Champaign County Board Facilities Committee met March 3.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
Committee Chair Stan Harper called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm
II. Approval of Agenda/Addenda
MOVED by Ms. Taylor to approve the agenda; seconded by Mr. Ingram. Upon Vote, the Motion Carried Unanimously.
III. Approval of Minutes – February 4, 2019
MOVED by Ms. Taylor to approve the minutes; seconded by Mr. Rector with corrections. Upon vote, the Motion Carried Unanimously.
IV. Public Participation
Dottie Vura-Weis spoke about the number of admissions and length of stays at the jail and her opposition to the Satellite Jail and Sheriff’s Office Consolidation. Danielle Chynoweth outlined some of the pieces of the 2016 Jail Study along with the current study and her belief that it is not necessary. Jane McClintock addressed the board about jail population projections. Ben Joselyn spoke about the County’s resources and alternatives to the Consolidation of the Sheriff’s Office and Satellite Jail. A. Naomi Paik said she is opposed to the Consolidation of the Sheriff’s Office and Satellite Jail and listed alternative uses of the funds that would be required to build it. Bobbi Trist recommended alternatives to jails for mental health programing. Marisa Natale commented on the Consolidation of the Sheriff’s Office and Satellite Jail and gave alternative uses for the money it would take to fund the project.
V. Communications
Committee Member Young thanked the public for coming out and for their input.
VI. New Business
A. Discussion of Satellite Jail and Sheriff’s Office Consolidation
Mr. Brenner, Facilities Director, explained that the Master Plan Update Consolidation Priorities and Cost Estimate included in Committee Members packets. Mr. Brenner then introduced Chuck Riefsteck of Riefsteck Reid. Mr. Riefsteck delivered a breakdown of the Master Plan Update Consolidation Priorities and Cost Estimate. Mr. Ingram questioned whether the relocation of I.T. to the Sheriff’s Building had been addressed by the Committee before. Mr. Brenner noted that it had been addressed at a previous meeting and the purpose was to find costs of relocating the I.T. department. Mr. McGuire, Board Member, asked about the costs of delaying the project. Mr. Riefsteck noted that compound costs are roughly four percent per year. Mr. McGuire asked about the costs of repairing and leaving open the current downtown jail. Mr. Riefsteck noted that it had been looked at in the past and the costs would be greater than consolidation. Discussion about the timeline and the cost of delaying the transition ensued. Mr. Ingram proposed using the space that the county already has to provide office space to the Sheriff or other departments. Mr. Harper spoke to the history of the inability to house inmates out of county and the lack of useable County Property to be used as office space. Mr. Summers encouraged Riefsteck Reid to reach out to the Sheriff to get more data to look at about this decision. Mr. Summers went on to say that there needs to be a solution to close the Downtown Jail safely. Mr. Esry, Board Member, spoke about the inability to house inmates out of the county and the necessity to segregate inmates in custody. Mr. Esry then asked Mr. Brenner about the lack of ADA compatibility at the Downtown Jail and when the lack of compliance would become an issue. Mr. Brenner noted that the Department of Justice had been notified of the County’s intent, but at some point the Downtown Jail would need comply or be shut down. Discussion of ADA Compatibility issues that cannot currently be met ensued. Mr. Summers urged that a proposed quarter cent Public Safety Sales Tax could be the most feasible way to procure funds but mentioned the limitations thereof. Mr. McGuire spoke to the actual lack of useable existing space and the benefit of the new proposed space to provide more resources for inmates. Discussion about space for outside programing continued. Mr. Harper spoke about the need for Mental Health Facilities and organizations within the community that can be involved in starting the process. Mr. Harper spoke to the need to move forward on construction due to the state of the current Downtown Jail. Sheriff Heureman spoke about community needs, and his role as Sheriff. The Sheriff’s role being to meet the needs of his department if the Downtown Jail was closed immediately. Captain Voges elaborated on the needs of the Sheriff’s Department and asked anyone to reach out who may have questions. Mr. McGuire questioned the impact of bail reform on failure to appear in court, which can create more inmates. Discussion followed about funding, community involvement, and programs. Mr. Rector addressed the shortcomings of the Downtown Jail and the risks involved of delaying moving forward with consolidation. Mr. Rector elaborated on the member’s role to maintain quality of life and safety for everyone incarcerated and working in the jail. Mr. Summers talked about other avenues for mental health and re-entry but did stress that this is the Facilities Committee and the committee’s role in regard to structures. Mr. Harper thanked everyone involved for their input in the discussion. i. Master Plan Update Consolidation Priorities and Cost Estimate ii. Public Safety Master Plan Update Drawing
B. Update on ITB#2020-001 METCAD HVAC Replacement Project
Mr. Brenner gave an update on the project that was bid out in December 2019. Mr. Brenner went over the schedule of the project through the end of June 2020.
C. Update on ITB #2020 002 Courthouse & JDC Video Security Replacement Project
Mr. Brenner gave an update on the joint project with probation and a timeline of the preconstruction meetings.
D. Update on ITB#2019-003 Courthouse Column Base Modification Project
Mr. Brenner gave an update on the project explaining that it was put on brief hold. Work will resume March 9th in the evenings and the schedule is tentative.
VII. Other Business
Mr. Harper once again stressed the need to bring an action item to the full board. Mr. Brenner spoke to the comments about unused space in county buildings assuring everyone that this is not the case and offered tours of any county Facility to see how space is being utilized. Mr. Brenner also informed the committee of the 11 year deferred Maintenance Plan that is in place.
VIII. Presiding Officer’s Report
A. Future Meeting – Tuesday, April 7, 2020 @ 6:30pm
IX. Designation of Items to be Placed on the Consent Agenda
X. Adjournment