
Chambana Sun

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Champaign County Board Finance/ Policy, Personnel, & Appointments/Justice & Social Services Committee Met August 11

Webp chairs

Champaign County Board Finance/ Policy, Personnel, & Appointments/Justice & Social Services Committee met Aug. 11.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

Members Present: Lorraine Cowart, Connie Dillard-Myers, Jodi Eisenmann, Aaron Esry, Cynthia Fears, Stephanie Fortado, Jim Goss, Stan Harper, Mike Ingram, Jim McGuire, Diane Michaels, Kyle Patterson, Jon Rector, Chris Stohr, Steve Summers, Leah Taylor, Eric Thorsland, James Tinsley, Jodi Wolken, Charles Young, Giraldo Rosales

Members Absent: Brad Clemmons

Others Present: Darlene Kloeppel (County Executive), Tami Ogden (Deputy Director of Finance), Isak Griffiths (Deputy Director of Administration), Megan Robison (Recording Secretary), Aaron Ammons (County Clerk), AJ Jimenez (Lead Tax Extension Specialist), George Danos (Auditor), Marisol Hughes (Treasurer), Alejandra Aguero (Chief Deputy Treasurer), Joel Palomaki (ERP Project Manager)

I. Call to Order

Chair Rosales called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m.

II. Roll Call

A verbal roll call was taken, and a quorum was declared present.

III. Approval of Agenda/Addenda

MOTION by Mr. Young to approve the agenda; seconded by Mr. Harper. Upon vote, the

MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

IV. Approval of Minutes

A. May 12, 2020

MOTION by Mr. Thorsland to approve the minutes of May 12, 2020; seconded by Mr. Stohr.

Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously. V. Public Participation

Lindsey Hall, Superintendent – Mahomet-Seymour School District, spoke about property tax disbursements. First, she thanked everyone for the timely disbursement of the first installment. Then she explained how a school employee called the Treasurer’s Office and was informed that the second installment would not be posted before June 30th (the end of the school’s fiscal year). Ms. Hall explained why this is a problem for school districts. She stressed how much the school districts need these payments in a timely manner.

John Bambenek is a local homeowner and explained how he has paid his property taxes, but the website does not reflect his payment and is showing that late fees have been assessed. He stated that other County residents have expressed the same issues. He asked the County Board, or County Recorder, to withhold property tax liens on homes until the property tax issues have been sorted out.

Dan Hudson, Owner – Hudson Farm Wedding and Events, expressed his desire for the County to allow business owners to re-open much quicker than the current schedule allows. He explained how this is impacting his business.

Annie Murray, Owner – Pear Tree Estate, explained how many of her clients are now going to other counties to hold events and how this is impacting her business and employees of many years. She requested that the County work to re-open faster than scheduled.

Ms. Fears joined the meeting during public participation.

VI. Presentations

A. Soil & Water Conservation District

Joe Rothermel, Champaign County Soil & Water Conservation Chairman, began by introducing himself and the other presenters:

Steve Stierwalt, Vice-Chairman

Renee Weitekamp, Administrative Coordinator

Erin Bush, Resource Conservationist

He stated the purpose of this presentation is to inform the County Board about the functions of the district and their funding. Mr. Rothermel stated that the SWCD is a local unit of government that was established in 1943, does not have any taxing authority and their top two priorities for FY2020 are soil erosion and water quality. He also showed where they receive funding for their daily operations, explaining that funding from the Department of Agriculture can be unreliable and funding from the County Board is very vital to keeping the office running. They also explained many of the programs where the District is involved, how County Board funding has assisted to return over $2 million back into the County, and their upcoming projects. The Board of Directors meets once a month in the evenings.

Ms. Cowart joined the meeting during the presentation. Mr. Young left the meeting during the presentation.

VII. Communications


VIII. Policy, Personnel, & Appointments

A. County Executive

1. Monthly HR Report – May 2020

Received and placed on file

2. Appointments/Reappointments (persons to be appointed distributed at the meeting) Applicants (italics indicates incumbent):

a. Drainage District #2 Town of Scott – 1 position – unexpired term ending 8/31/2022

• Larry Zahnd

MOTION by Mr. Harper to recommend County Board approval of a resolution appointing Larry Zahnd to Drainage District #2 Town of Scott; seconded by Mr. Goss. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

b. Eastern Illinois Economic Development Authority Board – 1 position – unexpired term ending 1/22/2025

• Dale Crane

MOTION by Mr. Goss to recommend County Board approval of a resolution appointing Dale Crane to the Eastern Illinois Economic Development Authority Board; seconded by Ms. Michaels. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

c. Bailey Memorial Cemetery Association – 4 positions – term 7/1/2020-6/30/2026

• Gary Fisher

• Thomas Barnhart

• Michael J. Freese, Jr.

