City of Hoopeston City Council met Sept. 1.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
II. CALL TO ORDER by Mayor Crusinberry at 7:00 p.m. following the pledge.
III. ROLL CALL CONDUCTED: All council members were present with Houmes attending by remote. Attorney Wessner was not present.
IV. AGENDA APPROVAL: Motion made by Florek seconded by Ankenbrand. Approved 8-0.
V. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: Motion to approve by Yaden seconded by Lawson. Approved 8-0.
VI. PAYMENT OF BILLS: Motion by Ankenbrand seconded by Wise to pay bills as presented. Roll call vote 8-0 approved bills for payment.
a) Ankenbrand reported that an ordinance has been drafted to allow chickens in the city limits. Discussion on who would enforce the restrictions and other possible problems was heard. Yaden suggested a straw poll vote from council indicating whether or not to proceed with work on the ordinance. Those indicating they would be in favor of proceeding with work on the ordinance were Ankenbrand, Goodwine, Florek, and Wise. No votes were Yaden, McElhaney, Lawson and Houmes. Mayor Crusinberry also cast a no vote. The "chicken ordinance” was tabled. Brad Hardcastle reported to council on the “CURES Grant” purchases made, and future purchases that would be covered in the grant. The roof and floor collapsed at the building known as “Countryside Mall” on East Main Street. There remains an awning on the building that should be removed. The mayor will send a certified letter to the owner regarding the situation. It was discussed that a structural engineer should look at not only this building but other dilapidated buildings downtown.
b) Florek had nothing to report. c) Goodwine had nothing to report.
d) Wise asked if there was a code ordinance officer for the city. Per the mayor, Police Chief Dewitt is now responsible for the grass, trash and junk car citations. Per Ankenbrand, any city representative including aldermen can report structural violations to the city clerk.
e) Yaden had nothing to report. f) Houmes had nothing to report.
g) Lawson stated that a proposed ordinance amending nuisance ordinance 8.12.030 has been drafted and would like a vote at next council meeting.
h) McElhaney reported that the curbing on Bank Street has been done.
XI. NEW BUSINESS: A golf cart parade will be held on Saturday Sept. 5.
XII. MAYOR COMMENTS: The city's 150th anniversary is coming up. An organization meeting will be held Thursday September 3 at 6:00 p.m. All residents are invited to attend. There is one year left on the city's aggregation agreement, but it may be possible to lower rates by amending the agreement. Mayor is looking into this. Regarding the property at 601 S. First Ave, OSHA trained people are required to remove the burned-out building. The wall of the Hoopeston Plumbing and Heating building will be pushed to get the debris out of the alley.
XIII. PUBLIC COMMENT: Bicyclists are not looking or stopping at intersections.
A suggestion was made to survey top of buildings downtown to see if roofs are damaged. The owner of Bzzzs Bar is due in court. Ideas about Halloween are needed. The Spooktacular is scheduled.
XV. ADJOURN: Ankenbrand moved to adjourn seconded by Yaden. Council adjourned at 8:27 p.m.