Village of Rantoul Board of Trustees met Aug. 21.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
A regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Rantoul was held at 6:00 P.M. President Smith called the proceeding to order.
Roll Call
The Village Clerk called the roll, finding the following members present:
President Smith and Trustees, Hall, Gamel, Wilkerson, Wilson, Johnson and Workman - 7.
The following representatives of Village Departments were also present: Scott Eisenhauer, Administrator; Greg Hazel, Public Works Director; Jake McCoy, Assistant Public Works Director and Elected Village Clerk Mike Graham.
Public Participation
John Killeen spoke about the importance of the Rantoul Airport.
Motion to approve Engineering Service Agreement No. 1 with Burns & McDonnell for the Taxiway E Reconstruction and Realignment project – Amendment cost - $45,565.41. Trustee Workman moved for approval and Trustee Hall seconded the motion.
The Clerk Called the Roll:
The Motion Carried by a Roll Call vote of 6 – 0.
Trustee Wilson moved to adjourn the meeting and Trustee Hall seconded the motion.
The Clerk called the Roll and the motion passed 6 – 0. Meeting Adjourned: 6:31 P.M.