Report in three (3) locations in Philo and also send to the County. There were no questions regarding the normal monthly reports.

OLD BUSINESS: Trustee Kelley summarized the long term tree plan saying he and Trustees Brady & Pioletti had determined the Village had not planted new trees since 2018. They would like to plant 20 plus another 20 later. Tom said at Country Arbors one tree is $249.95 and Wandell’s is $151.00. Ingrums would plant 14 trees for $770.00. The trees would be two (2) of each type and the size 2-2.5”. We would need to mulch and water with water bags. Dave T. indicated we would need to buy more bags. Consensus was to purchase the 14 trees. Trustee Steve Sappenfield made a motion, seconded by Trustee Kelley, to purchase the trees and have Ingrums plant. Roll call vote; “ayes” Trustees Kelley, Messman, Sappenfield, Pioletti, Garrett and Brady. Motion passed unanimously.

Sale of Village rental building-will discuss in Executive Session.

Recycling Center-A letter to residents will be posted and President Franks will send violation letters to two people that are non-residents. Dave T. is looking into a new camera. ABC got a new truck. Trustee Kelley said Janet’s response on Philo Watch and the yellow police tape at the recycle center were helpful.

NEW BUSINESS: President Franks said the alley between Garfield and Hayes Court needs to be surveyed and noted the alley was never deemed closed. Trustee Rachael Garrett made a motion, seconded by

Trustee Steve Messman, to approve MSA to complete a survey. Roll call vote; “ayes” Trustees Kelley, Messman, Sappenfield, Pioletti, Garrett and Brady. Motion passed unanimously.


Trustee Brady-Nothing

Trustee Garrett-Nothing

Trustee Pioletti -Stated he was contacted regarding aggregation for electricity. Our current renewal is June 2021, and Pat was told we could consider an extension with half of the renewal, so Philo could be early fall. If needed he suggested a Zoom meeting. An agenda item for the next meeting is replacing the padding for the stage in the gym.

Trustee Sappenfield-Noted the co-ed softball team play went over very well and said they want to have a ten team tournament. It is scheduled for Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 7 p.m. Piata’s food truck will be there at 11:00 and possibly Kona Ice.

Trustee Messman-Nothing

Trustee Kelley-Asked about Halloween

President Franks-Thanked Trustee Garrett & committee for successful parade and movie.

EXECUTIVE SESSION: Trustee Sappenfield made a motion, seconded by Trustee Messman to enter into Executive Session for the limited purpose of discussing the sale and pricing of Village real estate pursuant to 5ILCS 120/2 (c)(6). Roll call vote; “ayes” Trustees Kelley, Messman, Sappenfield, Pioletti, Garrett and Brady. Motion passed unanimously.

REGULAR SESSION: The meeting continued with all Trustees and President present. Trustee Pat Pioletti made a motion, seconded by Trustee Rachael Garrett, to authorize an appraisal for the Village property at 120 West Washington Street. Roll call vote; “ayes” Trustees Kelley, Messman, Sappenfield, Pioletti, Garrett and Brady. Motion passed unanimously.

MOTION TO ADJOURN: Trustee Steve Messman made a motion, seconded by Trustee Pat Pioletti, to adjourn the meeting. Voice vote, all “ayes”. Meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