MOTION by Ms. Cowart to recommend County Board approval of a resolution appointing Gary Fisher, Thomas Barnhart and Michael J. Freese, Jr. to the Bailey Memorial Cemetery Association; seconded by Mr. Esry. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

d. Prairie View Cemetery Association – 3 positions – term 7/1/2020-6/30/2026

• Pamela Carpenter • Marc Shaw

• Clark Wise

MOTION by Mr. McGuire to recommend County Board approval of a resolution appointing Pamela Carpenter, Marc Shaw and Clark Wise to the Prairie View Cemetery Association; seconded by Ms. Wolken. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

e. Mt. Olive Cemetery Association – 3 positions – term 7/1/2020-6/30/2026

• David McCormick

MOTION by Ms. Wolken to recommend County Board approval of a resolution appointing David McCormick to the Mt. Olive Cemetery Association; seconded by Ms. Cowart. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

f. Yearsley Cemetery Association – 1 position – term 7/1/2020-6/30/2026

• Phillip Roy Nigg

MOTION by Ms. Michaels to recommend County Board approval of a resolution appointing Phillip Roy Nigg to the Yearsley Cemetery Association; seconded by Ms. Wolken. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

g. Champaign County Board of Health – 2 positions – term 7/1/2020-6/30/2023

• John Peterson

MOTION by Ms. Taylor to recommend County Board approval of a resolution appointing John Peterson to the Champaign County Board of Health; seconded by Ms. Cowart. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

h. Champaign County Forest Preserve District – 1 position – term 7/1/2020-6/30/2025

• Andrew Kerins

• Brendan McGinty

MOTION by Mr. Thorsland to recommend County Board approval of a resolution appointing Andrew Kerins to the Champaign County Forest Preserve District; seconded by Ms. Taylor. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

i. Sangamon Valley Public Water District - 1 position – unexpired term ending 5/31/2025

• Frank Howard

• Michelle Grindley

MOTION by Mr. Goss to recommend County Board approval of a resolution appointing Michelle Grindley to the Sangamon Valley Public Water District; seconded by Mr. Rosales. Discussion followed. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED.

B. County Clerk

1. May 2020 Report

Received and placed on file – Discussion followed regarding the tax cycle and the Rantoul TIF District issues. Mr. Ammons stated the County Clerk is not legally responsible to track TIF districts for any levying bodies.

C. Other Business


D. Chair’s Report

1. County Executive appointments expiring July 2020 (information only)

a. Champaign County Housing Authority – 1 position – term 8/1/2020-7/31/2025 2. Currently vacant appointments made by the County Executive

Upcoming and current vacancies mentioned

E. Designation of Items to be Placed on the Consent Agenda VIII. 2. a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h

IX. Justice and Social Services

A. Monthly Reports

• Probation & Court Services – April 2020 • Public Defender – April & May 2020

Received and placed on file

B. Rosecrance Re-Entry Financial Report – April 2020

Information only

C. Other Business


D. Chair’s Report

Mr. Patterson made a statement about the current events that have been occurring throughout the nation.

He asked that everyone take a step back and listen to what others have to say.

E. Designation of Items to be Placed on the Consent Agenda


X. Finance

A. Budget Amendments/Transfers

1. Budget Amendment 20-00022

Fund 080 General Corporate / Dept 075 General County

Increased appropriations: $4,095

Increased revenue: $-530,637

Reason: Court-ordered refund Carle Foundation Property Tax Exemption Case recorded as a reduction of property tax revenues, and post-judgment interest costs recorded as increased expenditure.

2. Budget Amendment 20-00023

Fund 080 General Corporate / Dept 017 Cooperative Extension Srv

Increased appropriations: $146

Increased revenue: $-18,895

Reason: Court-ordered refund Carle Foundation Property Tax Exemption Case recorded as a reduction of property tax revenues, and post-judgment interest costs recorded as increased expenditure.

3. Budget Amendment 20-00024

Fund 088 Ill Municipal Retirement / Dept 073 Ill Municipal Retirement

Increased appropriations: $866

Increased revenue: $-112,132

Reason: Court-ordered refund Carle Foundation Property Tax Exemption Case recorded as a reduction of property tax revenues, and post-judgment interest costs recorded as increased expenditure.

4. Budget Amendment 20-00025

Fund 089 County Public Health Fund / Dept 049 Board of Health

Increased appropriations: $420

Increased revenue: $-54,389

Reason: Court-ordered refund Carle Foundation Property Tax Exemption Case recorded as a reduction of property tax revenues, and post-judgment interest costs recorded as increased expenditure.

5. Budget Amendment 20-00027

Fund 076 Tort Immunity Tax Fund / Dept 075 General County

Increased appropriations: $824

Increased revenue: $-106,658

Reason: Court-ordered refund Carle Foundation Property Tax Exemption Case recorded as a reduction of property tax revenues, and post-judgment interest costs recorded as increased expenditure.

