Village of Rantoul Village Board of Trustees met Sept. 8.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call to Order – Mayor Charles Smith
Invocation – Pastor Chris King, United Pentecostal Church
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Public Participation
Citizens wishing to address the Village Board with respect to any item of business listed on the agenda or any matter not appearing on the agenda are asked to sign in with the Village Clerk prior to the meeting. Comments will be limited to three minutes for each speaker.
Section A – Consent Agenda
4. Approval of Consent Agenda by Omnibus Vote
All items under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted by a single motion and subsequent roll call vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Village Board member so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered as the first item after approval of the Consent Agenda.
A) Affirmation of the appointment of Crystal Wilson to the Citizen’s Advisory Committee for a term to expire in 2024
B) Minutes from Regular Study Session, August 4, 2020
C) Minutes from Regular Board Meeting, August 11, 2020
D) Minutes from Special Board Meeting, August 21, 2020
5. Approval of Any Items Removed from Consent Agenda
6. Motion to approve Bills and Monthly Financial Reports
Section B – Consideration of Bids, Contracts & Other Expenditures
7. Motion to authorize and approve purchase of a Vacuum Excavator through Vermeer Midwest
A. 2020 LP SDT Vacuum Excavator through Vermeer Midwest - $75,143.50
B. 2019 LP SDT Vacuum Excavator through Vermeer Midwest- $57,150.00
8. Motion to authorize a contract with Roessler Construction for new salt shed – $99,970.00 (Bid of $151,470.00 with $51,500.00 credit); purchase of building fabric from Calhoun Super Structure - $30,243.00; and Contingency of $13,000.00 – Total $143,213.00
9. Motion to authorize and approve amending Engineering Agreement with Donohue & Assoc. for the development of Phosphorus Removal Feasibility Study and Phosphorus Discharge Optimization Plan - $6,750.00
10. Motion to authorize and approve amending Engineering Agreement with Donohue & Assoc. for the West Plant Pretreatment Evaluation - $9,500.00
Section C – Consideration of Ordinances & Resolutions
Section D – New Business
Discussion of any items of new business not listed upon the formal agenda. No formal action will be taken on these items during this proceeding.
Section E – Public Announcements
Section F – Adjournment
12. Motion to Adjourn