
Chambana Sun

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Champaign County Board Facilities Committee Met June 2

Webp meeting909

Champaign County Board Facilities Committee met June 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

Committee Members

Present: Steve Summers, Jon Rector, Charles Young, Jodi Wolken, Mike Ingram, James Tinsley

Absent: Stan Harper

County Staff: Dana Brenner (Facilities Director), Dan Busey (Recording Clerk)

Others Present: Sherriff Heuerman, County Executive Kloeppel


I. Call to Order and Roll Call

Vice Committee Chair Steve Summers called the meeting to order at 6:31 pm.

II. Approval of Agenda/Addenda

Moved by Mr. Rector to approve the agenda; seconded by Ms. Wolken. Upon Vote, the

Motion Carried Unanimously.

III. Approval of Minutes – May 5, 2020

MOVED by Mr. Ingram to approve the minutes; seconded by Mr. Rector. Upon vote, the Motion Carried Unanimously.

IV. Public Participation

There was no participation by the public.

V. Communications

There were no communications from the Committee Members.

VI. New Business

A. Discussion on the Closure of the Downtown Sheriff’s Office and Jail

Sheriff Heuerman spoke to the fact that the problems with the Downtown Jail still remain as a solution was not met. The Sheriff has been working with the Facilities Director on alternatives and a cost benefit analysis of possible options. Discussion of housing inmates out of county with the added complications of COVID 19 ensued. Mr. Brenner, Facilities Director, referenced two documents included in Committee Member’s packets. First being a nine year old Engineering Report of the Sheriff’s Office and the Downtown Jail by GHR Engineering. The report included, history, changes to the building, and issues with the facility. Mr. Brenner went on to speak about the current issues with the building that still remain today. Mr. Brenner gave a rough estimate of what the issues would cost to repair the existing structure. The second document gave four decision points on how to move forward with the closure of the jail to which MR. Brenner spoke to. Discussion of rental space was touched on for the Sheriff’s Offices specifically along with certain mandatory features that would need to be built. Mr. Brenner said that long term staying in the current facility is not feasible. Mr. Summers, Vice Chair, asked the Committee for input for moving forward based on the current revenue restraints and also spoke about variables that may affect the prison population.

B. Update on ITB#2020-001 METCAD HVAC Replacement Project

Mr. Brenner delivered an update on the METCAD HVAC Replacement Project. Included in the Committee Members packets: Meeting Minutes from the construction management meeting and project pictures. Mr. Brenner stated that work is about seventy percent completed. Alpha controls still needs to come in and do their temperature control work, which is expected to be done by the end of the week. Mr. Brenner stated that the even though it is a difficult project, being that it is a twenty four hour facility, United Mechanical was a delight to work with.

C. Update on ITB #2020 002 Courthouse & JDC Video Security Replacement Project

Mr. Brenner gave an update on the Courthouse & JDC Video Security Replacement Project. At the Courthouse most of the wiring is in place and the cameras arrived last week along with other equipment. Over the next two weeks cameras will be placed in Courtrooms before Court cases resume. JDC is still on hold and work will begin within the month. A preconstruction meeting Keith Willis, Juvenile Detention Center Superintendent, and Johnson Controls has been scheduled. In said meeting there will be a discussion of ground rules like wearing masks and taking temperatures as JDC is COVID free.

D. Update on 5-year Elevator Contract for Service

Mr. Brenner gave an update on the 5-year Elevator Contract for Service. The Committee Members were provided an expense report for 2019 of KONE the current providers, along with State required inspections. Mr. Brenner sought out a more reliable provider, one that could arrive within twenty four hours of a service call. A service that is particularly important for the public and judicial elevators at the Courthouse. Mr. Brenner talked with three separate companies: KONE, Theyssenkrupp, and Otis. Mr. Brenner provided Committee Members with a pricing information breakdown. Otis Elevator out of Peoria, with a technician in Champaign, offered the lowest price at $27,150. Mr. Brenner stated he felt good about the quality of all three companies which lead him to make a price driven decision. Mr. Summers inquired if this was an issue that needed to bring to the full board, since it was under thirty thousand it is not required. Mr. Ingram asked about a specific judicial elevator that needed some work that effected the pricing breakdown. Mr. Brenner replied that KONE was responsible for this work before their contract was up. If the work did not meet Theyssenkrupp’s specs it would have effected their pricing if chosen. Ms. Taylor asked about the Elevator at ILEAS that has been dormant for five years. Mr. Brenner explained that this has not been worked on or used due to the state of the building. Champaign County Facilities have 12 elevators and one dumbwaiter.

E. Update on security glass and screens for countertops in County Buildings

Mr. Brenner gave an update on the security glass and screens for countertops in County Buildings required due to COVID 19. Two buildings, Brookens and the Courthouse, are being worked on. Mr. Brenner met with two glass companies and went with Bacon & VanBuskirk to provide the service. Glass partitions are being placed were employees have interaction with the public as well as in Courtrooms. The glass is tempered safety glass that provides safety from spreading sickness as well as security in general. All work should be done by the middle of June at the latest. Mr. Rector asked if the demand on the glass companies with the current state of affairs would delay the work. Mr. Brenner said that all glass companies are busy but it should not interfere with this process.

VII. Other Business

Mr. Tinsley asked Mr. Brenner if there were any reports of property damage to any Champaign County Facilities in the past week. Mr. Brenner stated that there had not been.

VIII. Presiding Officer’s Report

A. Future Meeting – Tuesday, August 4, 2020 @ 6:30pm

IX. Designation of Items to be Placed on the Consent Agenda


X. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 7:05 pm.