6. Budget Amendment 20-00030

Fund 188 Social Security Fund / Dept 075 General County

Increased appropriations: $716

Increased revenue: $-92,707

Reason: Court-ordered refund Carle Foundation Property Tax Exemption Case recorded as a reduction of property tax revenues, and post-judgment interest costs recorded as increased expenditure.

7. Budget Amendment 20-00031

Fund 090 Mental Health / Dept 053 Mental Health Board

Increased appropriations: $1,648

Increased revenue: $-213,491

Reason: Court-ordered refund Carle Foundation Property Tax Exemption Case recorded as a reduction of property tax revenues, and post-judgment interest costs recorded as increased expenditure.

8. Budget Amendment 20-00032

Fund 108 Developmental Disability Fund / Dept 050 Developmental Disability Board

Increased appropriations: $1,363

Increased revenue: $-176,585

Reason: Court-ordered refund Carle Foundation Property Tax Exemption Case recorded as a reduction of property tax revenues, and post-judgment interest costs recorded as increased expenditure.

9. Budget Amendment 20-00026

Fund 083 County Highway / Dept 060 Highway

Increased appropriations: $884

Increased revenue: $-114,427

Reason: Court-ordered refund Carle Foundation Property Tax Exemption Case recorded as a reduction of property tax revenues, and post-judgment interest costs recorded as increased expenditure.

10. Budget Amendment 20-00028

Fund 084 County Bridge / Dept 060 Highway

Increased appropriations: $443

Increased revenue: $-57,390

Reason: Court-ordered refund Carle Foundation Property Tax Exemption Case recorded as a reduction of property tax revenues, and post-judgment interest costs recorded as increased expenditure.

11. Budget Amendment 20-00029

Fund 103 Hwy Fed Aid Matching Fund / Dept 060 Highway

Increased appropriations: $36

Increased revenue: $-4,592

Reason: Court-ordered refund Carle Foundation Property Tax Exemption Case recorded as a reduction of property tax revenues, and post-judgment interest costs recorded as increased expenditure.

OMNIBUS MOTION by Ms. Fortado to recommend County Board approval of resolutions authorizing budget amendments 20-00022, 20-00023, 20-00024, 20-00025, 20-00027, 20-00030, 20-00031, 20-00032, 20-00026, 20-00028 and 20-00029; seconded by Mr. Summers. Discussion followed. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

12. Budget Amendment 20-00033

Fund 104 Early Childhood Fund / Dept 876 EHS Exp Cares Increased appropriations: $80,000

Increased revenue: $80,000

Reason: Please see attached memo

MOTION by Mr. Ingram to recommend County Board approval of a resolution authorizing budget amendment 20-00033; seconded by Mr. Rosales. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

13. Budget Amendment 20-00034

Fund 104 Early Childhood Fund / Dept 875 HS-EHS Cares Increased appropriations: $507,000

Increased revenue: $507,000

Reason: Please see attached memo

MOTION by Ms. Cowart to recommend County Board approval of a resolution authorizing budget amendment 20-00034; seconded by Ms. Fears. Discussion followed. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED unanimously.

B. Treasurer

1. Monthly Report – 1st Distribution Settlement Report

Received and placed on file – Ms. Hughes read the memo that she provided to the Board members and Ms. Aguero explained the current processes and difficulties. Discussion followed regarding some suggestions for the public website issues. They stated their current timeline is approximately two weeks to completely process the property tax payments.

Mr. Harper left meeting at 8:10 p.m.

C. Auditor

1. Monthly Report – May 2020

Received and placed on file

D. County Executive

1. Update on ERP selection process

Mr. Palomaki spoke about replacing the current finance, HR and payroll systems. The County received seven proposals, they chose three finalists for demos and they are recommending the Tyler Technology Munis ERP System. Discussion followed regarding the current users of this system, how it will be supported and the annual fees.

2. FY2020 General Fund Budget Projection Report

Ms. Ogden presented her budget projection updates. She explained there are many assumptions being made with the impact from COVID-19 and the revenue streams that have not been posted. She focused on the major categories and the variances in each. Discussions between the County Executive and Department Heads are occurring regarding ways to mitigate loses for FY2020.

E. Other Business None

F. Chair’s Report None

G. Designation of Items to be Placed on the Consent Agenda

X. A. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

XI. Other Business

Mr. Ingram mentioned the current marches and presentations that are happening locally. He asked that County Board Members support the efforts and make sure the voices are heard.

Mr. Ammons resumed his conversation about the Rantoul TIF District issues. He asked that County Board members, in this district, express their concerns to the school district.

XII. Adjournment

Chair Rosales adjourned the meeting at 9:14 p.m.




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